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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Testicles. That is all. You may go now. What constitues “Northern Iraq?” When I was at FOB Summerall in 05 we damn near had that many on our FOB. Damn, I miss that deployment. That was an AWESOME deployment. I put my church shoes on and SCUFFED Haj up. God, I hate Haj. You die in hell, Haj! .........military parades are stupid. Dog and pony show. Is that what you want? A military of dogs and ponies? i DESPISE drill teams. “You better back up Russia, otherwise we’ll spin these rifles and it’ll look really kewl!” #Lame
  2. .....you will not force me to answer that question. I will not!
  3. The thing on Allen — and I hate to say this — TRUST THE PROCESS. I dont care about the W-L record this season. I dont. This season is allllll about Allen. And I don’t care if he plays. If the line cant hold — don’t play him. Take it slow. Get it right. If hes ready — giddyup! But please, God, let him be the guy. I do see a bit of Kelly’s grip-it-and-rip-it in him.
  4. Sir, I heavily dispute Florida-Georgia line. I detest them. Alan Jackson is a great musician. But he’s not George Strait. But AJ is Georgia’s best musical artist. And it’s hard for me to say that because I do so love me some OutKast. I be so fresh and so clean, clean.
  5. I wanna agree. There are things you can like in preseason. But it's preseason.
  6. Well that's not an argument worth havin'. I ain't losin' no sleep on Tracy Byrd. Now, if you insulted Alan Jackson, George Strait, or somebody good -- them's then fighting words. Especially AJ, in Georgia. We love that man. He was able to say coochie on the radio in the early 90's. A real pioneer.
  7. I'm from Georgia. Thou shall not instruct me on how to redneck. We do the watermelon crawl 'round here!
  8. Ya know, I wasn't even thinking of you when I wrote that post. In fact, 99.9% of the time, I'm not thinking of you. I'm quite sure I'm like most people in that way. I firmly believe the bolded text, especially after reading the non-bolded.
  9. Really? Huh. Well, what kind of enlisted men were you around? Most Joe's I knew were awful grammatically. I was. Then again, when I joined I had a 10th grade education, and I was 18.....but, that story wasn't all uncommon. Je suis, Rakkasan, mate! .....completely fair. No. But grammar is something not of the upmost importance to grunts. Blankets, bullets, and beans. That's whats important. Oops, I forgot the apostrophe in "whats" just back there. Damn, that negates EVERYTHING I've said.
  10. I can tell you all, that if we're to judge people by their grammar, enlisted Marines, and Soldiers, are IDIOTS. 90% anyways. My goodness. A friend of mine posted a note I left on his bunk mocking him during my time in Iraq. I was implying he was gay. He took a red pen to it. It was bad. I did not know my 'there's,' or or 'too's'. It was bad. I dropped out of high school in the 10th grade. My grammar sucked. Did it make me stupid? No. It made me uneducated. I know many, smart, and uneducated people. They're a thing.
  11. Well, that is not cool. I believe the honor and glory of America is worth killing over. So, there's that.
  12. It is different from a paper or speech. You're not going to get sued on a message board for doing it. You can always claim "fair use." I, personally would give credit. But that's just because I had that beaten into my head repeatedly while in school.
  13. I was hoping to get you to concede the obvious truth that grammar does not dictate intelligence. My business partner is uneducated, and does not write as well as I. However, he's McGuyver, and so it works well. The only issue I'd have with that is if he took credit for the writing. But copying and pasting, is that criminal on a message board?
  14. I've better things to do than to defend the honor of my dwelling.
  15. I'm all for jokes. I make 9/11 jokes. I routinely state 9/11 would be my favorite holiday if it happened to Boston because I hate the patriots. So, ya know, take some salt with it. But if what you're saying is true, that's disturbing. Also, I think sexist/rape jokes are hilarious, and I'd have personally shot one of my soldiers if I ever saw them doing it. So, there are actions, and then there are jokes, right?
  16. Then maybe you need to work on your writing as I have little trouble tackling complex ideas? Just a suggestion.
  17. Ill use Wikipedia as a source. It's a treasure trove of information. If Tiberius has used wikipedia, I don't care. Now, it is bush league to say 'and this is my work' when it is not. But I don't know that he's done that. Maybe he has?
  18. Your point was to insinuate that a "Gator" can be proven to be a plagiarizer because grammar. That's what you care about. Not what I care about. I was writing to state my belief that on internets, grammar is overrated.
  19. He does not look like an idiot inside of his huge house, inside of his gated community. There are presentations, and academics, and so forth. These need to be crisp and clean. tom i can call u n idiot just like dis and u get my point dude. ......though I cannot abide those who type in "text" the ebonics of the written word. Gross. Oh, well, that's !@#$ing conclusive. Almost like being called "Hitler." How do I cope?
  20. One of my best customers is a dude who probably owns about 80 properties in and around Atlanta. He used to be a VP for a large bank. He quit that funny business to enjoy life, and his real estate pays his way for a comfortable living. This guy often sends me emails with grammatical errors. He doesn't care and neither do I because our correspondence is just to say 'hey, I want you to know this' and he's so successful, and worth I don't even know how much. He sends emails with errors because he's a busy guy and doesn't proof read what he writes when its just an informal email. This is a message board. In life, it counts for nothing. Grammar, schmammar. You've gigged me on my writing and I just laugh. It proves nothing. I mean, what kind of logic suggests 'you're point on the matter is invalid because you forgot a comma'? But I see internet people do that all the time. Ridiculous. It does not stand up to any reasoning.
  21. Well since I was unfamiliar with the word till I googled, no. But, he says he knows Grachi things, so I take him at his word. The Grachi were very influential once upon a time. And they were decent people.
  22. He does not deserve the cognomen Maximus unless it's preceded by "Douchist."
  23. If somebody does care who wins, I wouldn't insinuate they're not a real fan. All Bills fans are real fans because how could they not be? Being a Bills fan typically sucks. I'm 34, I've been following since Wide Right, and it really has not been a lot of fun.
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