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Posts posted by NoName

  1. Even though hangartner isn't a dominant center, he is A LOT better than the nonesense we have had at center in recent years.


    Yeah I thought Hangartner had some good games ...I can't remember the last time I thought a Bills center had a good game....he's had some not so games as well but he is an upgrade over what we had

  2. I love the way we took J. Meredith -- we got a player who can perform now and for the future with high upside, and did not cost us a good draft pick. Despite all of the negative criticism, that was another great FO move.


    The future of this OL is looking very bright.


    Did you not see the game against the Panthers????? This guy looked awful.....I thought he was an usher for a minute

  3. I can see how it would seem like a crooked line but it is not.


    Step 1 is a clear identification by Fisher that he is done with the Titans. He can't say it directly, but it is obvious as he pretty much states he is in 100% disagreement with the owner.


    Step 1 would be enough to end the topic but he proceeds to step 2, which could only relate to what he wants to do AFTER the Titans.


    In step 2 he talks about how he wants to pick a QB and stick with him. We have established this is not about the Titans, but who could it be about? What team will probably have a new coach in 2010? There are several. Which of those is in this position because of musical QBs? That narrows the list doesn't it?



    lmao......can you believe this guy...I dont know what is funnier....the original post, or him trying to justify the post.....lmao....wow

  4. I think they are both great. Easily our two .best OL this season. I would say Wood is better with bull rushes but gets beat with quicker-agility type moves. Levitre has more trouble with Bull rushes but is better with the quicker style moves. I say that because anytime I notice either is being beat, that seems to be the reason. Levitre yesterday was pushed back into Fitz and caused a and throw on an open out route. Wood has been schooled at times too. I simply like Wood more because on run plays, you can see him driving defenders 5-10 yards downfield. When there is a pile up at the end of the run, he comes in and just hits guys for the hell of it. If we had 5 Woods on the OL we would never have to pass. I will take 4 Woods/Levitres and one Butler though.


    I agree 100%

  5. This is an easy one.....Teams are built from the inside out......it really doesn't matter who we have for our QB......the offesnive line needs more talent.....people ask, why is it that the Bills looked so good against the Pats for week 1....the biggest reason is because, our starting offensive line played the whole game ......this was the first and only time our projected starting ol played together for an entire game.....looked at how our offense looked in that game....we were all ready to tip our hats to Van Pill .......having said that, the most recent draft was the first I time I can remember since I've been a Bills fan (1990) that we drafted two offensive lineman in the first two rounds of the draft.......Think about it, in the last 10 years, we drafted one lineman in the first two rounds of the draft (not including this years draft)......we absolutely must invest in the OL, we need to walk away from next years' draft with a stud tackle drafted in the 1st or 2nd round....also, if we could get anothoer stud OG in the first or second round so we can move Wood to Center that would be even better......until the offensive line gets fixed, we will suck......we have talent at every skill position, we just need OLine talent.......the only way I would draft a QB is if Sam Bradford falls to us in the first round...other than that, I wouldn't think of drafting a QB early in this draft......


    I dont think the Bills should get rid of T Edwards.....who else can we "realistically" get thats going to be substantially better....I just think we need a change of offensive philosophy....Edwards, should be more of a game manager....we are asking too much out of our QB's.....our style of offense should be more of a smash mouth / play action pass attack...this would allow us to play to the strength of our offense (RB's) and get Evans more action in the deep passing game..drafting two stud OL's in next year's draft will go a long way in establishing that

  6. i am so glad the coach disagrees with you.


    fj stat of the week.


    2 yards on 5 carries.


    i voted 75% lynch/25% jackson


    Same here...many of the guys in these forums only care about what have you done for me lately.....one guy actually said Lynch needs to hit get the line quicker......if you think FJ hits the line the quicker than ML you are crazy....ML attacks when he runs the ball, he almost always falls forward......FJ takes his time and waits for things to develop.....we are lucky to have both but make no mistake about, Lynch is THE back

  7. I am sure its just me. I don't understand why everyone wants to put Eric Wood so high above Levitre. I think the two have been playing at the same level. Sometimes, Levitre has better games sometimes Wood has better games. Not to mention that LG is a harder position than RG. I think there are two reasons why people want to put Wood above Levitre.


    1) The Hall of Fame Game

    2) Wood was drafted higher


    I remember after the hall of fame game, people was saying that Levitre should be headed to the bench in favor of Seth Mckiney




    Eventually, I would like to see Wood moved to Center. I think you want a player of his caliber at Center as opposed to Guard

  8. Sharper has started all six games this year. Byrd has only started 5. I think Byrd was an unknown quantity before this game. The Panthers may have overlooked his int.'s last week. I'd be willing to bet that Carolina didn't try to gameplan around him at all.


    I don't think any teams will overlook him anymore. If he can continue like this after teams start trying to take him out of the game he'll be a star.


    There is something I don't understand about the draft. (All of these are JMO)



    1 11 (11) Maybin, Aaron (DE) - I believe that he will eventually catch on and be a stud. (In my best Yoda) Patience you must have, patience.


    1 28 (28) Wood, Eric C

    (From Panthers through Eagles) - I think this was a super solid pick. (Thanks JP)


    2 10 (42) Byrd, Jairus (CB) - I love this kid. It's barely the beginning of his career but I see a better future rather than a worse one.


    2 19 (51) Levitre, Andy OL

    (From Cowboys) - He's no Eric Wood and he definitely needs to improve. I'm not saying he's a bust, I'm saying I believe he can and will get better, but he's under starting caliber at his position right now.


    4 21 (121) Nelson, Shawn TE

    (From Eagles) - I like this pick too. This entire season he's had six catches for sixty yards and a TD. However, I think some of his contribution doesn't show up on the stat sheet. His presence won't allow full attention on any one guy. The Bills are bringing him along slowly and that's probably good for him. Given his draft position he seems like he will end up being a semi-steal. (Thanks JP)


    5 11 (147) Harris, Nic S - He's a big time project and I don't know if he's a bust or a boom yet. I guess we'll have to wait til next year to make a better judgment.


    6 10 (183) Harris, Cary CB - Practice Squad


    7 11 (220) Lankster, Ellis DB - Looks like a great pick, especially when his draft position is considered.


    So out of eight picks it seems that two (Wood and Byrd) are immediate impact players. It also seems that three players (Lankster, Levitre and Nelson) are going to be solid contributors next year and for a few years after that. Two picks (Maybin and Nic Harris) are on hold right now. Too early to tell about either of them. Maybin having only four tackles to show for his play so far this year is a little bothersome but I'll wait until the end of next year to reserve full judgment on him and NH. Cary Harris made the PS and so every draft pick has made the team. Some are immediate upgrades and others will be.


    So after taking all of that into account why is there such a large fire Brandon contingent?


    How in the world do you say Levitre isn't starting Caliber?????? What in the world makes you think Wood is sooo lights out better than Levitre

  9. You guys are all a bunch of dopes.


    Jairus Byrd is playing free safety. Whitner is best at strong safety. Whitner was playing free earlier this year because without a healthy Byrd, our best tandem was Whitner at FS, Scott at SS. With a healthy Byrd, the best tandem is Byrd at FS and Whitner at SS.


    On top of that, it's not really the SS job to get interceptions, even in the Tampa 2. Think back to the days when Monte Kiffin was running a tight ship down in Tampa. Who was the SS on all of those Bucs squads? John Lynch. What was Lynch known for? Interceptions? Didn't think so. He was known for taking your damn head off with big hits and being solid in the run game. He had 26 career INT's in 13 seasons. THAT is the job of a SS in the Tampa 2.


    Let's study football before we post guys. Seriously.



  10. You guys are sooo what have you done for me lately its not funny


    Byrd has the stuff you want in a FS and he should start....but he isn't a great tackler....and Wilson is a very poor tackler.....Whitner is your SS.....a safety tandem of Whitner and Byrd can grow to being one of the best in the league....keep in mind both of these guys are under 25.....I think Wilson would be great to use in Big Nickle or Dime formations and good depth......and I think Scott is a very good backup that we can throw in here and there.....but why get rid of your most versatile DB in Whitner.....I think he and Byrd perfectly complement one another

  11. 3 down and 7...Wood recognizes the neutral zone infraction and immediately stands up. Turn it into a 3 and short. Thats the kind of play we need. The best is yet to come from this fine young kid. He plays smart, tough and discipline. Levitre isnt far behind and will only get better.


    Who says Levitre is behind? Having said that, I think C and LT are the most important positions on the OL.....I would like to see us draft 2 more lineman (in the first two rounds) so that we can move Wood to Center

  12. I feel like all these threads talking about firing Jauron NOW are a bit pointless. It is inevitable that DJ is gone, it's only a matter of when. Who knows what Ralphs timeline is, but I am guessing he is hoping to wait until the off-season, but will eventually be forced to pull the trigger b/c we will lose 3-4 consecutive games.


    I think most of us can agree that it is a pipe-dream for us to sign a veteran coach/college coach who will either command top-dollar or a lot of control (See Shanahan, Holmgren, Gruden, Cowher, Meyer, Carroll). When thinking about who on earth Ralph would realistically hire, I had a flashback to when we hired DJ. I remember thinking the job was Mike Sherman's because it was down to him and DJ. I wasn't thrilled about Sherman but he had won in the league so I was content. Sure enough Marv/Ralph chose the Ivy Leaguer instead. I was pissed-off but over time the fan in me took over as I started to have hope for the upcoming season.


    I guess my question to everyone is, what will you do if Ralph pulls another hire like the DJ hire? Some low-key, re-tread head coach who has not had any real success as a HC. For example, what if we hired like Al Groh or Mike Tice. I would probably watch all the games still, just not care as much if we win/lose.


    Stupid poll


    "I am retarded and BILLieve Ralph will hire a big-time coach (i.e Cower, Shanahan, Gruden)"


    What does being retarded have anything to do with wanting a big-time coach. Besides, this poll has already been done. Show some damn sensitivity.

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