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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. When? Never. I despise plagiarism almost as much as I do draft dodging. Well done, Trumper.... Lie loud, lie big, lie often. Well done. Little Boots would be proud. Im quite familiar with the Grachi. Hell, I would have been on their side at that point and I'm a republican.
  2. Ok...except people do. Like, I just told you how I do so in my profession. If you're employed sir it is because somebody is assuming. I do not have the funds to pay my employees next month. I'm not firing them today because I'm going to assume I'll generate revenues between now and then. People assume every day. It's how business is done. In the military, when we were aware that there was an unkown variable, we'd assume. Then we'd conduct reconnaissance (that's where I came in) to see if our assumptions were accurate. That was a lot to google in a short amount of time and regurgitate. Or, I'm a dude who is obsessed with history because I believe it is through history that we can avoid the disasters of yesterday, and we can utilize it for blueprints going forward. As for Roman history, that is my particular hobby. I can go Romulus to Augustulus pretty well, and then to 1453 when the Muslims finally wiped out the last of the Romans. Though my Byzantine knowledge isn't as good as my Western knowledge.
  3. Caligula was Germanicus' son and part of the Julii branch of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Germanicus was super badass, and Tiberius (Emperor #2, who was a Claudian, and a douche) killed Germanicus (Germanicus died of an "unknown disease" aka poison) because Tiberius' crazy ass feared him. Diocletian was a GREAT ruler. He saved Rome. So Trump is nothing like him. Diocletian wasn't ignorant -- this was an issue never before dealt with. Diocletian was in charge of fixing the currency issue. The economy was tanking after years of debasement of coins. Diocletian had much better coins minted, but he didn't know you had to take the bad coins out of circulation to fix the issue. What Diocletian did set the stage for the middle ages with his tax/bartering system. Cant give cash? That's fine, the Empire will take goats, pigs, fodder, shirts, swords, and that sort of thing. Diocletian was a good emperor who basically stopped Rome from dying an earlier death. So, Trump cannot be compared to him. Diocletian, also wasn't a coward. Now he was responsible for the "dominant" form of government that middle age monarchs referenced to justify their diving power and so on.... But history remembers Diocletian well. History will not be kind to Trump.
  4. This is something I hear a lot of unlearned people say. Do ya know what some people do for a profession? They assume things. You can find these assumers all over the place. From finance to the military. People are paid to make assumptions. What do you think a business venture is based on? Assumptions. Speculations. Most assumptions are data driven, but at the end of the day you're forced to assume. Like, I'm projecting right now my payroll for the Fall and I'll assume a 5% increase on last years gross. Does that mean I'll gain 5% more? Not necessarily. But to make my plans I'm forced to assume. Now a Walmart cashier will be quick to give the old line 'you make an ass out of u and me when you assume' and they always think they're channeled into some form of wisdom when they say that because they're too ignorant to know that their hours they work are predicated on assumptions. But they don't know -- they're the ants at the bottom. Who aren't assuming anything.
  5. I shall just assume you know Rome things due to your name. I was thinking 'who, from Rome, is Trump most like' and I can't squeeze anything out of the Republican era due to Romans being a warlike society of Men....but ya can in the Imperium. Caligula. Mr. "Little Boots". Only, at least Caligula had an excuse -- all of what he did can easily be explained to his horrific and tragic childhood. And Caligula was a popular emperor at first because he would just babble what the people wanted, never saying no. His spending quickly outpaced tax receipts. His depravity (not all of which can be true) is historic which is saying something. His contempt of the Senate is very similar to Trump's contempt of our Republican structure -- Trump is no republican (traditional sense, not modern) he's an autocrat wannabe. I also remember a story of Caligula taking a field trip into Germany where his guard helped him play imperator in a fake battle, and then when real Germans showed up they ran like hell back to their side of the Rhine. Caligula was a liar. An idiot. And he definitely deserved his death. Yup, Trump reminds me a lot of Caligula. They even have incest in common -- I'm a father, and I have a beautiful daughter, but I would never make a comment that 'she's so pretty she's somebody I would date' because that would be an icky thing that somebody like a draft dodger would say. Or a Hapsburg. In fact, "Little Boots" is a good name for Trump. Little Boots.
  6. I really like Cam. If Allen is 80% of what Cam is we'll be alright.
  7. My comment would be similar to when Hillary claimed to faced sniper fire in Bosnia. But that's what awful, corrupt, cowards, like Hillary and Donald do -- they lie. They lie often, they lie big, and they repeat it over, and over again.
  8. Trump is a coward. It is known. Even his supporters won’t deny it. They’ll just make loud noises while wearing patriotic shirts of the nation Trump did not defend. Why? It’s a religion. Trump supporters are religiously following the man. He’s completely turned conservativism upside down. Now conservatism means huge deficits, tax breaks for huge corporations, halting free trade, and alienating NATO while embracing Bolsheviks.
  9. You could be right, but I’d rather let Cam’s play decide.
  10. Josh Allen is his own entity and a unique beast. Allen could be a guy who passes under 60% but is a superstar. I mean, if the dude misses two passes and then rifles in a deep pass to move the sticks do you care about the first two incompletions? Its too early to know what he is. I just hope he can throw a screen pass because EJ never could.
  11. No, it’s not the same. KB ripped a former teammate. That’s wrong. Also, Cam Newton may be a HoFer. KB will never sniff Canton. So I gave the comments lots of side eye.
  12. Lend-Lease was a major accomplishment of FDR. Im just saying that there are so many variables in war, and Germany by no means was defeated when we entered. Addiionally, and I know they sucked at fighting ironically, but who knows — maybe Italy stays in the fight longer. Maybe Franco Spain would have worked a deal and done something. But thank god for occupied France for us. They’d have remained Nazi territory, or they’d have been occupied by the Soviets. And my god — the Maginot Line. What a freaking waste of money.
  13. Of course there would have. Besides, Americans were keeping them krauts busy before D-Day. The Africa campaign, Italy, and so on. To be honest, I don’t have an opinion on what would have happened without America. It’s plausible that the krauts and commies would have fought to a draw. Germany would have been repulsed I do believe due to the timeline thingy and Stalingrad happening before D Day. But who’s to know? There’s a lot of interesting scenarios. But nobody can say ‘it would have unfolded like this.’ I tried that one time and was eviscerated by phds. It went badly for me.
  14. I disagree completely. After D-Day they fought a 2-front war. Schliefen must have rolled in his grave. As for the Japs, what? Doomed from the beginning? Doomed after Pearl Harbor, maybe.
  15. Ok...well there is the deal with the Nazi's and the Japs. They did take care of that...
  16. Well I better change the way I live if I wanna be taken seriously....on the internet. It’s very important. I heard people can get dates on this internet thing. Hey, I looked up the definition to decimate. What I was talking about is in the definition, dumbass. Im advocating throwing Bernie Sanders, Donanld Trump, Mitt Romney and Bill Clinton in a room with 6 other draft dodgers, they pull straws, and the short straw gets beaten to death by the other 9. Historically, it’s effectiveness is unquestionable.
  17. Why don’t you look up its uses in history, son. See, Crassus and the 3rd Servile War for one of its most famous and effective uses. I don’t read what you write. I rarely read what anybody writes unless it’s in response to me. But you’re most likely a Trump supporter who wants to discredit anything anybody says about Trump. And I feel for you. It’s gotta be tiresome for Trump supporters to support such a gigantic piece of ****. Trump supporters are so pathetic. I mean look at the devolution they created — from George Washington to Donald Trump. The acorn can’t get further from the tree.
  18. Well he clearly misunderstand my use of the word. And it appears you do as well.
  19. Id need at least 10 people to decimate one. My my suggestion is for you to figure out WTF I’m talking about.
  20. It wasn’t me. But it’s good to know there are other people with uncompromising principals. Personally, I think all who dodged the draft should be subject to my favorite ritual of decimation.
  21. Oh my god — I don’t believe in hitting the ignore button, so insult me all you want, I don’t care anymore about your insults than I do your dead mother. But if you don’t have something of substance, a point, even if it’s incapsulated in an insult, I will not offer you a reply any further. Youre an idiot. Weren’t you the one who took a screen shot of my writing ‘tiny woman brain’? ?
  22. Republicans these days. Suckiening. “We’ve been the party of draft dodgers and cowards for years — nothin new to see here with Trump.”
  23. Bro my god. Revisionist BS. Trumps getting flack for it because for years, Republicans, rightfully destroyed Clinton for his cowardice. Now that they’re embracing cowards they’ve decided patriotism and valor are meager things — that’s what the flak is about. But keep movin them goalposts, bro. The autocorrect on my phone acts in mysterious ways on this site. It’s weird. Post another photo of a baby because that might be the thing you do that finally gets under my skin.
  24. Youre wasting my time. You’re an unAmerican fascist. “Westside” I do not take offense to what somebody on the Internet said to me. Especially you. I think it’s funny what you suggest. You need me to be at that level for you to feel superior to me — that’s why it’s funny.
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