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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. If you wanna post 1000 links that nobody will click on, on a message board, PLEASE do not let me stop you.
  2. First, no. That’s nonsense. Are there liberal news agencies? Sure. Are they biased? Sure. But we Americans have a way of protecting the rights of the press, and all true Americans agree that the media should be free of government control. Save me the FCC bs.
  3. I know a lot of Trump supporters, and they refer to the media as ‘enemy.’ So, yeah, I believe the poll is reflective of the current state of the “conservative” movement. Yup.
  4. Yes, you’ll always find me to be a stickler for the 1st amendment. I’m an “American.” That’s why.
  5. https://www.thedailybeast.com/new-poll-43-of-republicans-want-to-give-trump-the-power-to-shut-down-media Wow. Wow. Republicans are wearing “Id rather be Russian than a Democrat” shirts and nearly half want to destroy the first amendment. Wow. I’m in awe at how stupid and unAmerican 43% of Republicans are.
  6. Yes. You unlearned, agrarian, hillbillies embarrass the crap out of me. My god, I know there’s NOTHING to do in WNY, but people just ramp up their stupid before going in to the Ralph. Seriously, we’re loyal fans, but we’re pretty trashy if you look at it unbiasly.
  7. Sir, you’ll find no disagreement there. The only thing I stray from within conservative doctrine is universal healthcare.
  8. My moms a teacher at a private school. A very EXPENSIVE private school. How expensive? Well, she taught Kenny Rogers twin boys, and lots of Falcons players kids attend. To me, the weird thing is my mom took a pay cut to go work at the private school. Weird. I thought they’d get paid more....anyways, she did it because she could just not work for government operated schools anymore.
  9. Its economics? Oh my. Well, I’d like to see how she plans to pay for everything she wants. Bernie never could. It was all vague ‘the rich aren’t paying their share.’ If socialism worked we’d be socialists by now. I do come well stocked with booze and drugs, so yeah. Also, my taste in music is impeccable.
  10. People said the same thing about Churchill and virtually every philosoph. So thank you. I find the exchange anger of ideas to be crucial in understanding other people and other perspectives. I don’t find that to be a waste of time. I find it mentally stimulating.
  11. Because conservatives preyed on stupid people and convinced them they could vote. I call these idiots the WWF crowd (I know its WWE now). They convinced these idiots they were smart enough to vote, and darn it, they should! These are very numerous, simple people. Not bad people, just not thinkers. Donald Trump appeals to these people. See, unlearned people are simple. Donald Trump caters to these people. But just because people are simple doesn't mean they're not gonna notice things not going the way they want. A factory worker doesn't understand laissez faire principles, nor do they know what has historically worked and what hasn't. But they do notice when their plant closes and relocates to Mexico. They do notice when everything is made in China. So when Trump pitches to these people he's not ranting about taxes on retained earnings like Romney was, he's speaking their language. These people now control the direction of the Republican party until Trump inevitably face plants. By the way, it's not that I disagree with all of Trump's platform. And I understand every person who voted for him to block Hilldog. It's just frustrating to see one giant jackass derail conservatism because he has the support of a very good yet stupid base.
  12. Because conservatives preyed on stupid people and convinced them they could vote. I call these idiots the WWF crowd (I know its WWE now). They convinced these idiots they were smart enough to vote, and darn it, they should! These are very numerous, simple people. Not bad people, just not thinkers. Donald Trump appeals to these people. See, unlearned people are simple. Donald Trump caters to these people. But just because people are simple doesn't mean they're not gonna notice things not going the way they want. A factory worker doesn't understand laissez faire principles, nor do they know what has historically worked and what hasn't. But they do notice when their plant closes and relocates to Mexico. They do notice when everything is made in China. So when Trump pitches to these people he's not ranting about taxes on retained earnings like Romney was, he's speaking their language. These people now control the direction of the Republican party until Trump inevitably face plants.
  13. I think you'd be surprised to find that's not true. White, colonial, dudes, were literate. That's why there were so many copies printed of Common Sense and things of the like. So, if you were an average colonial farmer ya know what ya bought every year? Poor Richard's Almanac -- because ya could read. In the western world, literacy decreased significantly after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, but you see literacy rates start climbing back north at a good pace post invention of the printing press and with the protestant reformation and so on
  14. That’s a question I’ve grappled with. First, there’s no putting that toothpaste back in the tube. It’s politically impossible. Do I believe everybody ought be allowed to vote? Heck no. I think the vote should be able to be earned by every citizen who wants it, but the only hurdle to vote right now is ‘exist for 18 years,’ and that’s not a good practice. But it’s in place and there’s no going back from it. I could never advocate for denying a soldier a right to vote. And as much of a war hawk as I am, I do NOT want the country’s political system only in the hands of veterans. My reason is Rome during the 3rd century. Rome devolved from a republic into a military mob rule. By the time of the third century, it was an utter mess with constant civil wars so that one legion could hoist their general to emperor and receive donatives for their troubles. But I do think some form of civic service should be required so that our electorate is vested in the nation. How many citizens aren’t vested? Most citizens only care about themselves and not the greater good of the nation.
  15. Ya know, and call me “crazy,” but I’d wager CNN has a higher accuracy rate than the nonsense that comes out of Trumps mouth. What’s infuriating for me is my hypothesis that lies will be less effective thanks to the internet. In actuality, the internet has become an echo chamber of bull ****. When the smoke settles its gonna be the conservative purists like me, who didn’t jump on Trumps, March of Folly, who are left to undo the damage and that’s gonna be swell with all these socialists that millennials are clinging too. Now the question is can democrats find a candidate to rally around? I’m highly skeptical. Biden could unseat Trump. I wonder what he’s thinking. But Trump is what happens in a republic when everybody gets the vote. Most Americans are unworthy of the vote. Read The Federalist Papers and the look at the original Bill of Rights. There’s nothin about voting because our founding fathers understood that the layman has no business voting. They’re blind to what they do not know and so they think themselves quite capable and that’s why our political system sucks. We let every person vote and then only 50% of our lazy electorate even votes.
  16. Lol. I’ve been studying the revolution and have been reading a lot about Sam Adams? I used to drive by his (SFAs) statue all the dang time when I was recruiting for the army in Houston. The Battle of San Jacinto...costliest siesta in Mexican history.
  17. That and I’m pretty sure that it would blow the minds of black people in America if they found out that when it comes to slavery, they ain’t special. Slavery was something accepted and practiced globally, until around 200 years ago when attitudes toward it started changing. Every race/ethnicity has been enslaved at some point. It’s just how the world was.
  18. Not joking...For me, Washington is a casus belli. Mediocre general. But as a man, one in a billion.
  19. No, yeah. Yeah. M’hm. Oh the irony that it led to the end of the diaspora.
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