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Everything posted by KollegeStudnet

  1. Turtle Bay, Hawaii My brother is going to be watching the game in Kingston,Jamaica..
  2. IF the Bills...end 'the streak' and beat New England...after the game...could it be similar to the famous 1980's Phins game! I'm looking to be present at this game...as I was for the Phin's game and Jets OT 11/20/88 game...when the posts came down! granted both games clinched the AFC East crown, but does this game of defeating New England and going 3-0, push us to a point of fandamonium? GO BILLS! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eX27Wq2ob6c&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PL253E8E4F7FD39D40
  3. This feels like Nelson all over again...I'm wondering if this 'illness' is a mental illness
  4. 27? wow....I expected different from this tiny man and his signature famous receding hairline combover
  5. I understand the 7th round opinion, but Jimmy Clausen HOFer?
  6. I was excited when we drafted Shep...I was drunk in Vegas and stepped on a two year old--I still don't understand how a two year old was allowed in the poker room!
  7. I'm really excited about Indy's first game...and how much they'll get destroyed I'm banking on 2011 being the change that sees...Houston, Detroit & Buffalo in the playoffs!
  8. Ha ha this made my day! In other news....I'm shocked that there isn't a Tebow post being honored in Miami...in the same city as the Canes... for the Phins vs. Broncos game yet!
  9. It pains me, but this post could fill up with..."Bills next owner moving them to L.A. or Canada" talk real soon! I'd like to see it be run by a group of owners, rather than a one man show... I'd love to see a group of owners who are prominent business guys with WNY ties....Like the Rich family, Pegula, Golisano...etc...etc...even having the Rogers family involved would'nt hurt-- where each would own an equal share of the team with the lone goal of winning a championship! However, in honor of The Rolling Stones...You Can't Always Get What You Want!
  10. Here's to both those guys...I would never in my wildest dreams want to get blindsided by Merriman or try to tackle Steven Jackson. Hopefully, both guys have a great season!
  11. Brad Smith is so dumb.... That he has been linked as the key game changer in the majority of the Jets victories over the Bills the past several seasons!
  12. The Bills will most likely sign a few waiver Olineman after 53 man cuts...there should be some good names out there this season
  13. Only time will tell on Pegula...who knows he gave us "the tools".... I had a conversation with a Patriots fan who has had season tickets for 40 years...He almost gave up his seats 5 times in his 40 years, because he was sick of losing! Homeboy, stuck by his team...and has watched them dominate the 2000's. He later told me in his 40 years of being a season ticket holder he has noticed a trend...the trend is if your dominant now, then you'll be dormant for a while! Every NFL team has had ups and downs...take a look at the AFC East....Jets good now, GAWD awful over their history...Pats good now, GAWD awful during the 70's, majority of the 80's, some of the 90's...Dolphins tout the best record win/loss record of all the AFC East, but have had their ups and downs since Marino retired!
  14. I findout when we are down on this team...they surprise us! This team could flatline to a 0-4 start or jump out to 4-0 start... I'm hoping for the 4-0 start! I just read Tony Dungy's book...in the book he describes the Tampa Bucs not having that winning attitude...his goal was to start a foundation of winning by weeding out the losing dead ends...it took the team a few years, but he turned the Bucs around! Having Merriman is a plus...the Morrison signing is a plus... Last season we quietly picked up Pears & Ubrik...unfortunately, Ubrik doesn't look good...Pears has looked decent! I talk to Broncos fans in the area I live in now...and they tell me Pears was a great pickup for the Bills! Im for alot of fans who explain how we really should've addressed the O-Line a little better this offseason... I think the FO put all their eggs in one basket on Clabo--but, got stiff-armed! I'm beginning to think this team will go after O-lineman when teams cut down to 53 man rosters! If Merriman goes on to a Pro Bowl year, I can see him furthermore lure the people to make this team win!
  15. When the Los Angeles Bills form their forum...you can be the first to post your appreciation of not having a team anymore!
  16. I understand...I really do, but you look at all the other owners in the league and they all do the same thing Ralphie pooh has done!
  17. Like all marriages...for better or worse...we are married to Ralph as our owner! Ralph is going to be 93 years old soon..Yes, he is old...Yes, he probably should've sold the team...but, he hasn't! This is Ralph's legacy...he wants to own this team until the end! Just like Golisano...Ralph and Co. are keeping costs down...based on the fact homeboy is almost 93 and might not make it that much longer--meaning this team will likely be sold! When he passes the team will be sold to the highest bidder! My theory is....The Wilson family will only CHOSE that the highest bidder will keep the team in Buffalo to further fulfill the legacy of the Buffalo Bills... including HOF owner of 50+ years--Ralphie boy! So, it's NOT based on the highest bidder overall, but the highest bidder to keep the team in WNY! An example of knowing his legacy to keep going: Ralph doesn't just donate 2.5 million to the HOF to eventually watch from his grave his beloved team leave...he donates the 2.5 million to carry on his legacy--the tax write-off is just a plus! Seriously, these are the final years of this guys life...an American hero...a World War II veteran--let's go about these next several years in at least showing some appreciation to the guy who has kept this team here through thick and through thin! We might not all agree with some of his moves, but he has tried to put a product on the field every season to be competitive! Go Bills!
  18. I was hoping this was a joke...after taking the time to see it's not....I see your delusion of choosing a program far beyond worse than the Bills!
  19. I understand what you mean...my scientific theory is that I think people do not read the whole post...they skim the post and reply as fast as they can about their feelings towards the Bills without reading the actual question on wether to have an actual NFL team or to not have an actual team! We call him cheap...but, he makes every game affordable for any family! We believe he has no passion...but, this 93 World War II veteran is an American hero who kept this team here and made sure the Raiders and Patriots didn't fold...and helped Lamar Hunt make sure the AFL survived--in what would become the NFL today! We think he is a bad owner...but, he has always tried to put a quality product on the field...sometimes it has SUCKED--but, other times it's been a success! Without Ralph we wouldn't have a team...I say, I'm glad this team is here and am proud to say GO BILLS!
  20. Not as bad as many fans think...he really has given back to the fans and has a extreme passion for game... We call him cheap...but, he keeps this team here! We call him a bad owner...but, he gets voted into the HOF! We think he owes us fans...but, he keeps the gameday experience affordable for any family! We think he has no passion...but, this 93 World War II veteran is a true American hero who made sure the Raiders and Patriots would not fold...continued with Lamar Hunt to make sure the AFL would survive...every year has made sure this team puts out a product, which we all agree had sometimes SUCKED--but every year tries to make sure this team is competitive... In the final years of this guys life he has had issues, which have hinder his ownership skills. However, Ralph Wilson Jr. is still fighting the good fight to see this team succeed--I just hope it's soon!
  21. I would like to see what Brad could do...if you think about it...he signed with the Bills based on the fact he could get reps at QB--not just for the wildcat!
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