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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Am I going to visit the Browns boards to see there reaction to Tyrod after games? Yes. To see what there saying. Is that sinister?
  2. That’s up every man individually. See, I knew there’d be a war in my time. And I knew that I could sit at home like a lady, or go to war like a patriot. Btw, you say taxes as if it’s an option. That’s cute. Yeah because he’s why the legislative branch isn’t working. Democracy is and always has been inefficient.
  3. I can’t wait to read the Browns boards after 12 quarters of Tyrod.
  4. I prefer Trump’s politics over Obama’s, but I prefer the character of Obama over Trump. I wonder B-Man, would you have pounced on Obama and demanded he resign if it was found that he kept company with whores and Russians. I’m legit asking. Or, would you have slammed Obama as being morally bankrupt?
  5. That bothered me a lot. Stood on the senate floor and said ‘we can’t do this, it’ll allow them to get out.’ And he was right. Without BAH I wouldn’t have been able to get out and go to school. But he’s still a decorated veteran. ....and to some degree I get it. We had to rid the demons left from our failure in Nam. We had to prove when we draw a line in the sand we mean it. But yeah, it bothered me. Heck, I needed the BAH so bad it dictated where I went to school.
  6. Yeah, I, a decorated combat vet, am a “traitor” because some faggot on the internet says so. Go fist yourself buddy. He kinda advocated for war with Iran and so do I. I like McRage.
  7. Or care ? I hope all draft dodgers die. ??✊?
  8. What have you done for your country so much that you feel you can criticize John McCain? Were you ever a POW? If you want to show no class to a man who fought for his country, then spit your venom at somebody else because I don't want to hear it.
  9. Here's what I am, domestically I'm a libertarian, and I advocate the foreign policy of a war hawk. But, there's one giant exception that I haven't spouted here -- I'm an advocate for single payer healthcare. I don't believe that soldiers should fight for the freedom of Americans, and somewhere back home a deployed soldiers family member (non immediate, immediate would have Tricare) is dying due to lack of healthcare. I believe we should have healthcare for all, and Cadillac options for those with the wherewithal. I would fund this with the fruits of conquest -- Iraqi oil. The libertarian and war hawk in me is why I hate Trump and Hillary. Make sense?
  10. 'A-ha! you hate Stalin? That means you like Hitler since those two hated each other!' But why?
  11. If that's your opinion then debating with you is not debating, it's arguing. And this is like arguing with a 3 year old. You cannot win, so logical people do not do it. But I'll try one last time, and please sit down because this may just knock your socks off -- it is possible to hate both Hillary and Donald. Yeah, that's a hard concept, I know, but it's true. 'You don't like who I like which must mean you like who I hate!' Oh Socrates, you are missed.
  12. Did you come up with that conclusion all by your lonesome? ‘I think Trump sucks.’ ’Clearly you LOVE Hillary!’ Is that what you call logic?
  13. John McCain is a good man. He is an American hero and a man of dignity.
  14. No, I’d rather see him witness his life destroyed and go to jail. But it’s a happy second option. Edited: I shouldn’t say that. Let’s just say I wouldn’t shed a tear if it happened.
  15. Between his diet, weight, and stress, maybe it’ll kill him? ?
  16. Yes, I know. I know quite well the timeline. I know the players. I know the plot. I thought you were arguing that the federalist papers weren’t advocating for a stronger federal government? He supported a stronger government because the nation couldn’t pay its bills. Further, I’m not saying your wrong on the war bonds, but I’ve NEVER read that anywhere. Rubio or Kasich would be better for the conservative movement than Trump.
  17. Yes, you can argue that a philisoph of the enlightenment era was a “liberal” as I have. We actually get the “left” and “right” phrase in politics from the Jacobins during the French Revolution based on where they sat in the Estates General. I think we’re arguing while agreeing. When I say “big” I mean we’ll equiped and funded. I do not mean invasive.
  18. Well of course the believed in states rights. It’s hard to conceive now but the thought back then (before 1776) was almost like the colonies were different countries. They all got started for different reasons. American identity apart from the states took a while to build and I think (though it’s not my area) that it probably wasn’t until the early 20th century that a true American identity got going. They were all very protective of states rights. But they knew they needed a strong federal government. Washington so much that he came out of retirement.
  19. So Maddison and Hamilton advocated for a weak government in the federalist papers? That’s what you’re arguing?
  20. What does “big government” mean? Because you’re right. I want the worlds most elite military, but I’m quite libertarian on a lot of issues.
  21. The Federalist Papers contradict that though. I think its niave to think we don’t need a strong federal government. We HAVE to have one today. Yeah. And they established a strong federal government too. We had liberal founding fathers....actually, for the time they were all liberals.
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