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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Reality is that Mahomes is gonna be good.
  2. There’s a sign that tells me that EVERY time I drive to pick my daughter up from cross country. But somehow, my truck, with a XDS under the steering wheel, and my Sub 2000 in the back, make it onto campus despite the sign. EVERY time. It’s amazing that the sign doesn’t stop me. Weird.
  3. Christianity, of course. But, know I don’t count Buddhism as a religion.
  4. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/08/26/two-linked-to-extremist-muslim-new-mexico-compound-wanted-to-attack-hospital-prosecutors-say.html My Struggles: From the begging it has been them. Always them. There’s no reasoning with them. Their brains aren’t wired for reasoning, just barbaric savagery. There can be no coexistence.
  5. Yes. But as an agnostic I have a respect for only one religion. Only one.
  6. As an agnostic, I tell you now that is NOT true. The cult of the Jewish carpenter was NOT predicated on money early on. That’s why it appealed to slaves, soldiers, and the poor.
  7. I wouldn’t say that. I’m agnostic. My disgust with evangelicals is their desire to always claim the moral high ground when religion so rarely has it.
  8. The fact that Trump overwhelmingly has the support of evangelicals to me shows how full of **** evangelicals are.
  9. Can we change the name of the thread to something more appropriate? Like, about Taco Bell!
  10. Bruh, what about the chili cheese burrito? I used to eat me 4-5 of em at once.
  11. Yeah! Woot Woot! He's dead. Let's all frickin celebrate. Let's all tell his family how glad we all are that he is now dead!
  12. A professor friend of mine, an Armenian, was in Turkey when that happened. He’s from there. He went back to give the government $10,000 or something close to that. He bailed on his mandatory service when he came to the states to study. He, being Armenian, understandably didn’t want to serve. He’s a brilliant guy and I wish I got to talk with him more about the coup, all he said on it is he feels like the CIA left the coup leaders at the altar. I don’t know his reasons for suspecting US involvement; but he’s a brilliant guy and he made that known to me.
  13. A Trump thread? ABOUT TIME!
  14. I wonder if black people knew that when it comes to slavery that they’re not special if that would help them calm the heck down? The liberal rage on this issue is due to historical ignorance. People must be judged according to their time. I have no no issues removing the statues, but they should be preserved.
  15. Indeed dipshit. I’m not saying you said taxes were optional. I’m aware of what I wrote. I wrote ‘taxes aren’t optional’ NOT because you said they were, but because you insinuated that’s all a citizen need do. And I agree — if the citizen is a woman. Women should stay home during wars. Men should go and fight.
  16. I’m not arguing that. I am arguing though that there is a benefit to it. Personally, I support term limits.
  17. Lol. Ya know, there is a downside to the idea of term limits and career politicians being bad. There is a benefit to career politicians — they’re experienced.
  18. Obsessive? Naw. It’s like farting and waiting in gleeful anticipation for the person next to you to smell it. I can’t wait to see Cleveland’s reaction when they realize Tyrod is like a fart — he stinks.
  19. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-boosted-white-nationalist-conspiracy-223346739.html Lol, Huffington Post. They already had the narrative written without investigating. Blacks are benevolent and whites are monsters.
  20. I can’t wait for the HBO movie on all this. It’s gon be ?
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