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Posts posted by NoName

  1. All speculation at this point. They are trying to get a deal done with Byrd so I would imagine he is their number one priority.Franchsing him is a lower number than Levitre so I don't think Byrd will be flying anywhere soon. Locking up Urbik makes Levitre, a little (emphasie little) more expendable. But my guess is that they'll keep both. Donald jones will stay and Mckelvin will probably leave.


    Side note: Why is it that our D looked horrible last week for the first time in a long time.........A williams was on the field for the first time in a long time.....conincidence????/hmmm

  2. .....This is who the Bills hired.


    2007 - Gailey was dismissed from Georgia for having 6 consecutive underacheiving seasons.

    2008 - K.C. good season as an offensive coordinator

    2009 - Fired as and Offensive Coordinator during pre-season and was out of football for the rest of that year.

    2010 - Hired as Bills Head Coach?????


    Ladies and Gentlemen, you get what you pay for.


    The guy is probably a good off. cord. but I don't see head coach.


    Is it true that this is the final year of his contract?

  3. Like I posted in another thread. The Stache DOES NOT deserve to be fired. After the first half of the Patriots game, you probably said to yourself, wow, we only held the Pats to 7 points. And we forced a few three and outs. The Pats made the adjustments at half time and we didn't and that's what it comes down to.

    Did he do a poor job on the whole? No question about it. But he does not need to be fired after 4 games???? That's just over reacting.

    If the front 4 doesn't get pressure then you see the results of what happens.

    Why isn't Mario Williams being lambasted? I was never big on that signing. And he has been the most quiet DL of the Bills starting four.

    Also why isn't the players being blamed. The blown communication, the poor coverage. Do not lay it all at the doorstep of the stache. Not based on on half of football against the best QB our Bills have faced during the 2000s.

  4. I know we all want to overreact to today's game. But let me ask you this. Did you feel that our defense was impressive and keeping our team in the game at the end of the first half???


    I know I did. They had the Pats to 7 pts. We were doing something right.


    It was the adjustments made at the half which changed everything around. Don't toss out the stache after a few games. Give the guy a chance.

  5. If Gailey goes I want Perry Fewell back as head coach.

    That's funny!!

    What's interesting about Gailey is that he hasn't been on the hot season and this is his contract year and no one seems concerned about it.

    If the team wins below 6 games he and the stache are all gone. And I am not so sure if this team can win more than 6 games.

  6. Fun thread. I'll play:


    I'm 35, and live about 40 minutes away from Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, MA. I grew up in New England, but they were an awful team in the 80's when I discovered football and were never on TV. My father, a life-long die-hard Patriots fan, had similar reservations to many of you here today about raising me as a fan of an entrenched loser with terrible ownership and a legacy of failure, so he let me go my own way (Except in 85'. That year I was forced to wear a John Hannah jersey every Sunday for the last 6 games of the season. To this day noone is allowed to speak ill of Steve Grogan in his presence.), and by the time 1988 rolled around I was an entrenched Bills fan.


    Fast forward to today.


    <cue "Cats in the Cradle" by Harry Chapin>


    I have become my father. My heart and soul are held prisoner by a franchise marred by a legacy of failure and ineptitude. Our stadium looks like it a discarded pile of concrete from 1970's era East Germany. Our owner is out of touch with his fan base, and sees his franchise not as the lifeblood and legacy of his community, but as a slow and steady stream of income. Our roster, long past it's glory days, seems like an endless parade of "has been's", "never will be's", and "who the !@#$ is he's". My Sunday ritual osilates between displays of incredulous anger and apathetic malaise. My recliner is my Titanic, and Ralph Wilson is the captian.


    My children, however, will not be like me. I am breaking the cycle. They are being raised as Bills fans, and when our version of Robert Kraft steps through that door, and turns the tide, my children and I will celebrate our victories together. Had my Dad stuck to his guns and raised me a Pats fan, today I'd be an incredible douchebag, but my father would know what it was like to celebrate a Super Bowl victory with his son.


    not too far from you.


    about 30 minutes from the razor and 37. Been a Bills fan since I was 15.

  7. 1. Sign them both

    2. Byrd is a very good tackler

    3. Byrd's ball skills are overrated - many of his INT's have been horrible overthrows - but he seems to catch most of what comes his way. My definition of ball skills is diagnosing a route early, taking the correct angle to the play, and knowing when to jump a route. I've seen some of that with little to no pass rush. Looking forward to seeing what he does with a pass rush.

    4. Searcy is SS

    5. Levitre though just a guard is terribly more important to this team than a FS even in a passing league. He has a rookie to his left and a guy with a bum knee to his right.

    6. They have the room and money to sign them both before the season opener. Sign them now and get a little bit of an early bird discount. If can only get one to sign then franchise the other.


    Great post. Agree 100%

  8. Great posts and great points. To the few who refuse to play the game. Of course we want to keep both players provided it doesn't put our Bills in a bad position. We also know that the Bills have the cap space to keep both. But just because they have the cap space doesn't mean that they will sign both. It's been a while since the bills have had this level of talent on their roster. And when teams get to this point with talent on their roster, they start letting good players go.


    The whole point of the thread is this. IF you could only sign one next year. Which one would it be and why. So far it seems Levitre is getting more support.


    Personally I am not sure that Byrd is the best safety on our roster MUCH LESS a potential top safety in this league. At this point in time, with all due respect to Eric Wood, I regard Levitre as our best lineman. Wood might have the slight edge in talent but durability and versatility matters. I don't think Levitre will ever make a pro bowl but I still regard him as a very good guard in this league (Top 7).

  9. Let's say you are Buddy Nix and you only have the option to keep Byrd or Levitre. Which one would you keep and why?


    I regard Levitre as a slightly higher rated guard than I would rate Byrd as a safety. I regard Levitre as being able to play all offensive line spots whereas Byrd only FS not SS. I think that if we lost Byrd, lining Wilson at FS and Searcy at SS would be more effective than plugging in Rienhart at LG if we lost Levitre.


    So needless to say, my vote would be for Levitre. What about you?

  10. well we have a few guys that can play middle. Shep. Barnett (played most of his career there) and maybe morrison. Outside LB is where we are thin. Our depth are Moats and some rookies. If we can stay healthy there we'll be fine but if guys get injured, that's when I'll start to worry. Tank might be someone who can provide solid depth as the season progresses.


    And to the other poster, thanks for clarifying things on Merriman; makes sense.

  11. Sheppard is banged up. Maybe the reason Moats is getting OLB reps is because they have to move Morrison on the inside?


    Another thought, why isn't Merriman playing OLB anymore? I know he is old blah blah blah but isn't it about putting your best 7 on the football field?

  12. Excellent contribution. Thanks for sharing. I found the WR battle (or lack thereof) very interesting. I wonder who has the leg up on that 4th wideout spot? Probably Hagan.


    Finally made it out to my first ever training camp practice and I must say, its hard to figure out what to pay attention to. On one side the WR and DB's are going at it, on the other side the d-line and o-line are thumping eachother, just a lot to watch for sure.


    Without breaking down specific plays, here are my impressions on some players:


    Kyle Williams - He looks 100% - He is quick off the ball, and is going full go in line drills and 11 on 11. He is like a bowling ball (or meatball) as my wife put it. Looks like last year really is behind him.


    Dareus - absolute beast. In line drills and 11 on 11 - the middle of the oline was caving in. Forget about a qb stepping up, Dareus and Williams were just collapsing everying.


    Mario - Big dude. He Doesn't look 300 lbs in person because there is no softness to him anywhere....which is all the more impressive to consider what an athlete is. He has all the moves you would want - quick speed move, spin move, saw him on a nice stunt, and one time he bull rushed Sam Young straight back.


    Mark Anderson - Quick off the snap - looks like the kind of player we were hoping Maybin would be.



    WR group in general - it certainly looks like Donald Jones is the top candidtate for the #2 spot. He looked good in practice, made a few nice grabs. After that, I didn't notice anyone really distinguishing themselves. Kamar Aiken had a few nice moments, as did Derek Hagan. Marcus Easley was practically invisible out there yesterday.


    LT - the battle between Hairston and Glenn also looks pretty even at this point. Both are big dudes, and both had their share of issues with the D-line yesterday. They were rotating pretty evenly in drills and honestly, 77 and 75 look interchangeable at this point.


    Vince Young also looks much better than Thigpen. From what I saw yesterday and from other reports, I hope Thigpen was good with the money he has made in the NFL up until now because it doesn't look like many more game checks are in his future. With that said, Fitz has nothing to worry about with VY challenging him whatsoever either. #14 is far and away the #1 QB on the roster.


    If I had to bet who would be the first one cut this year, my money is on #68 G Keith Williams - maybe he just had a bad day or who knows, but he would have been better off just falling to the ground and hoping the D-line would trip over him. He was getting absolutely abused out there.


    #54 Kyle Moore was getting a lot of Reps with guys who will make the team. He didn't look out of place, might be a guy to watch, the coaches seem to like him.


    John Potter has a BIG leg. He and Lindell were booming some from 55 during practice, Lindell's would go over with a little to spare, Potters were bouncing in the VIP tent area behind the field.


    DB's - Gilmore is legit. He has very good speed, and he has that style where he is just draped on the wideouts. None of that 10 yard cushion crap - either bump and run or very small cushion. he likes to get his hands on the WR's and dictate the play to them. He had a nice INT on a go route to I believe it was TJ Graham. He is a stud. I'm not as enamored with Aaron Williams as many people seem to be. He is pretty good, but to me, he looks like another Drayton Florence out there. Good enough, but nothing that looks to scare Qb's into leaving him alone.


    Overall, the D-line just dominated everything. In 11 on 11, in unit drills, everything. Perhaps Eric Wood in the middle would have changed some of that, but there literally was just a wave of blue moving line backwards on almost every snap.


    Overall it was a fun day, a nice experience, and a good excuse to go get a rack of ribs at the Dino BBQ!

  13. Don't be so quick throw Donald Jones under the bus. Last year was his first year as a starter and his second in the league. Compare his stats with Stevie's over their first two years and you might be surprised. Is he the next Stevie......no but there is no reason that he won't improve. Given the Bill's spread attack, the #2 spot isn't as big as people are making it out to be. Someone with speed who can keep a safety honest is really important. I do agree that the Bill's will keep 6 plus Smith. And by the way, the poster who described Roosevelt as having speed is way off. He is slow. The six will be:

    1) Johnson

    2) Jones

    3) Nelson

    4) Hagan

    5) Graham

    6) Easley vs Clowney (will battle for the last spot)

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