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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Fox is as credible as the Huffington Post.
  2. Also, she rigged her primary, illegally, and you know it. #Berniewouldhavewon Well thats because Trump is Jesus reincarnate. He’s perfect. In fact, mate’s better than JC. ???
  3. Uh, you're using the word "Christians" to refer to white people. How do you know the religious orientation of the Vegas shooter and what not? Further, where in the Christian doctrine does Jesus state 'kill and rape them!' I mean, Jesus flipped a table one time. Tried to whip some bankers for taking advantage of currency issues, and he said something about trading a coat for a sword, but he never approved of raping and killing. The savage, Muhammad the Borrower however did. Why? Because western civilization failed to civilize his barbaric tribe. We failed to bring our glorious culture to those caveman, and Muhammad made up a story, and now we're dealing with the consequences.
  4. This is why history is so important. This is why I study it relentlessly. Socialism sounds great unless you know better.
  5. I really don't get the hate. I think WGR does a good job. In addition, I do NOT judge a sports talk show host by how much I agree, or disagree with them. Do you want an echo chamber? Do people watch PTI to see Guy A say something that Guy B agrees with? It'd be boring if they just repeated what you think. Mix it up! Get different opinions! I disagree with Mike a bit, but I think he puts on a good show which is what I want.
  6. I didn’t read the article. I read the headline ? that said, I stand by my point. Common law is stupid. And so am I for not reading the article I posted.
  7. 2018: Make Buffalo A Passing Team Again!
  8. I don’t believe in censorship but you’re gonna give people brain bleeds.
  9. https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/9c5794f5-f1d5-3d46-a054-3ffe0f5b02b3/ss_ex-texas-doctor-who-raped.html I hate common law. Justice is not blind with common law. I can't fathom how a country that so detested noble privilege would implement common law. Huge mistake. There's no changing it now -- but this is exactly why I believe code law is superior. Probation for rape? If I were the girls father/boyfriend/husband/brother, I'd be happy though. This makes his accessibility less of an issue.
  10. In 2 years Doug Marone will be fired. Who cares. Their RB is overrated, and their defense will be too expensive to continue its dominance for long.
  11. Ah, I see the problem. I figured out why he's such a moron. He reads the Huffington Post. It's making sense now. The Huffington Post is about as good for your brain as meth.
  12. Yeah, cause airplane wings would totally shred steel reinforced concrete. Also, I'm sure the pentagon was built with duct tape and chicken wire because they never would have considered it being attacked because who would ever attack a military target?
  13. Wait, so anybody who disagrees with you is a klan-loving racist, and you're just a "level headed" Jew hater?
  14. American Embassy in Turkey shot at... Casus belli! Casus belli! Shots fired! It is time to: MAKE ISTANBUL CONSTANTINOPLE AGAIN! Seriously! If Russia wants to expand, They can take Turkey to the sea at west Istanbul's end. And I'm fine with Trump turning a blind eye to that one. "NATO" ally, my ass. It's literally like if Christians controlled Medina. The status quo is sickening. G'head, Vlad, ya know you want it. You've always wanted it....take it. Take it.
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