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Everything posted by KollegeStudnet

  1. this made my day... +1 he is joking, but in all honesty...you deserve a lickin' now
  2. its hard to win in the nfl...and score in it
  3. Hopefully, CJ can explode...Just being logical, I still don't see this team beating the New York Jersey J E S T...Jest...Jest in New Jersey! Edit: But still,who knows... Go Bills!
  4. I have come to dislike Rex Ryan, foot fetishes, Tomlinson's comments about the Bills--"being the same Bills" and Mark Sanchez
  5. Stevie will get second tier money, same as Freddie Jackson...
  6. Trust me, I want Stevie to be top 10....However, he is more top 20-30 when he is on his game...he hasn't had a 100 yard/ multi-TD performance in the same game since 2010...top ten gets that almost weekly!
  7. Since 1998, we gravitate daily to TBD, scratching our heads and trying to figure out what the h*ll has happened!??! We can all agree, that we want this team to succeed and all deserve better than this...Almost every given Sunday, we sit and watch other teams enjoy their successes--wishing it was ours... Dreaming that one day, the Buffalo Bills...will be dominant power in the NFL and win the great City of Buffalo a Super Bowl title... Breaking it down... 2010-Chix took over a '09 team that was just horrendous...we all knew 2010 would be an evaluation year. 2011-was supposed to be the same...just a basic year of adding pieces and evaluating what this team has/needs... As the regular season creeps towards the end, we post daily, pointing out holes and depth issues...But, like our starters--the depth players are also injured! This fast start surprised us all...Now it has harbored all us fans to throw up our hands and to say, "let's start over." This team needs continuity and that starts with keeping Chix in place--for now! 2012-IMO, Edwards should be dismissed, granting Wanstache the position...Also, F$tzmonies should get cut before the 2012 season and the focus should be on getting a real franchise QB...I love Fitz, but we all know this is the end...adding more pieces to this team is a must...Nix won't be asleep on the first day of free agency--at least I hope not! Overall, it's always good to dream...maybe the Bills surprise us all again in 2012, this time trading up to select Stanford product--Andrew Luck...Like I said, it's always good to dream! EDIT: Still...Go Bills!
  8. Well F$tzmonies, it's been fun!
  9. trade up for Luck, if the Bills pick in the top ten in 2012...at the present time its worth to dream!
  10. is the vote for 'Only Blackman in America to still wear a grill?'
  11. I say, have Brad Smith run every play...and have a Tebowesque performance
  12. Good question, they could win games if they did!?!
  13. Jimmy can watch it on the net--but, sadly he still has dial-up! EDIT: Go Bills!
  14. I just want to know, why is this the "official" page?
  15. If the Bills win this weekend, I might have sex with my wife
  16. Good points! I used Brady as an example of managing a game and/or QB smarts...wasn't comparing Fitz to Brady. After I read your post, I found out...if you throw away the first 3 games stats, Fitz in the past 6 games is borderline average--unlike Brady
  17. Doing some trending, if you throw out Fitz's stats in the first three games--the last 6 games he looks average-below average at best...
  18. Sunday is my only day off the week... After the Sunday-loss to the Jets, I was drunk and upbeat... After the Sunday-loss to the Cowboys, I sunk into heavy drunken 18 hour depression... This Sunday, I have inspired myself to watch the game and stay upbeat. Because, MIAMI! FYI, this game will include heavy doses of drinking and lots of shouting! GO BILLS!
  19. I hope you're right!
  20. Like Bob Marley's lyric-- "Only Time Will Tell"....As of right now, I still think the Chix regime is better, than having the DJlevy/Mularkeyhoe/Williamshoe regimes here still!
  21. 2012 national games will be based on winning schedule and/or teams that have improved from 2010--meaning, the Buffalo Bills might have a decent shot in 2012, because of their start/exciting play in 2011 so far, to either host a national televised home game and/or play an national televised game away!
  22. Wow, I thought Wood's injury was simpler than that....Geesh, this is a blow! Good Luck, Mr. Wood you're in my prayer's buddy!
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