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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. I agree. I am COMPLETELY fine with Trump stating 'everybody needs to pay up, or there wont be a dime from the US.' The first 50 years of the 20th century resulted in NATO as a means to preventing another World War on the continent. Destroying NATO will only guarantee that situation, not prevent it. Our interests in the early 20th century dragged us into two world wars and it'll happen again if we're not careful. I'm wanting to deny Russia the oxygen for the fire they want to start so we don't have to put it out at great expense later. I believe in a pro-active foreign diplomacy. Further, I do not, and will not, question America's right to dictate world events. I believe we've earned that. Who said that? Lord knows I never will, despite the fact Churchill did go liberal for a brief time (even though his views never went liberal).
  2. “invading” — no. Asking if they’d like our help dealing with these separatists that Putin assured us in no way are his people, yes. I advocate for that. Let’s ask the Ukraine if they’d like some air squadrons and armored divisions to help secure their borders. That’s what I advocate for. I advocate for pressuring NATO to sever all economic ties with Russia. I advocate for a strong Naval presence in the Black Sea. Joe, you logic isn’t bad. And I’d agree with it but for the costly lessons of the first half of the 20th century. I do NOT want a war. Churchill didn’t want WWII in the 30’s. He wanted to stop it by castrating Germany during their rearmament. What I advocate for is to keep the peace by doing everything we can to keep the Russians in check. Understand Putin. Putin is as Russia as Russia. He’s the embodiment of that country. Does that mean he’s evil? Not really. But he’s willing to do anything like Stallin was to reach the greatness he envisions for Russia. IMO, Putin wants the territory of the old Soviet bloc back. And does he have a point? Kinda. Russia paid for that territory with blood when pushing the Nazis back. I get why he wants what he wants. But we mustn’t let him have it. Inaction on is a greater risk than action. The action I propose is prevention.
  3. You're NOT wrong there. It sickens me. Iraq's oil is ours by conquest. The mineral resources of Afghanistan are ours by right of conquest. I look at history too. Hiding from the boogeyman under the blankets doesn't work. Killing the boogeyman does work. What's even better though, is out strategising your opponent. I advocate for forcing Russia to capitulate in hopes that a war will be averted. I don't want a war with Russia. But I won't run from it. That will only give Russia time to secure resources and it will only delay necessary action in a manner that benefits the Russians.
  4. Ok, first, Iraq wasn't impossible, I know because I was there and participated in it. Second, Russia does NOT have a first rate Army. They can't afford one. They have crack special ops and such. But theirs is not as good as ours, and they don't have the ability to sustain a war with us. When you look at the balance sheet, the odds are in our favor. Provided we act before a solid Russo-Chinese alliance gets going. Third, the nuclear option is unlikely. History substantiates that when you consider the cold war thingy, which was hot for much of its duration via proxies, it is unlikely. Fourth, APPEASEMENT, you jackass, is exactly what started WWII. So you can take your gutless Chamberlainesque white flag politics and shove 'em up your gutless ass. Fifth, this is what Winston meant when he said he was in the wilderness. All off by himself. Sixth, the idea of divisions in the Ukraine isn't to ignite a war, it's to prevent one. See doctrine in Europe post VE day.
  5. Well since you put it so convincingly, I retract my idea. After all, I don't want to be labeled a buffoon. God that would be stupid of us to stop Russian territorial acquisition. It's funny how Trump has turned conservative into capitulating pussies. Actually, it's rather sad now that I think of it. Trump is cowing the last of the American men. Sad.
  6. I type using my Appalachian accent when angry. However, I’m quite sure you can decipher my meaning.
  7. At the end of the day, Trump is a draft-dodging, peodophile. He’s an unlearned retard who’s degree can only be attributed to daddy’s deep pockets. He’s a white trash Kardashian and nothing more. He ain’t no Winston Churchill.
  8. Hows about we’re the United States and we honor our treaties. Hows about isolationism is a failed policy and doesn’t work. Hows about we were sucked into two world wars that we tried to stay out of and it didn’t work because we have interests at stake. Hows about you go read Churchill during the 30’s when nobody would listen to him. He said ‘we gotta stop this now or it’ll be a bigger nightmare when it gets to our door.’ Trump has turned conservatives into cowards is what it’s looking like to me. The best way to prevent a war is by putting divisions in the Ukraine, driving out the “rebels,” and demonstrating that we ain’t scared of commie bitches. And thems some bitches.
  9. If we’re treaty bound, yes. Also, Czechoslovakia is how these things start. Yes. You draw a line in the sand. You fight them in the air and on the beaches and all that.
  10. Yes. Yes I do. I also think your question is immaterial and cowardly (not to imply you are). We HONOR our treaties and alliances. Trumps a coward. But I ain’t.
  11. I must say I’m giving some SERIOUS sideye to Trumps comments on Montenegro. AN ATTACK ON ONE IS AN ATTACK ON ALL. If Trump thinks he’s gonna change that staple of our foreign policy then it’s time for the pitchforks and torches.
  12. Regardless of guilt, Shady's on the back 9 of his career, and the probably have him on the board of players to be replaced after the year.
  13. I’m giving Shady side-eye, but that’s it as of yet. If he had a hand in this he ought be done and should face time.
  14. When I was a recruiter in the army I had a boss who was an army commo guy. Before he was a recruiter he had the coolest job ever. He was stationed at Camp David, and worked for Clinton, then W. He overheard a lot of conversations between W and Tony Blair. He heard everything. He wouldn’t tell me anything specific because he wouldn’t, and I wouldn’t expect him too, but he echoed what you said. He heard a lot of funny/interesting things, but never a smoking gun anything truly dramatic. Lota funny stories though.
  15. I left WNY when I was 10. It's my belief as a southerner that y'all Yankee folk is all true blue democrat. What is WNY? Is it a conservative bubble surrounded by "Marthas Vineyard liberals?"
  16. Which is why being a transvestite is now the greatest thing ever according to liberals. Because if you even so much as state you don't want a transvestite in the bathroom with your daughter...well, that makes you a Nazi.
  17. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/trump-obama-kim-kardashian-hit-twitter-purge-201025317.html So Twitter is getting rid of the bogus accounts. I was amazed during the election at all the people I'd see on social media with Hillary profile pics, and things of the sort. You'd click on them and there'd be like 4 pictures, 17 friends / followers (depending on the platform) and these bogus accounts were VOCAL. Liberals did this to convince the masses that they're the majority because people have long followed the idea that it's better to be with the many than the few. Social media is very liberal as it is. I work in construction. My contemporaries do not have Twitter accounts. It's not what they do. And they're the salt of the earth kinda guys that make this country great. Anyways, look at how many followers Trump lost compared to Obama. It seems that liberal accounts are as fake as liberals themselves.
  18. 1. Huey 2. Dewey 3. Louie Those guys were the best.
  19. Gays are far more likely to be Elagabalus than Hadrian. ‘Nuff said. End of topic.
  20. Most likely they’re not grunts though. Most people in the military aren’t “fighters.” Only ONE demographic stands out for combat guys. Only one.
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