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Everything posted by KollegeStudnet

  1. I think Fitz is now 17-33-1 as a starter in the NFL. Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of Fitz and I am proud he is tops in the league at his position. He is a hard worker and a great man. But, as a fan, my confidence level in him leading this team with his play is not strong. He has beat the Chiefs and Browns so far... Until he has a winning record against the AFC East and if he gets us to the playoffs--the jury is still out. One thing, I have noticed...is he has only thrown the long ball only a handful of times in three games and that the majority of pass plays are in a 10 yard range--that yields me in saying he is a top QB in this league. Again, I am a fan of Fitz...to get me back to fully onboard the Fitzmagic train he needs to have consecutive wins vs. the Patsies and 49ers on the road. Go Bills and Go Fitz! Other notables, yesterday was our first road victory since the Chiefs blow out last year. Other notables, I met Ryan Denney's mom and dad the other night and told them to join #Billsmafia
  2. In this scenario, if the Bucs go 1-7 in the first half of the season...and keep doing this on kneeldowns...the jokes on them
  3. I have...at Dodgers stadium since the fight a few years ago, there are at least 15-20 police cars patrolling the parking lots
  4. I love how he tries to club fist him, but never connects...
  5. I'm all for it! If the Bills beat the Pats...1-3 Pats play Denver the week after...Peyton has always had the Pats number...who knows Patsies could be 1-4
  6. Agreed! After watching, Solder got owned. Sadly, his frustration might cost him a game.
  7. For sure, he will get fined! I remember reading Bill's lips after he touched the ref...all I could decipher is him saying, "hey, do your job!"
  8. Jauronisms I will always remember the, "it's hard to win in the NFL"
  9. Overall, I understand your point of view. I get you, as we all do. To you it's funny. But, to a lot of us--it's classless. Over the years, I have met alot of great people from Cleveland. They are passionate and blue-collar just like us. One point in your post--you mentioned you would like to see pictures of people wearing "Modell t-shirts" You might think it's funny, but our owner Ralph C. Wilson Jr. probably doesn't. "If everyone felt the way I did about the Browns leaving, I wouldn't be here today," said Buffalo Bills owner Ralph C. Wilson Jr., one of two owners who voted against the Browns relocating to Baltimore. "I know the pain that is going through the Cleveland fans because they don't have a team." - The Buffalo News - July 17, 1996 http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-22873135.html On November 17th, 1996 the game between the Bills and Bengals was a salute to Browns fans, of which had a DAWG POUND. REAL Bills fans show up to Cleveland Stadium to show class and sportsmanship--Just like our owner has done for Browns fans. Yes, odds are they will get boo'd. But, that's how it goes--they are there to cheer on their respective team--which, is the Buffalo Bills. FAKE Bills fans show up to Cleveland Stadium to showcase their Lebron James Miami jerseys and Modell t-shirts. Yes, odds are they will get boo'd and are probably looking for a fight. Those are not REAL fans, because--THEY are NOT there for their team. THEY are there to antagonize a rabid fan base who is as passionate as us.
  10. Sorry, this is low and unfunny. REAL fans don't do this...FAKE Bills fans do this! Stay classy
  11. Last night, I broke a 79 yarder on a HB Draw vs. the 49ers......when going up the middle I followed Wood who blocked Justin Smith and Levitre who took out a LB...with one guy to beat--Stevie Johnson came out of nowhere and took out Donte Whitner... CJ's speed has increased to 98
  12. It's always a touchy subject, but the regionalization of this team is huge for them to stay. Also, what is never talked about is the High Speed Empire Rail Corridor system in the works from NYC to--none other than in Niagara Falls, NY It will go through Albany, Utica, Syracuse, Rochester and Downtown Buffalo... There is also another plan from Toronto to connect a High Speed Rail System connecting to the High Speed Empire Rail... Where it meets of course is Niagara Falls I don't know the details of fast the High Speed Empire Rail System goes, but the one being put in Utah right now can take passengers with an average speed from stop to stop at 120 mph.
  13. the stadium looks beautiful on paper/drawing concepts, but in real life it's going to be built on one of the largest parking structures in LA... that garage is always full for Lakers games...where would people park if the Lakers, Kings and/or Clippers played on the same day as an NFL game--where would people park? you talk with anyone in LA...the stadium talk for Farmers Field has been very quiet of late--up until the now potential AEG sale I would not be shocked if Farmers Field doesn't get built
  14. I was there and I boo'd Fitz after that play. He would do the same if he were in my shoes. C'mon it was 3-1 and Chandler was wide open. On behalf of all fans at that game--we didn't want to put up with crappy QB play
  15. Dude, the 5am fire alarm sucked this morning.
  16. I just turned 31, but this team makes me post like a manic 14 year old girl sometimes--due to the chronic support of wanting them to win--but, watching them consistently draft poorly, coach poorly and play poorly over the last 12 seasons Still, I love this team and hope! Always, 24/7 a fan of this team... Go Bills!
  17. What if plans fell through because the next owner doesnt want to have a lease with Ralph Wilson Stadium and Erie County? Thinking outside of the box... The Optimistic Outlook: What if the team already has a buyer and wants to have a stadium built in Niagara County within several years after Ralph's death/purchase...and cuts ties with Erie County The Negative Outlook: This team is toast and the best interest is to start cutting ties...sell to the highest bidder and move after Ralph's death/purchase Edit: this is just my speculation...I could be wrong
  18. My only opinion is this team looked lost in transition and that my frustration comes/stems from a QB who is 15-33-1 as a starter. Edit: *who is still our starter
  19. same here...after watching some of the film, I had a big laugh! I wonder if the secondary and the rest of this squad-- thinks the Jets game was the fifth game of the preseason? Edit: *sighs*
  20. Based on past 4 games, the Bills are 1-3 against the Browns. Granted, those losses are a result of the Dick Jauron era and the lone victory is a result of a Chan-Fitz led team Edit: Chan + Fitz as the starter = I believe is a W/L record of 10-20
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