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Everything posted by KollegeStudnet

  1. Interesting point....IF the Bills started this regionalization proposal during the super bowl years with Kelly, Thurman, Reed & Bruce...would it have been a better success!? With Toronto in the fold...makes the Bills compete in the top 10 media markets in North American professional sports... Without Toronto the Bills would be in the bottom... My opinion is if this team was winning...the turnout for the Toronto series would be totally different! Winning is a major part of the success of this series...hopefully, this changes in 2012!
  2. the three seperate sites were to show there are spaces available for parking... Really!? retractable or not...it is the whole 'layout' of what is around the stadium is the point of the post! Why build a stadium in today's market and not have anything around it to make it a 365 day venue and tourist destination--that's the proposal the Vikings have on their webiste!
  3. What alot of people don't understand is the old Nabisco silo is vacant...Rainbow mall is owned by NCCC and sits vacant...the majority of the homes around Niagara Falls Memorial hospital sits a major area of homes that are vacant/condemned...
  4. Doing some research...the NF stadium would be the closest stadium to a casino! The complex around the stadium should be significant to WNY's history... If I had plans to build the stadium I would propose the following: -history museum of the WNY and Southern Ontario area -build an 1901 pan-American fair http://www.google.com/m/search?site=images&source=mog&hl=en&gl=us&client=safari&q=worlds%20fair%20buffalo&sa=N#i=2 ...which would be lit at dusk and would house several restaurants, shops and several hotels...it would be an awesome tourist attraction alone, because it showcased and introduced the power of light--something most buffalonians don't recall learning at Kenmore West, Tonanwanda or any other high school! This would be a project surrounding the stadium...a mini city based on heritage, the power of light and the power of being a Bills fan! -have a cultural center surrounding all cultures, which have migrated to Southern Ontario and WNY from the 3 waves of immigration--this would of course include Native American tribes -a park which would have bronze statues of past players coaches--including a 15 foot statue of Ralph Wilson Jr.
  5. I'm for NF stadium...if it happens I hope it looks similar to what the Vikings just proposed recently! http://www.vikings.com/stadium/new-stadium.html
  6. Congrats on being the 3rd person to do this in the past few days...The Peter link trick only works when people don't expect it. FAIL!
  7. I'm not sure...could be a needed change or the politics of working for NFL.com could have something to do with it!?
  8. the only team(s) I know that doesn't do this is the Vikes and Cards...
  9. There are always flaws in jerseys from DhGate...my buddy got a Thurman jersey with a Raiders patch
  10. T.O. could be done...Sad, I would've liked to see him play at least another 3 years!
  11. Chris Brown's article on 'The Untouchable Numbers'...posted on 6/17/2011. Jim Kelly is the only jersey that is retired as a Bill... 15, 32, 34, 44, 66 and 78 are considered unoficially retired by Hojnowski and staff... 83 is hard to keep unofficially retired due to the nature of WR's needing the number... McKelvin wanted 34 after he was drafted, Hojo said no dice... Byrd thought about wearing 32 after he was drafted, but switched to 31...
  12. True, the media created this endless monster ...of which will never end! Relocation scare is an infinite stigma attatched to ANY professional team in Buffalo! The only way to deal with this is... Understand it for what it is... DRINK... PARTY... & GO BILLS!
  13. Meanwhile in the office of Wayne Weaver...he is estatic to order less tarp than previous seasons!
  14. Rest assure...the team will remain in Buffalo after Ralph's death for sometime!
  15. Beast Mode turned to Quit Mode way before Chan came into play!
  16. more like TE...this team doesn't need--it deserves a quality TE! If they don't get a deal for a TE done this free agency...I would be shocked!
  17. You guys are retarded...The Bills have almost always spent 90% of the cap
  18. Just my opinion...a team in Toronto won't transpire anytime soon due to the NFL regulations of the Bills home radius extending past Toronto...
  19. Exactly, AEG meet with the Vikings if people recall about building this stadium complex AFTER the proposal...reports and anylsts speculated that it was a meeting of the minds due to AEG's success of the surroundings around the Staples Center. Did AEG offer the Vikings a bid with knowledge the Minnesota Legislature will botch this? They could have--who knows!?
  20. On June 6th it was reported the palace will be scuttled if the Minnesota Legislature fails to approve the deal to build the venue by July 1! Meaning...Vikings are still in play IF the legislature does'nt approve!
  21. Pryor didn't come out based on OSU's potential for the championship this upcoming season... If he did come out for the 2011 NFL Draft he would've been a mid-late round pick... The chances of winning the championship lured him back--IF he would've won the national championship his draft status would've pushed him into an early pick...of course this won't transpire now. I would throw a 6th at him
  22. I still don't get why people call out Ralph on being cheap...if you had to pay an extra 30-50% more on your tickets --than I think you would change your minds! the lockout is pushing into the season--this why coaches are not getting paid!
  23. If it does come to 8 games or less...this would be a black eye on the NFL for a while...fan support will resemble that of MLB & the NHL after their lockout! It'll be along time to recover IF they can't reach a deal soon...Overall, the NFL could lose millions/billions for the next several seasons after the new CBA is reached IF they lose this season!
  24. De Smith is one of the masterminds behind this--calling the draft a modern day slave trade! Overall, It's not, De Smith...IT'S A CHOICE...ask John Elway & Eli Manning! The player can decide IF he wants to enter the draft--in which he will be paid millions IF he's a first round pick. IF the player dislikes the team that drafted him...they could cry to another or do what Bo Jackson did--don't sign with Tampa! Again, the players have a choice. They can play and be rich or get jobs like the rest of us schmucks. They aren’t dragged up to the draft day podium in chains.
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