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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. I'm not familiar "Collins." I assume you mean, Susan. I do not know much about her so I can't weigh in on the comparison.
  2. Well, the failure of the Articles of Confederation led directly to the constitution. The idea was then to still have a small army. But WWI permanently destroyed our ability to have that. Our founders recognized a need for a strong federal government. So we need that. But I think we can have a federal government that is large and not so invasive.
  3. It's hard man on the big government thing. We need a big government, but we gotta limit its reach.
  4. No, I was. I don't care whether or not you believe it. Your opinion is insignificant to me. And, I don't lie. Well, I do to customers.... "No ma'am, this is the bestest air conditioner EVER." Smiles and nods.
  5. What did Trump prove other than reducing political debates to hand and penis measurements?
  6. I think his detractors point to his stance on healthcare and the 2nd Amendment.
  7. Well, agree to disagree then, bud. I kinda think he is. Oh my god, are you still on that? You know exactly what I did, I got Ivana and Ivanka mixed up. Simple mistake. There. Take your great victory. You've earned it, kid.
  8. I agree with you on the witch hunt to an extent. But it’s also apparent that Trump is an idiot and criminal. What I care about is conservative values. Like debt reduction, and a free market. So yeah, I’ll pounce on him for his corruption to try and get a real conservative in there. And im not the problem here, Bobby. I encompass everything that makes this country great. The game show host in the White House is everything that’s wrong with it.
  9. Why would anybody in Chicago need a gun? The police are working overtime. They’ll handle everything. That’s why we have government. To handle all our wants and needs.
  10. His associates are whores and criminals. Trump himself would most likely be indicted by now but for being the president. So the question is simple, and not that liberal voices don’t count — but this is just a question to conservatives — should Trump be primaried, or should he automatically be handed the Republican nomination? ——————————- Awesome! Got a typo in the headline! I’m going for round 2 of coffee! ? Mods — please fix the headline. Thanks.
  11. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/video/military-experts-claim-iran-fighter-192200630.html ????? silly Haj.
  12. I do think the victims family should have the option to pick the sentence and administer. We can keep it clean. Guillotine, hanging, lethal injection, shooting. Im not advocating for putting the guy in tires and setting ablaze.
  13. Iran says things like that so often I wonder if they believe it.
  14. ...ya know, you’re not wrong. You are now my mesaage board zen master. You sir, are a true stoic.
  15. Why are you so obsessed with me? Good correction. Touché
  16. https://www.yahoo.com/news/senior-cleric-says-iran-target-u-allies-u-055242243.html ?????
  17. Baron, to me, is off limits. A dumb bimbo that try’s to involve herself in daddy’s affairs is fair game.
  18. Yeah I do. Look who she married. A classless man who is an undispusted, proven, whoremongerer. C’mon, I know you’ve seen the Stormy Daniels “Camster” commerci. Stormy = whore. Ivanaka = whore. Any woman who sleeps with Trump = whore. Facts. Btw, Stormy, I wanna shake your plastic surgeons hand. Well done. They look built for comfort, and speed.
  19. I don’t care what pleases that whore.
  20. Indeed. But being that I agree with borders I turn a blind eye.
  21. Why not? We MUST control our borders. For a man who takes his name from Rome you have a bad understanding of it. When the Danube was lost, it was allllll down hill for the west. We are western civilization. We must keep the barbaric hordes immigrating in a reasonable manner or not at all.
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