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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. That political cartoon is funny. But it’s revisionist history. That’s NOT why democrats were pissed at Bush. It wasn’t for “relying” on intel....it was for manufacturing the intelligence to say what he wanted it to say. His daddy did the same thing with the whole ‘they’re killing babies’ thing.
  2. Oh. My. God. Who do I have to slap? Sam Austin was a great man worthy of being remembered. What people NEED to understand is that you judge men according to the times in which they lived. In Austin’s time, slavery was ok. It was legal. The conventional thought was that it was ethical. Why dont we just get rid of George Washington too?
  3. What a great man. Thank you for your service, Marv!
  4. I’m a huge Mahomes believer. So what? He’s having camp struggles in the first week.
  5. I believe in assessing each QB by their own merits and abilities. I don’t believe there is one right way.
  6. Josh Allen is a good kid. I don’t care what got on his Twitter.
  7. ....y'all do know that if Tom Brady wanted he could shred abs on a magazine cover in 2 weeks, right? Probably a couple days. Cut water. I see a dude in his 40's that's in phenomenal shape. He's a QB, not a LB. Aaron Rodgers isn't Hulkamania, but he's an athlete like Brady. Now, if we wanna make fun of Brady there's always the water slide pic in which he looks quite gay. Shame him for that. By the way, how can you call the dude out when you consider what he's toting around in that picture?
  8. My mood, and target audience dictates my grammar or lack thereof. The first sample is easy to understand, and to the point. Not sure how that constitutes as a gem. Now, in the second sample my redneck comes out. I can literally fit in anywhere. I'm 50% country club, 50% redneck. I can be a combination of both, or one or the other based on my surroundings. When I'm talking to my employees I opt for 'redneck Dude' as that's the language of the layman. If I talked above that they wouldn't understand me. When I'm in a business meeting as the potential investor I leave the other side guessing as to my wherewithal by saying nothing that would give away my education or socioeconomic's. When I'm doing the pitch, out come the multi-syllabic words, and acronyms because I'm really selling myself. I'm a chameleon in public....blah, blah, blah, I write as I talk. Most people do. That makes me a little happy. I'd put an armored division there, and at least one air squadron. I know most of you disagree, but my thought is to escalate a stand down, not a war. Everything isn't apples-to-apples, and this is a different time and different men. But I approach this as if I had the ability to go back to 1930, how I would stop WWII. I proactively stop Germany's rearmament. In this situation what I'm advocating for is putting Putin in a situation where it's 'back down' or war with the United States. I think this is the best course of action because an economically stronger Russia is not to our national defense interests. If we deny Russia the resources that annexing territory would provide them, that is to our best interests. Maintaining NATO is to our interests. But, you'll hate what I'm saying if you're an isolationist. But isolationism is as proven of a failed product as communism so lets not go down that road. Plus, I view it as our right to dictate world events when we feel so inclined. Why? Well, I believe in American Supremacy. Why have we become the greatest country on earth in such a short time? Answer: We're better than them.
  9. Que the drums! I'm an idiot from Buffoon U! Whoa, sure it wasn't Clown U? I mean have ya checked my transcripts? Could be Clown U? Boy would you feel silly.
  10. I believe in slaughtering savages over spilling precious American blood.
  11. We coulda used MacArthurs Korea strategy and nuked the Ho Chi Minh trail. We could have turned it into a radioactive barrier that would have cut off the NVA with significantly less collateral damage. That was an unused option. Whoa fella, I’ll never get up after that one. Clemency? Please?
  12. 1. Sarcasm. Do you know what LMFAO means? 2. Yeah — and they know we’re a benevolent people. 3. YOU THINK YOU KNOW BUT YOU DONT. The available evidence suggests that Churchill ordered the terror bombings as a means of trying to invoke an in kind response from Hitler. And he got it. The Battle of Britain then turned into the “blitz.” The RAF was almost fought out. German bombers were destroying airfields faster than Britain could repair them. The RAF was estimated to have 2 weeks worth of fight left in them. In order to continue the fight Churchill made the admirable decision to instigate Hitler into attacking his people over his Air Force so they could continue the fight. And did Churchill hide in his bunker during the blitz? No. He went to watch the “fireworks” at night. 4. I support the idea of containment like how I supported the concepts of the initial bolsheviks. They didn’t know it wasn’t gonna work then. Hindsight is 20-20 so to properly gauge the thinking at the time one must ignore future results as that evidence wasn’t available to the people at the time. The strategy was sound as is the concept that a wars reason for initiation is immaterial once the war commences. Iraq and Afghanistan are a result of gutless Americans quitting in Vietnam. Also, Reagan’s inaction after the lunchtime slaughter of 200 marines gives the enemy hope. 5. John McCain is an American hero. How dare you criticize his war record in an attempt to defend a douchebag that didn’t go. 6. i don’t care what you think.
  13. Idiot? No. Am I an extremist? Yeah. Kinda. A little. By all means, Tom, let me know where I’m wrong. Its a great idea. That war was lost by liberals at home. We didn’t even need to lose 50,000 men. We could have ended it quickly but there were liberal cowards scared of the Russian response if we nuked Hanoi.
  14. https://thinkprogress.org/trump-beauty-pageants-naked-2dc4b6c6d507/ i could hunt for others that come from significantly less biased sources, but this one works fine.
  15. Trump has virtue, lmfao. As as an academically trained historian I could write, academically, “the available eveidence suggests that Trump is a draft-dodging, pedophile.” I could write that in an academic paper and source it. Trump Nation says the man has virtue.
  16. 1. Trump is virtueless. 2. Germany and Japan don’t have large armies due to our telling them that. 3. It was a good plan, you’re an idiot, and no he’s not a war criminal. The plan was sound, the execution wasn’t. Churchill wasn’t responsible for the execution. And Churchill resigned as Lord of the Admitalty after and got in the trenches. If you want to slanderize Churchill I suggest you use his time while he served as the exchequer. 4. Your simple analysis of the Vietnam War is most likely thanks to a Ken Burns documentary. Your Vietnam point is still not a point. Ok. 50,000 soldiers died. The tragedy of their deaths is we didn’t win the war they were winning. 5. John McCain is a man of honor and he fought and was tortured for this country. You’re just an insignificant person with the internet. 6. I own maps and study warfare daily. I’m good buddy. I’d respond but that is a jumble of nonsense.
  17. 1. It is acceptable to amend and diplomatically leave treaties. However, it is not acceptable to not honor them while they exist. Additionally, there’s ample reason to believe Russia is pulling Trumps chain on these deals. 2. 1, Switzerland is an interesting study and I guess one of the reasons is geography for obvious reasons. Additionally it is a unique part of Swiss culture. Japan and Germany however are far different. First, hardly are they isolationists. Both have robust economies which confirms their global relivence. Influence is far more than military might. China on the other hand — my god, man — part of China’s deal is that it’s no longer an isolated nation. Yeah, they’ve been a bit brash lately with their construction projects lately. And, China had to abandon its isolationist stance in order to become the power that it now unfortunately is. 3. I’m quite familiar with Chuck having read his biography thanks to an extensive paper I penned on Chuchill. Further, the thinking of the time of containment was reasonable all things considered, and we should have won that war. And we could have. 4. You say the SWEETEST things. Oh my god, thank you! That is just...thank you so much. I’d prefer Mattis, but I’ll take McRage. 5. Russia isn’t attacking American forces. They’ll buzz our planes but they won’t attack our conventional forces. Have you all forgotten 45-early 90’s? We played this game and won, once. Russia played dead, pretended that authoritarian rule was dead for like 24-hrs, and now we have whatever kinda Oligarchical nightmare that it is because we relented. And being that we won with calculated strength and preparedness last time, some of you “patriotic” people from Trump Army think the thing to do is appease them. Yeah, the bully doesn’t want us...just the little kid with asthma. That’s as valiant as it is smart.
  18. I'm not sure SCOTUS nominees have anything to do with my point about weighing douchebag against douchebag.
  19. It don't do you much good not havin Hitler as your leader, if your leader is Stalin. Just sayin. By no means am I comparing the quads politics, just their douchebagness.
  20. Shaq is a sunk cost and all we can do is hope for the best because I'm not sure he's salvageable for more than a 4th. But then, I never thought we'd see a 3 for Tyrod.
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