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Everything posted by KollegeStudnet

  1. And it only took a grocery bagger and a then washed up multi purpose running back....with a bunch of first round talent who people thought were mediocre--including an undersized linebacker who later would win the hearts of Bills fans with his play! Who knows...maybe the washed up multi purpose linebacker, the play out of position quarterback from another team, a 30+ running back and a group of unknown players can do the same?!
  2. I might be too young to remember, but in Bruce Smiths last 5 years in Buffalo he sat out...practices and preseason games. If I recall the reason was because he was a proven starter...maybe Chan is doing the same thing?!
  3. Evans is a 30+ wide receiver...slightly above average
  4. Over the past several years Ralph's health has deteriorated... During the infamous Carolina Panthers vs. Bills game at the Ralph...(whoever lost this game would go on to draft Julius Peppers)...Ralph was proped up by a few people, because he had issues walking... During his HOF day, reporters were baffeled by some of his answers... The past few years...Ralph has been using a walker around OBD...it can be seen when Dareus is introduced to Ralph in his office! There have been no reports of Ralph at this years training camp.. Sadly, I'm not Nostradamus...but, I don't see Ralph being our owner after 2013
  5. The sequel of the movie... Like Walt Disney...Ralph freezes himself and appoints a series of 90+ year old look alikes--until the cure for being elderly is reached... The movie will also include a series of running back and cornerback first round picks...undrafted free agent o-lineman and moderate female nudity to boost season tickets sales!
  6. I want the Bills to dominate...and I thought this would happen by now! I've been optimistic for this rebuilding project of 11 years, but feel a little under the weather since the last preseason game! Hopefully, this changes after this weekend.
  7. Offense: Brad Smith at QB & Scott Chandler at TE Defense: Dareus & Batten Honorable Mention: Fred Jackson gets career numbers & Merriman hits the 7-9 sack mark
  8. After rereading the comments made by Jackson, I realize I've been in his shoes.. being on a team similar to this, I noticed looking around and seeing just new faces...troubled by this...I complained and was hurt! It was then, I forced myself to understand why I was complaining---it's because, I was now a real veteran! The only advice I have is...Chix is still trying to find the building blocks to build this team longterm...In Jackson's defense, he has earned the starting position...but, is he the longterm starter in 2-5 years---probably not! Sadly, the NFL is a business and Jackson's outcome is similar to Evans-- likely being traded away after this season for a 3-5th rounder in 2012 or the 2013 draft...
  9. I understand about all these past failed regimes and players from those past failed regimes being cut to create way for upcoming new regime players, but this process of watching, cutting costs and picking the players to form the right chemistry is apart of this rebuilding phase going back to Wade--is starting to wear us ALL down.... However, every winning team has to do this...it's just most of the teams take LESS time to rebuild! When I look at this situation I feel like the Bills sometimes are the football version of the Indians in the movie Major League!
  10. I'm proudly wearing my "Bills Football" tshirt in Utah today...I've been made fun of twice! I'll continue to wear my prideful tshirt....until this 12+ rebuilding year project decides to come to frutition! I'll admit...I was in my early teens when this team was in the playoffs last...I would like to see this team back in the playoffs before I TURN 30!
  11. Don't really see anything around about Tebow rumors going to the Rams--could be a prank
  12. Like marriage...we are intertwined with posters who either... bless our lives or make our lives ever more miserable. Stay drug free...Go Bills!
  13. This is true...special thanks to Peter and his Pete Rose haircut...it's made my life a little easier, knowing the last Bills playoff victory I saw was in 7th grade!
  14. Peter Pan guy has soothed our weary souls...with his awesome frolicking and medieval garb...to inspire us fans to stay positive during this troublesome playoff drought!
  15. I know Gailey is on record for saying he had diminished role in his rookie season, because of his ability to block and pick up the blitz... Spiller has made it his personal goal this offseason to hit the weight room and work on blocking/blitz pickup this year... My bro saw him lineup and take blitz assignments last week... Hopefully, this pushes him into the player we want him to be!
  16. The funny part of this topic is 'when have we had offensive respectability in the past 5-6 years? Granted Evans was a great WR for the Bills, but homeboy was under utilized by every coach he has played for...when drafted Evans had the potential and the breakaway skills of a top pro for this team--but came away with just 2 of 6 seasons with 1,000 yards. However...In the past few seasons, I've seen him get jammed at the line and not recover, drop catchable passes and watched his speed diminish... If you don't believe me go back and watch for yourself... EDIT: I agree with Chan on this one...
  17. it feels like winning and fun on the opening page!
  18. I just got off the phone with my source... he told me Moran's "source" at the border is none other than....infamous Skooby from Florida ...& that Merriman drives a BMW
  19. This Moran "I have the scoop" has taken forever...Just an assumption...what are the odds he doesn't have all the facts and never really has had all the facts?
  20. testing for HGH only takes 24-48 hours for results...even if it wasn't in his urine or blood stream....the test of the pills gets back to you in less than 14 days, which reports have it at July 31st/August 1st as the latest date.
  21. ha I just saw his twitter...this is probably his first ever "SCOOP" and he's like 40... Good Luck to you Moran...may you rot in hell...if this comes to frutition or doesn't come to frutition!
  22. I'm just trying to figure out how could have he played last week....this happened August 1st? The Bills P.R. department had to know about this almost 17 days ago...this is the only thing that has me thinking and wondering 'Who is Patrick Moran'?
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