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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. China is a threat the likes of which the world has never seen. They want the pacific, and unchecked, in the next 15 years they’ll take it.
  2. I’d tariff everything from China 100%. Id then publicly recognize Taiwan. I’d publicly endorse a defensive pact with Taiwan that I’d try to get Japan and S Korea in on. Fucj China.
  3. Any trade deal, no matter how good, will give China access to our markets. They’ll use our money to continue their rearmament. Good luck, Taiwan.
  4. https://www.yahoo.com/news/us-china-close-reaching-major-trade-deal-report-213215750--finance.html Awful. Just awful. We should do no trade with China. The only peaceful China is an economically weak China. I suppose Trump doesn’t mind funding war hungry Marxist’s.
  5. https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/u-citizen-detained-tortured-saudi-172742291.html No reason to get involved.
  6. I misunderstood. My apologies. And after rereading, you’re not wrong. I wouldn’t invest in any of them yet.
  7. Look, if I want moonshine (and I never do) I go to the liquor store. I have friends how make their own. I mean, people are gonna do what they're gonna do. The question is what should people be imprisoned for doing.
  8. I haven't seen it yet, but I'll take your word. Anyways, I'm gonna have fun this draft and not really care who we get because we got the only thing I cared about last year at 7. This year I'll just hop on here and praise Beane for being a genius for whoever he says. He was right on Allen, and that means we finally have a GM that GM's better than I do from my couch for the first time in 2 decades. So I'll just clap for whoever we get. But bruh, 6'4", 230 lbs, 4.33 40........wow! I understand he dropped a lot of balls though.
  9. The validity of their hesitations does not negate the fact that marijuana was made illegal arbitrarily, and arguably unconstitutionally. It's status as a schedule 1 drug is beyond ridiculous. Somethings require responsibility. Driving. Guns. Alcohol. Cough syrup. Weed. They require the responsibility of the user. Responsibility and common sense unfortunately cannot be legislated.
  10. Yeah, I like him a lot. Right now I'm just gonna sit back and relax and see what FA brings us, and then I'll be able to guess at the Draft. But truly, I think this is a BPA kinda draft. There's not a position I'd get upset about in the first 3 rounds other than safety and QB.
  11. My first reaction is to argue but let’s see what FA brings in.
  12. No way is Pocahontas the nominee.
  13. He will not be a Bill unless we trade down. First, I love Hock. But there’s way too much value to be had at 9. Metcalf, Oliver, Jonah Williams. I like Hock at 20-25, but not at 9.
  14. Arizona would be a good team to take him. Controlled environment in a dome. This little fella is gonna be fun to watch, but how long will he last?
  15. Ok. Sure. So what’s your point? Cough syrup does that too. I believe it’s an issue that can sway votes
  16. They state they stay in their lane well, it’s the speed limit that’s the issue. They’ll be driving 25 in a 50.
  17. Ok, who’s posting Robert Reich tweets? This is why we can’t have nice things.
  18. https://www.dailywire.com/news/44144/breaking-man-arrested-attack-conservative-uc-ryan-saavedra I hope he winds up in a river In Rome they would do “purges.” Maybe a purge is what we need.
  19. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/poster-connecting-rep-ilhan-omar-to-9-11-terror-attacks-ignites-outrage-at-west-virginia-capitol I wish I could take the credit.
  20. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/rashida-tlaib-faces-questions-after-data-shows-campaign-paid-her-17500-salary-in-two-weeks-after-election-day And here’s the other Muslim wench.
  21. Oldman’s interpretation did NOT show Churchill’s wit or steadfast determination. It was ridiculous on so many accounts. And I hated the movie.
  22. So, I’m watching The Office and I’ve decided I’m going to quit reading Tiberius’ voice with Cleveland from Family Guy. I’m going with Stanley now.
  23. India’s movin muslims out. Nice.
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