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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. We did lose Vietnam due to weapons shortages, though the early M16’s were infamous for failure — I myself enjoy the platform and have never had trouble with it. We lost Vietnam for getting sucked into a defensive war, and the NVA used a mixture of Fabian / guerrilla warfare. That and we had a lot of liberals and cowards, like Donald Trump, who didn’t want to pull their weight. The war could have ended with an invasion of the North. Or we could have used Eisenhower’s strategy of creating a nuclear dead zone to cut off the NVA. There were numerous options. The American fighting man did NOT lose that war. The American fighting man killed over a half million of ‘em to less than 60,000 US killed. The Romans lost more at Cannae in one afternoon and won the war it was in. They wanted it. They had the martial spirit. The American fighting man had the drive and the spirit to win ‘Nam. The nation however greatly failed the American fighting man.
  2. Shouldnt you be hunting down pedophiles at pizzerias?
  3. Democrats make the effort that republicans dont and conservatives ought be ashamed of that.
  4. Id like to see the process by which they ran and concluded this poll. But my point was NEVER to present this pole as science. I used to let Trump supporters know they champion a coward whos unworthy of his office. The only reason i can logicaly conclude they support the jackass is because they dont know better. I think the logic that ‘you CANNOT be Commander in Chief if you committed treason’ is as sound as ‘you cant work at a daycare if youre a sex offender.’ Dodging the draft is treason and i advocate for decimation and forced conscription for all whom have dodged the draft. That includes Bill Clinton (this was once a topic “conservatives” cared about when Clinton was in office, weird) George W. Bush, and Mitt Romney. My values are my values. Im a conservative, but youll hear me sing the praises of the wartime valor of JFK. Every Thursday in the 101st is “road march” day. Every Thursday i would have bloody feet. When we got desert boots, id routinely bleed through them. But i kept walkin. I handled my feet like a man. Something the Donald didnt do. I despise the man and i despise his supporters who can always be seen waving the flag of the country Donald never served (and hes not serving now, my god the vacations at Trump resorts).
  5. ...why, Joe, that is correct. We have common ground. Muslims are savage barbarians, unfit to live amongst us. Their ideology is fascism masquerading as a religion. As for its “scripture” what a farce. And the idea that Muhammad didn’t know about Judaism and the Cult of the Carpenter Jew is impossible to believe considering he lived along Roman trading routes. Just absurd. Are there good muslims? Yes. But it’s not a religion that’s compatible with others when Muslims constitute over 5% of a population.
  6. ....yes, Id begin American history there if I were teaching it. Why? Puritans are !@#$ing boring, Indians insignificant, and to go over how each colony began is also boring. So, to teach one American History, I’d start there. Well, liberal hysteria is nothing new. Liberals are like women — quick to panic and small brains. I also think they’d calm down if they knew about Hitler and his rise to power. Liberals are always convincing themselves something is “Hitler.” Mostly, I just laugh when i see the “resistance.” I’ve read about 50% of what Churchill wrote, and he wrote A LOT. But that may be the first time I’ve read that quote. A lot of quotes are atttrubuted to the man that he didn’t say, but this sounds like something he’d say. Im convinced that he planned the Gallipoli campaign as a means to retake Constantinople from the savage Turk. One thing I LOVED about Winston is he knew that ‘diversity’ was a bad thing. He would be sick to see how many Muslims are now on his island. I’m glad he’s not around to meet the mayor of London.
  7. Wait, you care about money laundering, criminality, and pedophilia and you voted for Trump? That. That is something. ...white trash, born-n-raised. I ain’t no senators son.
  8. I, in hindsight, wish she did win. One step back, but we’d take 2 steps forward. With Trump it’ll be one mistake forward, and last consequences for years. Yipppeeee. Yes, I rate FDR well. He does however play second fiddle to his contemporary across the pond though.
  9. I’m in the 57%, and my answer is Facebook has gone crazy. I wrote an article supporting Trumps China-Trade War (I support many of his policies, but I HATE the man) and I wrote “Chinese communist dogs” and got suspended for 3 days and so I deactivated. Walked away. Done.
  10. That’s my point — it was my choice. It’s like somebody coming up to you and saying “gun, or poison.” My response would be the same ‘F U, I’m not choosing.’
  11. ....I didn’t vote in 2016 for POTUS. I wouldn’t vote for her. I wouldn’t be responsible for Draft Dodger, and Gary Johnson is a joke. So, if ya don’t like your moves, don’t move.
  12. Youve offended me. The National Guard is NOT FIGHT CLUB. You mustn’t compare it. I share George Washington’s thoughts on the “militia.” Pathetic group, the Guard. As for you, I’m not shocked. Then you’re a pathetic person for advocating for a draft dodger to be Commander in Chief.
  13. Yes, I used my Facebook feed. No, even if I didn’t shut it down would I share screen shots. I shut it down recently for reasons to include the PC FB gestapo. And what do you know of the enlisted, fighting man? Heres what I know. About 90% Caucasian. Overwhelmingly conservative and patriotic. Not well educated. They can either be eating crayons when you meet them or they can be brilliant. But they’re uneducated. Overwhelmingly agressive. Unbelievably giving. But when it comes to politics they don’t really know what they’re talking about because they’re uneducated.
  14. Thats a huge problem too. I got suspended on Facebook for writing “Chinese communist dogs.” Banned for 3 days, so I deactivated my account. Best thing I’ve done in years. Social media wastes too much productivity.
  15. I deactivated my Facebook recently. It’s very dusturbing to me to see so many veteran friends supporting a draft dodging coward. But they’re enlisted men who lack education so I forgive them for their lack of judgement. Im currently reading The Guns of August. If you can provide me with anything nearly as interesting regarding Holder, I’ll glance at it. But he’s not important, relevant, or worthy of anything more than a mere mention in the annals of history so he’s boring.
  16. Anybody who avoided the draft was an unAmerican coward. I remember when Republicans cared about draft dodging when Clinton was POTUS, but as soon as W. came along the goal posts moved, and then with Romney they were moved even more, and now the cowardly Trump Nation has decided to make an American coward Commander in Chief. You fools with your pudding brains and message boards ave never studied a truly great statesman because if ya had you’d know what a jackass Trump is.
  17. Maybe you should quit being a douche and learn a little yourself about it. I recommend starting with the 7 Years War at the latest and then bringing yourself current.
  18. It means when the country goes to war and you get drafted that you’re a treasonous PUSS if you don’t go. That’s what I think. Big, huge, gaping, bleeding, smelly, sour, vagina. Thats cool. My Facebook feed is different from yours I guess.
  19. I’d like to think we live in a nation where a president would never go after the press out of fear that the public would instantly recognize that the presidents actions are out of fear of the pen of the press. Now I know better. White trash “Republicans” have usurped the conservative agenda, and have given us Trumpism which is treasonous and not conservative in any way. But it’s hard to know what it means to be an American when you’re a Trump supporter because they don’t know what it means to be an American. Worthless. White. Trash.
  20. .....? ....so, do you support giving the president power to shutdown the media? I also believe that number because I believe most Trump supporters are illiterate white trash. They can identify our flag, but not our values and heritage.
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