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Posts posted by NoName

  1. You are looking at front four of Edwards (Unless they get a 1st rounder to start) Williams, Dareus and Kelsay. Troup Heard Carrington Johnson are rotational guys.


    Sheppard in the middle. Barnett and Meriman (or Moats if they cut Merriman) on the outside. They will undoubtedly add both an OLB and a true DE (non of that tweener junk) during the first 3 rounds.


    The secondary is a strength for the defense especially at safety. McGee and Williams will likely start with Florence coming in on nickle kicking Williams into the slot.


    Also, McKelvin will be interesting. He might get a chance to do something.

  2. Think about this idea. Chan has been ineffective during his tenure as Bills coach. His suspect Playcalling toward the end of the season clearly cost this team some victories.


    The 20,000 empty send a powerful message to Ralph Wilson, the Bills fans won't stand for the crap product he and Chan have put on the field. So here is my advice - fire BOTH Chan and Edwards and have Wannstedt lead this team. Wanny was a very good coach as was effective as HC of Miami. He was able to beat New England and he'd help our defense.


    The good thing he'd do though, is bring in a new OC that would not screw things up like Chan.


    Really Wanny as HC could be the best thing for this team


    Any guy who names himself after George "Tone Loc" Edwards deserves to get a hard time for a post like that. Curious, did George Edwards work under Wanny when he was in Miami.

  3. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=nfp-20111223_usc_de_nick_perry_declares_for_the_draft_where_does_he_stand


    What about Melvin Ingram? Seems to be universally ranked ahead of Upshaw or Perry. His only downfall seems to be that he is only a one year starter, however contributed 9 sacks last season despite not starting. Also is an SEC player which Buddy and Co. seem to prefer. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/draft/players/1620606/melvin-ingram


    no thanks. he has the body of a full back. with a gut

  4. Johnson is good, evans blows, parrish breaks like a stale cracker, nelson is solid and easley is a big question mark.


    I'm not loving this recieving core. But since you obviously have insider information on what the Bills are banking on then I'll just take your word on what they are doing.


    Not insider info just making predictions like many people on the forum do. Evans sucked in Bmore but he was good in his last year at Buffalo. It's possible (not likely) that a return back to the Ralph will work out well. Last year, when the bills started johnson, evans and parish they put up big numbers. All three receivers. The ball was spread evenly between the three. Not like now when its the stevie johnson show. As I see the bills have a number 1 receiver (Johnson)a number 3 receiver (Nelson) and a bunch of 4 (nelson, Roosevelet)and 5 receivers. I am really hoping Easley comes back in healthy. In those preseason games, he looked like he could be a solid #2 (I know its only preseason).


    As far as who the Bills might actually get in the first. Check out Nick Perry from USC. He played DE at usc, he's more of a tweener. Good speed off the ball high motor guy plays sideline to sideline.

  5. Levitre is the guy who needs to be locked up the most, but I would like to see all 3 with new deals ASAP.....I really think Bell is the only guy on the roster who should be a full time LT though. Hairston needs to go to the right and battle Pears and the loser become the backup/swing tackle.


    Very strong post. I couldn't agree more.

  6. I was always a huge Donte Whitner supporter. I thought the Bills made a big mistake. I didn't see the light until a few weeks went by this season. George Wilson is clearly better than Whitner. He makes plays. I still say Whitner is better against the run and more versatile. But as far as overall and being a difference maker, clearly Wilson.

  7. There is not a DE or LB worth taking in the top 15 what we should do is trade up with either the Rams, Vikings or Jaguars & draft Robert Griffin III & start looking at the future there are 4 good WR that have top 10 value but you can always find value LB,DE & WR in later rounds but your not going to find player like RG3 every draft


    We can't keep ignoring that since Jim Kelly we haven't had a franchise QB, just look at all the playoff team other than the 49RS all have franchise QB & if we want to be a contender you have to take chances & trading this years one, 2013 one & escond in 20014 is worth the risk, you keep playing safe your never going to succeed


    Bills wont have to trade that high for rg3> Of the teams listed above bills, only washimgton has a need at qb. Also, the Bills will be a 43 next year with darious and williams in the middle> This will move barnett inside and sheppard outside with moats 3rd down and batten 1and2 downs.


    bills are banking on healthy easley as well so you wont see a wr at 1st. also, the secondary has been their strength> Pass rush is priority> they need best de possible in 1st round> 2nd olb and third wr or te.


    when was the last time bills spent big money on fa other than to. also, i would love to see evans back: he and stevie played well together. and provides depth at wr. imagine a five of johnson, evans, parrish, nelson, easley.


    also can bills afford levitre and wood. personally, levitre is everybit as good as wood. with less injuries.

  8. Not going to defend Whitner AT ALL, but it's not a fair 1:1 comparison.


    Revamped and improved DL, and ALL new LBs in front of the Safeties. Guys that can actually do their jobs, so our SS doesnt have to stop the run on every play.


    Great job by Wilson though. Go Bills!!


    Good point. And I did think about the better personnel. But Dareus and Barnett and Merriman are the only new parts. And more than that. Can you really see Whitner making those plays even if he were here this year? Those picks? pass breakups? Pass defense iq? I really don't think so. And this is coming from someone who was a big Whitner fan.

  9. I think Gailey and his staff is the BIGGEST reason for the change. Mainly Gailey. Even though last year our record stunk, I just had a good feeling about Gailey.


    I must admit when he was hired, I thought the Bills absolutely lost their minds. But this guy is a damn good coach and someone who absolutely my pick for coach of the year so far.


    Yeah I'd like to see him spread it out less on 3rd and short. I'd like to see a little more play action out of the strong or weak I. But this is guy is the best offensive mind we've had here since Teddy M.

  10. If you look over my post history, you will always see that I"ve been a big Donte Whitner supporter. Well, after watching the Bills this season and especially the last game. I have to admit (gulp) that the vast majority of you were right about Whitner. The game that Wilson played yesterday is the type of game I think we all invisioned that Donte would play when he was drafter 8th overall. Donte never delivered anything close to the game George Wilson gave you. The scary part is the George Wilson has only been a starter for about 6 or 7 games in his career. I really cannot believe how much better he is than Whitner and at this rate, Wilson will be one of the top 3 SS in the league. I still give Donte the nod in run defense other than that Wilson is a far better player. Heck, even Bryan Scott might be a better player than Whitner.


    And if memory serves me correct, wasn't he a receiver here like 5 years ago that never got on the field?

  11. I'd like to see T.O. back. Why not. According to J Glaze, he looks great. Last year he was the best receiver on his team in only his first year there. And the year before that, he was the best receiver here in his first year. He's a future hof. He and fitzpatrick already have a really good rapport. Why not?

  12. See how I put you on the backpedal like that? The mama joke was just to get an extra yard separation, much like an Eric Moulds push off. That's an old school TBD beatdown you just got.


    Next time, mind your biz.


    I responded to Serious ridiculous claim about Moulds being a HOF talent. You decided to chime in your baseless support. By the end of the thread you are rambling about how it wasn't the point of your thread.......well tell that to Serious, he hijacked it. That's what he does, he's a who'er like that. He wants attention, so he takes your idea, jacks it up and gets responses.


    Just so happens, I'm in charge of making sure Bills players are remembered for what they really were, so he got his needed feedback.


    On a side not, Derrick Mason just got released. Let's sign him for the one pass and save a down.


    I think its clear that this is become a thread for DICK to live up to his name. The receivers on Baltimore comparison does not make sense at all. On so many levels and its not worth to get into it. We all know he was a very talented receiver. Stats do not always paint the picture. Moulds and Price's season big year in 02 (I think) should prove that out.

  13. To suggest that Lee Evans was a better receiver than Moulds does not make sense. Lee Evans on most team would NOT be a #1. For crying out loud T.O. took his number 1 spot in his first year and T.O. was almost on the dark side of 30. Moulds could do it all. Underneath, deep, good route runner, dropped a few here and there but not as bad as T.O.


    I remember during an interview in the early 2000's, T.O. named Eric Moulds as one of the top 3 receivers in the game.


    During Moulds first season, I can remember Marv Levy saying something like Moulds was one of the fastest player he had ever seen on the bills. We can argue until the cows come home but I think its safe to say that the vast majority of Bills fans KNOW that outside of Andre Reed, Moulds was the best receiver in Bills history.

  14. I remember in his first two seasons--he was putrid!


    I tried to trade 3 of his rookie cards in 96-97 for a Corey Dillon rookie card...no dice...my brother was 10 at this time...laughed at my offer and called him Erica!


    It wasn't until year 3 he made waves in the NFL!


    Eric Moulds is my favorite Bill after the super bowl era (Antoine Winfield a close 2nd). Not saying that he is on Eric's level but isn't ironic that the same could be said for Stevie Johnston as well. He didn't blow up until his third year.


    I totally agree that Eric Moulds had hof talent. He compares very similarly to Andre Johnson but I think Moulds was faster.

  15. Because he wasn't getting along with Gray. He likely would have remained the Asst. Head Coach.


    Thanks for the info, I didn't realize that he did not get along with Gray.


    My take on the whole matter is this. I think Wanny's hiring will have two parts. One, he will give the most input/support to Edwards. However, Edwards will still have final say on what goes on the defensive side of the ball. Also, I think Wanny gives Gailey someone to bounce ideas off of as far as direction/strategy of the team. Remember Gailey once worked for Wanny and these guys worked together in Dalls (I think). Although Wanny is not an offensive coach, it doesn't mean he doesn't know about offense (see Bellichick). I think too often people pigeon whole coaches into thinking that they only know one side of the ball or the other.

  16. LeBeau said he preferred the coaching environment in Pittsburgh to what he had experienced in Buffalo. He's not an idiot.


    You're not a manager, are you?


    Sure I'll take the bait. No I am not a manager. What would make you wonder if I am a manager?


    By the way. One of the points that I made that I think was overlooked is this: Why would the Bills offer Lebeau a job as a defensive coordinator when he was already employed by the Bills as an assistant head coach?

  17. Like many of you, I really wonder how much influence will Wanny have on the defense. Remember when Dick Lebeau was hired mid season as assistant head coach for the bills and Gray was the defensive coordinator. If memory serves me correct, Gray still made the defensive calls. In fact, I don't remember the defense changing much at all. At the conclusion of that season, Lebeau was offered the defensive coordinator job (supposedley a downgrade from being an assistant head coach) and he turned it down to become a defensive coordinator with the steelers.


    So if being an assistant head coach is truly an upgrade, why would Lebeau (1) turn down the position to become a defensive coordinator at another team (2) why would the Bills offer Lebeau a defensive coordinator job after having him on staff an an assistant head coach.


    As much as I wish different, I think an assistant head coach is nothing more than tittle to not insult Wanny. He may make more than Edwards etc, but at the end of the day, it will be Edwards who will be responsible for defensive game planning with heavy input from Wanny. Don't expect to see many new wrinkles in the defense.

  18. Remember the Bills made big free agent acquisitions? Remember when they made trades sending out 1st round picks for top flight free agents??? It doesn't happen anymore. When was the last time the Bills made a splash in free agency? When was the last time the Bills picked up a player who was high in demand that everyone wanted? That's why we aren't winning. Look at the impact of our free agents? Look at the impact of our top picks? The only thing keeping this team together is performance of low round draft picks and cheap journeyman players. At the end of the day you need the right horses to win the race. I think Ralph needs to open the wallet and I think nix needs to get some better folks in charge of pro player personnel and scouting.


    And by the way, with the whole cash to cap system in place, the bills being 12th in spending is very misleading.

  19. Huh? I'm obviously not defending Whitner as evidenced by my previous posts on this very page of the thread. I'm saying it's obvious he's not a good safety and there shouldn't be any problem in pointing that out.




    The point of this thread is that Donte Whitner is "officially a bust". You yourself mention he is "an average safety". Average safeties are not drafted in the top 10... this is what identifies him as a bust. He makes tackles down the field because our linebacking crew is suspect (his hit/tackle on Hernandez was really nice, though). Whitner was definitely late to cover on the 2 Moss TDs, which is unacceptable for him to do on such a consistent basis.


    If Jairus Byrd is given any leeway for liabilities in his coverage responsibilities it is because he has, in less than one full season, proven to be ballhawk capable of making big plays. How many interceptions does Donte have since his career began in 2006?



    Is Byrd still a ball hawk?????????


    Byrd sometimes has problems against the run and didn't play that well today either however he has done more in a single season than Whitner has done in his entire career. Byrd makes plays as was evident in all his interceptions last year and his fumble recovery today. Byrd has shown the ability to be a game changer in playing less than a full year than what Whitner has done with his tenure with the Bills so far. Elite safeties are playmakers and intimidating which show the ability to have impact on the outcome of games - neither qualities Whitner has shown with his super high draft status. In fact he was a liability today.


    Byrd made most of intereceptions in two games......Byrd has been 100% invisible this year....bottom line....he has made zero plays.....there is no way a person who knows football can say that Byrd is having a better year than Whitner...I don't give a damn about last year....cause if we go by the past, then Edwards should be our starter based on him leading us to that 5-0 start.....I think Florence, McGee and Whitner and maybe Edwards(in no order) are the best players on the Bills defense

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