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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Look at this douche correcting people on grammar and using 2 spaces after a period. Usually that’s indicative of age. Typewriters. But i I love that douche tactic. ‘Ah, you forgot an apostrophe which clearly means everything you say is wrong.’ There’s not enough salt in the world for those kinda snails.
  2. Well I wrote this driving so I’m not looking at my phone. Gotta keep eyes on the road. But it’s imprtanylt for you to know you’re a douche. Your points are all *****.
  3. Youre a *****ingjackass and I loath your writing style. America is not an example of multiculturalism. I mean you could argue the colonies were, but not America. But you’re too mush of a knowitallcunt to debate with so good day.
  4. Well there’s a guy who’s favorite game is “I win.”
  5. Hey guys, there’s a safety recal on S&W 15-22’s. Apparently there are defective bolts. If you have one please look into. Shoot safe.
  6. My library makes me a scholar. Your “point” on America makes you a dumbass. Good day.
  7. Im a combat vet and I have an undergrad in history. But cool post.
  8. How/why did this happen if diversity is awesome? Because liberals tell me it’s such a great idea to mix religions, ethnicities, languages and so on. Just dump it all in a bucket and watch the awesome happen. That’s how it works, right?
  9. I wholeheartedly agree with this. We are worse off for it yet unwilling to relinquish it.
  10. It is a sport. It has always been a sport. And it’s continually become more and more mentally demanding. Just because you don’t know what I mean don’t make me wrong. If you’d like to argue then we’ll have to go back to the Bronze Age and move forward to the Greek games and the the phalanx and then the maniple system, the Marian reforms, and then were just pulling a lot of strings. But it is a sport and I was good at it and I enjoy things I’m good at. Sorry.
  11. I don’t have supporters. However there are a few who are willing to examine my arguments and see the sense in them.
  12. Some of us are both. There’s a reason I idolize Churchill. He too was both.
  13. Its the ultimate sport. It’s the ultimate thinking mans game.
  14. Thank you. And the person who wrote that memo is spot on. I condem the gunmen. This is what coexistence brings. 104 years ago diversity created WWI. This is a Pandora’s box. I make fun of Canada a lot but man do they produce kickass troops. Their troops in WWI were top notch.
  15. Its kinda hard for me to drop the hatred thing. A bit hard. I kind of have some “grievances.” But I agree with you. You’re not wrong.
  16. This has nothing to do with the thread title and everything to do with your lust for changing thread titles.
  17. Im not gonna speak for that person, only myself. I know what I said and what my intent was.
  18. I am NOT doing that. What I stated in this thread is that we clearly can’t coexist. There’s only about 1500 years of history in my corner. Maybe we need to let it ride longer and let the list of people killed by terrorists (on and of each side) grow longer? But what im saying is there will only be more of this if we don’t make a radical change. Am I wrong?
  19. ? Why do I use that word? Know what word we used to say ‘Iraqi civilian,’ ‘Iraqi combatant,’ or ‘Iranian’ on the radio? We just used “Haj.” “We” as in soldiers and marines. It was expedient and useful. I don’t care if you have a problem with it. Im kinda set in my ways. Institutionalized if you will. If that offends you, sir, then I’m offended by your offense to a term designed to maintain some sort of psychological protection for service members in theater. Because a soldier feels much better about killing “Haj” than he does a “person.” And to me, I’ll always use that word because it’s what I used since 19. Sorry for kicking ass for my country.
  20. C’mon, think. I chose “Asians” so I wouldn’t have to be so long winded. Yes, that’s what I meant. I would have hated the enemy.
  21. Thats why I use the term “haj/haji.” I’m not killing a “person,” I’m just killing “Haj.” Most people don’t understand the psychological necessity to dehumanize your enemy. I’m sure I’d hate Asians if I were in Nam, Korea, or the pacific during WWII.
  22. Forgive me, but I would think that you’d be able to understand I’m not referring to innocents. I mean, I figured you’d be able to understand I mean ‘Haj that’s trying to kill me.’ I’m not advocating for the slaughter of innocent people. Jesus. And for the record, I used the least amount of force necessary. And as soon as I took a prisoner, I wouldn’t be gentle with them per se, but the first thing I would do is safeguard them and provide them with water and food. Because that’s what I do. I’m a custodian of western civilization. That’s what I do.
  23. I literally have never finished a book on the man because I usually end up legit weeping when I get to the end. I always stop short. He was gonna ***** up Parthia. Maybe if he did — what could have been? He performed more miracles than Jesus. It’s too upsetting to me.
  24. How is that a thing on this thread? Mallrats quotes are far more relevant.
  25. Ya know, Nanker's question is valid only because of people like you.
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