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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. “Protocols” that’s it. Thank you.
  2. What was that book Hitler was always babbling about? I forget the name. Something like ‘instructions from the elders of Zion’ and it was the holy Jew playbook for world domination that was proven to be a nonsensical farce by the time Hitler was referencing it. SMH. To understand the Jew conspiracy’s you gotta understand the fallout from the 3rd Roman Jewish War that set the stage for Jew laws that continued through the Middle Ages and into modernity that set limits on what Jews could do which is why so many became bankers and lawyers because they couldn’t own land and stuff. And that planted the seeds for all this nonsense. And by the way, if you wanna laugh at misunderstandings that led to grave consequences read about the Roman Jewish wars. My god.
  3. It’s not the jews, man, it’s the lizard people. Miley Cyrus and all her lizard people — they walk amongst us, man. And they’re trying to upset and unbalance the global order cause of nukes, man. The lizard people want to take over. Thats what it’s all about, man. The lizard people.
  4. I cant name one terrorist attack without anti-semetic, paranoid, conspiracy theorists spouting some bull ****. Save your Chan4 sources, mate. I don’t want em.
  5. Racial superiority is a ridiculous concept. I laugh at African armies because they’re African and the idea of a well regulated, drilled, disciplined, and effective African army makes me giggle. The greatest man I learned from in the Army was a black man. Sergeant Major Andre Johnson, god rest him. I believe in cultural superiority. The American military is a product of western culture. Culture transcends race.
  6. Yeah, I’m unfamiliar with the situation. I’m unfamiliar with the assets. But, and history routinely proves this, a small army of westerners can destroy a much larger African army. Unless your Mussolini in which case he just brought shame to the West for his army’s pathetic display in Ethiopia.
  7. There is but one authority and it is violence. There is one law that supercedes all — the right of conquest.
  8. Ah. I did did not know about those places. I just know from looking at the books that the Soviets and Americans were able to out produce Germany in a manner that wasn’t even close which is why they (Germany) went for quality over quantity. Thank you.
  9. God only knows how that happened. I wonder how I could have done such a thing on a qwerty keyboard. Amazing.
  10. What are you referring to? Seriously, I’m stumped. That’s not often. I do desire to know wverything though its impossible. A boy can try though.
  11. Id be out for blood if I we’re them. If it were you, would it be water under the bridge? Forgive and forget? Remember this conflict is so recent it was a topic in a leather weapon movie. I understand their anger. I’m just saying this is how things go. The never ending clash of people’s and migration. This is what happens. Europe is for Europeans, Africa is for Africans. But they ought be careful — the Boer can put up surprising resistance
  12. The liberal misconception on racism comes from their lack of understanding of history. Liberals have the following information: 1. There was a civil war in America that ended slavery 2. Whites owned blacks 3. KKK What liberals don’t know is how unremarkable it all was. They use the above information to conclude that white mem are evil. Now I would actually argue racism is a product of modernity. But slavery is as old as the end of hunting-gathering and I’d argue it’s beginnings were somewhat benevolent. But what liberals don’t know: 1. Europeans were buying slaves from African blacks. 2. Africans have a LOOOOONG history of slavery. It wasn’t always the chattel type, but often it was. 3. Every culture considers its ways superior to another. I’ve had muslims who wipe their ass with their hand tell me I’m “unclean.” Whatever, Haj? 4. White people weren’t even the worst when it comes to slavery. My god, Asians were ruthless when it came to slavery. Now, the point on South Africa — come on. Understand the Black rage there. Read up on them, and understand the rage. Think about black rage in America and they don’t have nearly as many reasons as S. African blacks. So if they’re pissed they got a point. If they hate whites, understand why. No peoples hands are clean. Let’s take England for example. The people’s there are more Viking than Anglo-Saxon. See, William the Conquerer defeated Harold at Hastings in 1066. William the conquerer was a bastard of Viking descent. He KILLLED a ton of the Anglo-Saxon Brits in what’s called the harrying of the north. The anglo-saxons got to England after the Roman withdraw in I think 410. Now, who the hell Britts that were conquered by the Romans pushed out of Britain, I’m not sure. I don’t remember that right now. But the point is history is nothing but a series a series of forced migrations and conflicts and it is not all the fault of white bro’s, the “educated liberals” will tell you different. And stuff. And more stuff! That’s a proper way to close.
  13. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/muslim-couple-denied-swiss-citizenship-handshake-refusal-161406263.html they ARE not capable of adapting to western civilization. They rape it, and attempt to corrupt it, all because of one jackass’s lie for power. They are savages. I mean that in every sense. They call the infidel “unclean” and use their hand to wipe their asses. Then there are the holy snot rockets which must be snotted before entering a mosque. Savages. Barbarians.
  14. Yeah! You showed them! You were all like ‘hey suckfaces, you suck because you suck!’ Plenty of substance? YOUR MOTHER WAS A HAMPSTER AND YOUR FATHER SMELT OF ELDERBERIES!
  15. https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/editorials/article216475890.html i don’t know what he meant when he stated “Hitler was right.” Like, about what? But hes not wrong on islam. I’m so frustrated on this issue because he’s right and I can academically prove it. But even when you bring up facts using primary sources they say it’s racism.
  16. Well I hope so. It’ll be a welcomed change of pace.
  17. Dear god....my feelings exactly on the issue. “B-b-but Bush didn’t pass out water bottles after Katrina?” Ridiculous. Presidents need to stay the hell out of theatres of operation. Unless your Churchill but that was different because he was so badass. (And yes I know he wasn’t a POTUS). Only non-American guy I know to have a US Navy boat named after him. At least I think that’s true. Pretty sure. I googled. It’s true. A “destroyer.” I have no idea what a destroyer is btw. Boat war makes no sense to me. I’ve no idea how any of it works.
  18. ...we knew what we had in Taylor. And it wasn’t good enough. Nice, but not good enough. And if the plan was to keep Tyrod, why not run an offense that makes the most of Tyrods abilities? Tyrods abilities were never the issue — it was his refusal to fire the freaking pigskin. Hes a young QB and it’s preseason. Closing the book a little too soon maybe?
  19. Dude, it’s a preseason game. That’s why I didn’t reference his sick bomb to Hill.
  20. Weren’t Aaron Rogers and Alex Smith air raid guys? I can’t remember. My view — Mahomes’ arm talent is enough to overcome. ....how about we let his play determine? We’ll see. Andy Reid seems to like him. I think he knows QBs pretty well.
  21. Christmas, 2003, we were notified that WWE girls were going to be at a certain building in the green zone. I wanted to see them boobies. So I went. It was a lie. And it was a trap. We got packed into an auditorium and a girl DID show up. She was NOT from the WWE. She was the Sergeant Major of the Amru’s niece or something like that.....and she came to sing a couple songs and sell us copies of her C.D.. ? was the overwhelming reaction in that auditorium. I did not purchase her CD and that cemented my belief that there isn’t a more useless position than Sergeant Major.
  22. Let’s go back two years. Rex is fired and McDermott is hired. Word on the skreets was Whaley was a dead man walking after the draft. As a fan I take stock after the season. We missed the playoffs, again, and Taylor did NOT take a step forward. So, naturally I did what we all did — we began evaluating the QB crop for that years draft. It was called “lackluster” but I saw one guy I wanted — Mahomes. Rocket arm, playmaker, can extend plays on the run. When Mahomes fell to us (I expected him to go earlier) I was jumping for joy. Then I saw KC on the screen and couldn’t believe it — McDummy traded back (Whaley was NOT running that draft and I’m not gonna argue that point). I was FURIOUS. So much so I HATED Tre White and would only call him by the name Not-Mahomes. Anways, spring turned to summer which turned to fall and my anger subsided. What helped me the most to come to grips with losing out on Mahomes was Nate Peterman. Peterman is the anti-Mahomes. Peterman HAS to play a cerebral brand of QBing because he’s not Mahomes. He doesn’t have a cannon. He isn’t the athlete Mahomes is. It was with that thinking that I concluded that McDermott must be looking for a ‘Drew Brees’ type and that while Peterman is unlikely to be Brees, he’s the type of QB McDermott wanted. And you can obviously win that way. Further, during the year McDermott clearly was frustrated by our starter whom we all knew when McDermott took the job wasn’t long for Buffalo. That increased my belief that McDermott was looking for a QB in the Brees mold. Then em comes this years draft. My list was Mayfield, Darnold, Rosen, and Allen. But I believed McDermotts list was; Darnold, Rosen, Rudolph. It made sense with the information I had available. Allen to me wasn’t in consideration because he was the guy most like Mahomes, only Allen was viewed by many as a lesser prospect than Mahomes. So to me, pre draft, Allen was NOT coming to Buffalo. When we drafted Allen I was PISSED. I was pissed because we drafted the guy everybody said was Kyle Boler 2.0. Spring gave way to summer and I put my torch and pitchfork down and settled down. I’m hopeful with Allen. He’s done some nice things. But here’s what I want to know from McDermott — why? See, the timeline doesn’t make sense to me. I was convinced two years ago we were gonna draft a QB high because it fit perfectly with the timeline of an NFL coach. A rookie HC takes a job, has a decent starter but not a great one, you know he has to find a QB or in 2-4 years he’s fired and may never get another opportunity. So to draft a QB high and let him sit a year under Tyrod would have made perfect sense. So I’m puzzled as to why McDermott wouldn’t have taken Mahomes a year earlier when his skill set is so similar to Allen’s who McDermott ultimately ended up with. The only two guesses I have for McDermotts motivations are these: 1. QB is a huge position and he wanted his GM to do the scouting. He didn’t want Whaley’s scouting reports to determine the situation. 2. The process looked at the dollars. Drafting Mahomes last year would have made great sense. But drafting a young guy this year makes a little sense too. See, you can argue that OBD thinks they can do some serious shopping in free agency next year. So, they would have projected this year to not be a good shopping year due to cap. So with the rookie wage scale, waiting a year could have been considered wise. It could be a a combination of the two. I’m excited about Allen and I pray he’s the one. But if I could ask and get a real answer out of McDermott, it’d be in this. What do you think? I’m curious as to other fans thoughts on the topic. Timelines are very important and strategic and McDermotts is very interesting.
  23. .....I remember Thanksgiving in 2003. Somebody, I’m pretty sure GW, decided to “visit the troops” at Baghdad international. That dick. They locked down the base the whole time he was there and wouldn’t let my platoon in. We were hoping to get hot chow which for us was a novelty. Nope. We missed Thanksgiving — but Bush had a good photo op! I hated when people came to visit the troops. All that happens is the grunts are put on extra guard shifts and patrols while the POGs (whom I have no love for) get to continue with their merry making. That dick, Roger Clemens, came to “visit the troops” in the summer of 03. After doing a 24-hour patrol I was hoping for a shower and a nap, but noooooooo. Noooo, I had to go participate in mandatory fun because there were going to be cameras there and EVERYBODY had to have fun and smile. I was forced into a game of soccer. I lost a toe nail in that game and now my big toe on my right foot has two toe nails. And it’s alll Roger Clemens fault and I hate him.
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