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Everything posted by KollegeStudnet

  1. I want to say the 2012 salary cap is 120 mil with 90% of it has to be attained. From the link proposed above, I believe this says the Bills are at 90-95 mil... Given rookie contracts in 2012 draft, the Buffalo Bills will have roughly 20-30 mil to work with. Edit: Go Bills!
  2. Chan had a pure turd when he took the reigns of this team. 2011 was an improvement, however, it did show the glaring needs that need to be fixed in 2012. The 2011 fast start blinded us fans into thinking we were a contender, however, we are not--yet! I still think we need a QB that is a coach on the field and can manage a game. Fitz has been serviceable, but he peaked and it's safe to say he isn't the future. This team will have a lot of coaching changes and personal moves in 2012, but I think we are getting closer to the baby!
  3. Fitz has been here for awhile now...even if he did play hurt, do you see Fitz as a Super Bowl caliber QB?
  4. Some may agree and some may disagree, but this team will be exciting to watch in 2012--but, this offseason could be a confusing one for us fans. These past few months, I've been listening to Chix talk about their intentions for this organization, coaches and roster in 2012. Some of which, makes me wonder IF some of their intentions are a smoke screen for further evaluation. Example: George Edwards and Ryan Fitzpatrick On the downward slide of the losing skid in 2011, Chix was behind keeping Edwards. The players adored him and stood behind him. Fast forward into 2012, Edwards is gone and Wanstache gets the DC position! My assumption is there will be a lot of pressure on this football team to make the playoffs. Can Fitz take us into the playoffs? Who knows! That being said, in Chix's third season, I think they make an effort an effort in FA & in the draft. The dilemma of cutting Fitzpatrick before the seventh day of the 2012 league year, will be an interesting time. Based on this, the Bills could save face for the remainder of Fitz's contract and could focus their energies on selecting a young QB in the draft. This is just speculation, however, Fitz has been serviceable--but, his flaws are starting to cost this team. This is just an example, but if this team does decide to part ways with their recent franchise QB--it will make an interesting offseason! Edit: Whatever the case, Go Bills!
  5. I'd love to have Jackson on this team...I guess we will have to see if it can happen
  6. Exactly! He is good at his job and likes to stir the pot. One thing I'm interested in is the link of when, Chris Mortensen talks about the Bills--just recently Mort came out and highlighted this exact subject--but, it was about the Donahoe era... The reason why I say this is because, on several occasions, I've seen Sully articles catered after Mort's observations. Quite frankly, it's nothing big and journalists/columnists do this all the time for leads...But, it's just something I've noticed on Sully's leads for his stories
  7. Exactly! Too bad, Jerry is spot on about this article. But, for the 12+ years he bashed these HC/ coordinators, to get them alineated off this team--then to turn around and praise them is kind of akward on his part! I would go back and start linking these such articles, but why waste the time--we all know Jerry's work! Edit: Go Bills...Playoffs in 2012!
  8. I say this to myself--every Sunday! *sighs*
  9. Reports have surfaced recently that Irsay has already decided on Luck. However, this is all speculation, Irsay wants Manning to be the guy for the next 4-5 years--but, the overall decision rests on Manning's health. I have doubts, if Manning is healthy, the team would trade and/or cut him. Edit: I see the Colts drafting Luck with the exception Manning plays and/or doesn't play the next several season.
  10. he forgot to mention Donte Whitner... Bills still might get a comp pick
  11. Stevie is an asset to this team, but we can all agree--his immature actions have hurt this team. The Bills will not franchise him. However, he will most definitely receive an offer in the 5.5-7 mil/per year range--could it be from the Bills? Who knows!
  12. Odds are you might have to trade up to take RGIII Trading up for the 2nd overall pick would take: 2012 Draft.... 1) 10th overall pick 2) Bills second rounder 3) Bills fourth rounder 2013 Draft.... 1) Bills first round 2) Possible mid round pick Trading up for the 3rd selection: 2012 Draft... 1) 10th overall 2) Bills second rounder 3) later round pick 2013 Draft... 1) Bills first round pick
  13. WGR sucks! I'd rather get my sports news from the ladies on The View!
  14. Zack Brown...late first...second rounder, but this all depends on his combine and pro day
  15. If Fitz is the QB next season, after 30 years of watching games...I might just watch the Lifetime Network
  16. real franchise QB's don't come around too much...draft RGIII...and select a DE in 2013
  17. It is debatable...but, how is RGIII not an option in this offense? I'd rather have Luck or RGIII, than a career backup noodle arm! exactly!
  18. Lynch's work ethic was bad while in Buffalo, doubt he would get resigned. He also, rubbed some players and former players the wrong way.
  19. Travis Henry's rookie year, was an example of why the Bills departed ways with him. A gifted player, Henry was known for his will to never give up and for being a strong team guy. However, off the field he wasn't too bright. After his draft day selection, it was rumored Tennessee withheld some of his high school transcripts--which showed Henry attended "special needs classes." In his first training camp, it was rumored, Henry had issues grasping the playbook and that his playbook was "dumbed down." Some fans tend to forget, that shortly after the regular season began in 2001, while pumping gas, Henry in his rookie season, lured two young females into his car--to play Xbox at his pad. Travis Henry SICNN article from 2001. Upon his trade to the Titans, a figure from the Buffalo Bills jokingly said this about Travis Henry at a Bills event, "he had the heart of a child, with the brains to match!
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