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Posts posted by papazoid

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    Our guy Jerry Sullivan was out defending his fellow NFL media saints in full force this morning. To ready Sully, you would think those media "experts" were back in the 1960's....you know, when nothing would be reported until the story was actually substantiated with real proof? You want to know why I like Buddy Nixs' rants over Sullivans' sarcastic attack this morning? Because of the incredible story ESPN News (now there's an oxymoron if there ever was one) was running all night yesterday. Tiger Woods is in s sex rehab facitlity today. This report came in from some ex sex rehabbers' blog, who supposedly was only in that same facility to "research his book!" On top of that "source", ESPN then openly admitted that the rehab center would not confirm that Woods was even there, and that ESPN could not substantiate the story at all! They came right out and reported a story like that, and admitted they could not prove that it was even true. And these are the type of lazy "professional gossipers" that Buddy Nix was fired up about yesterday.


    Sullivan laughs and tells us he's just another Buffalo Bills puppet lying to the intelligent fans. I say I even if Nix was lying about everything he said yesterday, he was just reacting in kind to today's "reporters." I say, good for Buddy. It's nice to see someone from the Bills' organization actually standing up for it for a change!


    sully is stinging cause Nix cracked on him at the presser in front of all his friends.....lol

  2. I know it's hard to believe, but it was not Ralph that shot down Marty. Yes, Marty wanted the job. He wanted it well before Buddy was even hired. But it was Buddy's call. I am sure Buddy did not want that to be public having worked with Marty. I don't know how it was spun back on Ralph. He makes his share of mistakes, but that one was not him.


    I am not necessarily supporting the hire, But in the end, Buddy needs someone he can work with and if he thinks that is Gailey and not Marty, that probably has the best chance of working anyway.


    Regarding Thurman, does anyone think that someone who goes on WGR every other day has access to any inside information from the Bills? I guess you can value his opinion. But he will likely never have any inside info.



    i read that as Buddy thinking that Marty contributed a little too much to his own fallout in San Diego with GM A.J. Smith ....and that buddy wanted none of that here.


    i think Buddy is his own man.

  3. Chan Gailey is an outstanding hire.



    Marty ball (my choice) , but Gailey is a much better O.C. than Brian S.


    Cowher- his teams were loaded with talent, he blew lots of games.


    Shanahan- most "dead money" in NFL 2009 ( + $29 mil)


    Frazier- Tampon 2 defense....no thanks.


    Fewell- Tampon 2


    Grimm, Harbaugh, Brian Schotty, Rivera.....NO EXPERIENCE.

  4. don't cut off your nose to spite your face.....



    the ONLY way to keep the bills in buffalo, is too continue sellouts.......especially when an ownership change is near.



    there are folks who give up their seats every year for various reasons.......mostly financial, some move away......alot fewer than you think because the team is struggling.

  5. i have wanted Marty since day one.......but he should have at least hinted that he wanted the job......it would have given fans a chance to support the choice ....instead of everyone just dismissing it by saying he doesn't want the job. oh well, that ship has sailed.



    i am happy with Chan Gailey....he is very similar to marty in that he has helped improve every team he has been on.


    Chan is an outstanding choice.



    coaching is over rated.......the most important guy is the one who picks the players(Nix).


    you take Perry Fewell and the old coaches and give them the 10 pro-bowlers from minnesota....and bang, we make the playoffs. coaches don't execute plays, players do.



    i also want to say that Chan Gailey is a significantly better Offensive Coordinator than Brian Schottenheimer.

  6. i have wanted Marty since day one.......but he should have at least hinted that he wanted the job......it would have given fans a chance to support the choice ....instead of everyone just dismissing it by saying he doesn't want the job. oh well, that ship has sailed.



    i am happy with Chan Gailey....he is very similar to marty in that he has helped improve every team he has been on.


    Chan is an outstanding choice.



    coaching is over rated.......the most important guy is the one who picks the players(Nix).


    you take Perry Fewell and the old coaches and give them the 10 pro-bowlers from minnesota....and bang, we make the playoffs. coaches don't execute plays, players do.

  7. coaching is overrated.....you have talent you win......


    Mike Shanahan won back to back super bowls in 1997 & 1998......the following year in 1999 denver finished LAST in their own division......did mike get stupid ??....some guy named elway retired, changed the makeup of the team.


    Bill Cowher won the super bowl in 2006. the following year pitt finished 3rd in their own division......did bill get stupid ???....some guy named jerome bettis retired, changed the makeup of the team.



    even that credible source thurman thomas (cough) just on wgr....says....it's all about having good players.......he also said that bill cowher probably would NOT have gone 6-10 with the bills last year.


    my point is.....TALENT is more important than coaching.

  8. I want to hate you. I want to throw you under the bus and call this a cheap ass hire, etc. I just can't. There is just something about this guy I really like. I love the fact he can develop QB's so lets hope Nix goes out and gets one. I love the fact he will call the offense. There is no more camp Marv/ Jauron. It's time to bring some damn toughness to this team and I have a feeling if you don't bring your A game you will be shown the door with this guy.


    As for as Buddy Nix is concerned, I loved how he backhanded the press and said it was funny watching all the BS reports out there. I love how he basically said he doesn't give a **** what the media has to say.


    God Damn it...as much as I don't want to, I am pumped to see what Gailey can do. here is to hoping the Draft is a great one that produces that QB we have greatly been missing.


    I for one am going to give the Nix/ Gailey regime a clean slate and fair shot.


    welcome back from the dark side.....

  9. I haven't gone through all pages of text but I think you should take a bow for this post.



    nevergiveup is the man !




    #1- nevergiveup

    #2- kelly blue book

    #3- farmers almanac

    #4- nostradamus

    #5- TMZ

    #6- punxsutawney phil

    #7- weatherman

    #8- economist

    #9- ESPN Insiders

    #10- psychic

    #11- Thurman Thomas

  10. coaching is overrated.....you have talent you win......


    Mike Shanahan won back to back super bowls in 1997 & 1998......the following year in 1999 denver finished LAST in their own division......did mike get stupid ??....some guy named elway retired, changed the makeup of the team.


    Bill Cowher won the super bowl in 2006. the following year pitt finished 3rd in their own division......did bill get stupid ???....some guy named jerome bettis retired, changed the makeup of the team.

  11. coaching is overrated.....you have talent you win......


    Mike Shanahan won back to back super bowls in 1997 & 1998......the following year in 1999 denver finished LAST in their own division......did mike get stupid ??....some guy named elway retired, changed the makeup of the team.


    Bill Cowher won the super bowl in 2006. the following year pitt finished 3rd in their own division......did bill get stupid ???....some guy named jerome bettis retired, changed the makeup of the team.

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