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Everything posted by KollegeStudnet

  1. ha I just saw his twitter...this is probably his first ever "SCOOP" and he's like 40... Good Luck to you Moran...may you rot in hell...if this comes to frutition or doesn't come to frutition!
  2. I'm just trying to figure out how could have he played last week....this happened August 1st? The Bills P.R. department had to know about this almost 17 days ago...this is the only thing that has me thinking and wondering 'Who is Patrick Moran'?
  3. Example of Breaking News... Breaking News: authorities find a young women in a basement well putting on lotion...find RobGuy at his gateway 1993 computer, chanting "Wouldja F*** Me!"...while putting on lipstick!
  4. ha he was making fun of the site, not you...
  5. This article got me thinking...when I noticed it having Salt Lake having 2 teams... I thought Utah-Salt Lake had only one Pro team...but, they have MLS Real of Salt Lake--in which I say... U.S. soccer shouldn't be labeled pro! This article also got me thinking...Utah's economy is one of the best out of every state...According to Forbes magazine Utah is the #1 state in the U.S. for fostering business growth. Also, a keynote is Utah's economy increased annually in the past five years---in a down economy. Plus, the average Income In Utah is around 54,100 USD per year according to 2010/2011 Salary Survey. Forbes has Salt Lake in the top 10 cities for growth at "6".... Milken Institute has the 2010 best ranking economic cities...ranks Salt Lake at "49"...Buffalo at "69" When I reread this article, I noticed it's based on "total personal income", but it fails to show how pro teams excell money wise... from corporate support!
  6. Funny, my mother wanted to name me after the Bills first round pick in '81...turns out it was Moore. After, thinking about it...she decided no, based on the grounds of not wanting me to get made fun of! Come that Sept, she named me Chris.
  7. Levitre played Tackle in college...when drafted most scouts labeled him as a gaurd--due to his stout stature and short arms at the professional level. Now, I believe he was moved from LG to RT in the final games of his rookie season he did fairly well, but was beat by speed rushers. Who really knows...when it's all said and done...I think this move is apart of a plan to make this oline work--meaning they are trying to give Reinhardt a look--so, they can move Levitre, a multi positional olineman to tackle...this is just my opinion...I could be wrong!
  8. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/rapid-reports/post/15445863
  9. They move Levitre around the past two seasons...I'm not scared--yet! Looking at the last game he looked good, but this could all be a move based on the fact he was late to practice today!? EDIT: that's IF he was late--I hope this is wrong!
  10. Before this gets closed...Evans was a good team player--thats it! With a contract close to 10 million over the next 2 years...trading him seemed likely! Fans can go on and on about "Ralph is cheap" or "When will he die" posts, but Evans career with the Bills is over...from a business standpoint this opens up competition for the #2 spot and will help us extend the contracts of Kyle, Stevie & Fitz!
  11. Evans has only 2 seasons of 1,000 yards...out of 6 seasons!
  12. FYI after 2007...Eagles fans called Andrews "The Human Turnstile"!
  13. Drink Beer...Be Merry & Go Bills! That's all I got!
  14. So what makes a coach a "genius"? ...is it wins? ...Super Bowl rings? ...ability to develop players? just wondering... In Gailey's corner he is decent and a great offensive mind! But, he has had to work with players from a past regime coached by Dickey Poo! Gailey's track record since U of Florida... Florida (Graduate Assistant) Troy State (Defensive Backfield Coach) Air Force (Defensive Backfield Coach) Air Force (Defensive Coordinator) Troy State (Head Coach) Denver Broncos (Special Teams/Tight Ends) Denver Broncos (Tight Ends/Receivers) Denver Broncos (Quarterbacks Coach) Denver Broncos (Offensive Coordinator) (Receivers Coach) Birmingham Fire (Head Coach) Samford (Head Coach) Pittsburgh Steelers (Wide Receivers Coach) Pittsburgh Steelers (Offensive Coordinator) Dallas Cowboys (Head Coach) Miami Dolphins (Offensive Coordinator) Georgia Tech (Head Coach) Kansas City Chiefs (Offensive Coordinator) Buffalo Bills (Head Coach) He's had success with most of his opportunities... He is labeled at bringing the best out of his players and devising game plans to do so! Kordell Stewart, Jay Fiedler and Thigpen are an example of this! Overall, I'm glad we have this guy as a coach...I think he's changing this organization and building a foundation for this team to compete...to be a top team in the AFC--something us Bills fans all want! (posted this because original poster dislikes external links)
  15. I'm in...sadly, Bell is out--again! I doubt Bell ever regains his starting position after this injury stint!
  16. I say...Please Storm! I was 3 when they stormed after beating the Dolphins in '88....
  17. Some people still don't know this, but Braylon's contract with the 9ers is strictly incentive based---meaning he has NO GUARANTEED MONEY unless he reaches his incentive goals! He screws up once...9ers could cut/stab their losses and won't owe Edwards a dime before the season even starts!
  18. sometimes it takes years to create a masterpiece... I'm probably one of the youngest people on this board, but I recall the steps New England took between my 11th birthday-to the present day! Same goes for Pittsburgh... Same goes for Indy... Same goes for Green Bay... Same goes for San Diego.... All I'm saying is...I want to see a team that wins for a chunk of years...not a patch work team of overpriced veteran free agents! Similar to what I've seen from the Redskins...
  19. As much as I want a big name TE...I think if Gailey wanted Boss or Miller he would push Nix to get one signed! Gailey looks to be set at TE, but I think they do sign a couple of O lineman during the cutting down to 53
  20. Rome has a soft spot for Buffalo...and considers Buffalo the Green Bay of the AFC!
  21. If he's MIA in preseason games... think he'll be cut!
  22. The Buffalo Bills HOF is I believe at the Historical Museum next to Albright Knox...I could be wrong
  23. Again...this proves he ruins lives (Bengals fans)...stemming from his bipolar tweets...ego...and watching him as a Bills fan cover TE's!
  24. didn't he tweet "Who Dey!" earlier?....here
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