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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. “Covfefe” Sarcasm. No, I don’t advocate for the deaths of 3000 Bostonians. Jesus Christ. Yes, I’m clearly a product of incest. Clearly. But I would never insinuate id date my daughter because that’s !@#$ing gross. Who would do that? Oh yeah, our president.
  2. This is an internet message board, not an academic paper. My phone does weird things on this platform. It’s weird. It adds words and changes words. Now, pansy, do you want to attack my argument or you just go sit there and try to capitalize on grammatical mistakes? You got nothin. Plus, bro, I don’t need the internet to tell me I’m smart to make myself feel good. My transcripts validate that for me. “Excuse me, sir, but you made a grammatical mistake which by the laws of internet immediately invalidates all of your points and proves me the winner!” what white trash logic.
  3. When I type “if” on my iphone it changes it to “mid” but only on this site. What happens to my writing on this site, on my phone is weird, and as this is the internet I typically don’t proof read. If you wanna gig my grammar that’s a sign you ain’t got **** to argue with me on. By the way, you’re unAmerican. You don’t deserve to live in my country because of who you voted for. Coward.
  4. After the Marian reforms Rome’s army began to slowly but constantly become less Roman. And as the Roman legions became less Italian, the Roman army cared less and less about...Rome. What happens was that the Romans that forged their empire during the Punic Wars, especially after the 2nd, found that their children began caring less and less about Roman virtues and their civic duty and just became gluttons. They craved on excesses of money, material possessions, whoring and games. And the empire they built began ruling them because the Romans lost their martial spirit. And s that’s what I see going on in my country. Trump supporters are nothing like the Greatest Generation. They’re not ‘whatever the job takes,’ they’re ‘let’s not make Putin mad.’ Capitulation is treason. Quite heroic wasn’t it.
  5. Donald Trump is an unpatriotic charlatan. He avoided serving his country at all costs when called upon by his country for service. His actions are considered by many treasonous. But if we want ant to talk about the debauched depravity of the man were just getting started. Whats more pathetic about his base is how he fools them. He lies loud and often and they eat it up. Even Hitler didn’t have it that easy — his crowds made him at least work. The money laundering links links for the Russians in the 80’s. The casual strolls through the changing rooms of his beauty pageants to include underage girls. The whoring. And hes an awful business man. Seriously, the man conducts business like a vulture, and his business decisions aren’t great. Trump Nation has elected a treasonous coward. A pedophile. And the most dishonest politician in United States history. I cant wait till your all seen as jackasses which history will label you all as. Jackasses. Thats NOT fair to Hitler. Hitler fought courageously in WWI. Hitler wasn’t a pansy. Maybe your dad was an unAmerican pansy too.
  6. Trump supporters are largely white trash. That’s true. You misrepresented a stance of mine, meaning you were trying to use deception to make a point. When your argument relays on deception, the problem is most likely your stance. Except the white trash of the conservative primary pushed the most reprehensible choice right to the top, and got him on the ticket. In short, the feeble minded inmates are now running the asylum. I make a ton of contradictory points by the way. Am I hypocritical? Naw. Just lawyered. But NEVER accuse me of being a Patriots fan. 9/11 would be my favorite holiday had it happened in Boston. Not always. Trump is a charlatan and an embarrassment to our nation. Those that hat made it happened are complicit.
  7. Ya know, there’s like reason to historically dispute Muhammad’s teachings based off of his occupation and where he lived. The religion hinged on people believing that Muhammad was an illiterate man who didn’t know about Judaism and Christianity. Impossible. Impossible. https://www.answering-islam.org/Silas/borrowing.htm The absurdity of this charade. And my god — one mans farce to power — look at the damage one mans narcissism, and lust for power has done. Everlasting damage because of the boy who lied. Then became a warlord. Then continue to receive “divine messages” the rest of his life which culminated in the Quran. My god. Look at the damage.
  8. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/mom-daughter-held-dubai-drank-complimentary-glass-wine-plane-150211451.html If they were American I’d insist on leveling Dubai. They are barbarians.
  9. “Pompous” is a good word that I would use to describe people who consider themselves “gate keepers.” Ya know, the Christians who will tell you who is and isn’t going to hell, and who is a fake Christian guilty of heracy. Then in politics, there are these absurd people who can say ‘oh, yeah, well you no think like I think so you’re clearly a (fill in the blank). Both sides do it. It’s pompous. Yeah this has been a troubling thing since 9/11.
  10. Whole thing was weird. Especially KB trashing his old QB who is quite accomplished. Really weird. Really made me think less of KB.
  11. ....well that's almost a compliment. I'll take it.
  12. Yes, if a large minority of a certain base want to enfranchise their douchebag leader with unconstitutional powers, that is unamerican and treasonous. Yes.
  13. Here's my NUMBER ONE rule for warfare. It supersedes all others. If you can't avoid a war, you have to win it. Now, we could have and should have avoided Vietnam. Depending on the day I may give you a different answer. But, if you get into a war, even a war you shouldn't have, you have to win. You cannot withdraw. I can point to countless examples, but after we failed to properly win the Korean War (we should have nuked China then and crushed them) we had to win Nam and didn't. The result embolden enemies of America. 'If we persist, they'll run away.' Beirut in 83 emboldened them even more. You have to win the wars you fight on your terms when possible. We paid dearly for not doing so in Nam and Korea. I've honestly only read two books on Nam, and one of them was written from the Soviet perspective and included fascinating primary sources. I have an obsession with winning wars. That's because I was in one. A small one, but I was in one. And I fought. And, I think the goal of each generation is to try and gain a little peace for the next generation. I don't want my kids fighting in the deserts of Arabia, or the Jungles of SE Asia. But when fights come, you cannot back down. You have to win. Honestly, if I could go back to the end of WWII I'd beg Truman to have handled the Soviets then, and broken them up into numerous countries. I'd have advocated for letting MacArthur nuke whatever he wanted to nuke in China. We should have never accepted Nuclear Proliferation. Yet we did. The 20th century was brutal on everybody. It is what it is, and we must move forward. But damn, I wish we won Korea and Vietnam. Anyways, you make some fascinating points and as a guy obsessed with history it was enjoyable. But I do believe we could have, and should have won Vietnam. ...I like Jews. Theyve never bothered me. And the fact they keep the Muslims busy makes me appreciate them even more. And by being an anti-Zionist what do you oppose? Zionism was not a reaction to the diaspora, but it was a desire for a Jewish home -- let them have a home! It was other powers that gave them Israel. Sheesh, nutty guy. Conservatives fail to blitz black areas with campaigning because they tactically concede the demographic without a fight. I say, fight for the black vote. Traditional conservatism is way healthier than handouts.
  14. Bro, I was a firm believer in polls until 2016. I was blown away when Hillary lost.
  15. I'm not a buyer into the accuracy of the poll. I'm not. But, as Trump is POTUS and a draft dodger, I routinely go out of my way to ask people why we let a draft dodger be Commander in Chief when we don't let sex offenders work at day cares. I despise Trump as a gutless waste of life, and I have no respect for the man so I mock him anytime I can. Further, I like being to the right of the deplorables.
  16. It's not like blood was "oozing out." There weren't trails of blood prints. But yeah, my boots were covered in red stains around the heel and toe box. Ya know, I picked cavalry because I didn't wanna walk. Now I told people that when I got to Campbell, but it did me no good. At Ft. Campbell, soldiers walk ? No, I don't care. There's never any reason for anybody, ever, anywhere, to take anything on a message board seriously. NEVER.
  17. The old black BDU boots -- you couldn't tell when I was bleeding in those. In the tan, DCU/ACU boots you could. My feet would bleed and they'd bleed through those boots. I'm a ginger -- I have the worlds worst skin. My feet never would callous. Easily, at 4-6 miles in every road march the blisters would start. By mile 8 my feet were ALWAYS bleeding. Mole skin, taping, wrapping, everything -- it never mattered but for Oakley boots. But, I kept walkin. Every time. The only way to make the pain stop was to finish. Like a man. Thank GOD for Oakley boots. The only time my feet didn't get jacked up was with Oakley boots, but you better have a cool SMG.
  18. ........I am going to have a life size statue of myself sculpted to match the great statue of Augustus (after I re-fi into a 15-year fixed). I deserve it. Further, I've also added to my name, but I felt no need here to do so. I've appropriately taken the cognomen Iraqicus Maximus. I deserve it. Earned.
  19. I am not. Tiberius and I have very different politics. 1. When I was a kid Hulk Hogan was my favorite, I killed my first terrorist before I could buy a beer, and I get teary eyed with pride when I think about all the people we've !@#$ed up over the years. 2. I'm The_Dude 3. I'm not interested in what I sound like to you. Trump supporters support a draft dodger who disgraced himself with cowardice. 4. Yes, I'm a conservative -- only if you use the definition politically and not as a party affiliation. 5. I'm not fooling anyone. Also, this is the internet. It's not a big deal. I'm The_Dude, and always have been. 6. I'm not coming in the hole again for a while; your mom needs a break.
  20. I’ve been miserable since I decided to get out. Same here.
  21. The M16 was the first gun I ever shot. I never had an issue. An iraq, my M4 never had an issue. In the snow in Kentucky — no issue. In Louisiana — no issue. But yeah, I’ve heard the Nam ones were awful. It’s a theme of Nam books. I guess the early models had some serious kinks.
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