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Everything posted by KollegeStudnet

  1. I'll be in Napa working at Fetzer on that Sunday...Sadly, I'll be drunk and not watching the game.
  2. the only thing I can say is they haven't spent $119,500,000.00 yet... they will after Mario and Mark's deal are completed, which are 5 years down the road
  3. Its all the above. The whole scheme is predictable...Tom Brady pointed it out Sunday Wannstedt is outdated
  4. I want them to go to the playoffs, but based on results...that might not happen in 2012
  5. Numbers... Fitzpatrick is 17-34-1 as a career starter in the NFL and 12-26 as a Bills starter.
  6. I think Brady says, "Bills are a dominant football team"
  7. If its a new head coach, it will be a rookie...if it is still Chan, it will be Tavaris Jackson
  8. I agree, Nix on paper set this team up to compete. Mario was a great signing still, but the jury is still out. Overall, I think Wannstedt is outdated and his scheme is outdated. Mario still can be great, but under Wannstedt I'm not sure. Fitz is 3-11 since signing his contract extentsion--that is embarrassing!
  9. I hope they go 12-0 the next 12, but in reality...the change is obvious. Chan is in his last year of his contract and will be 12-28 as the Bills head coach. In the NFL, Chan is now 30-38 all time as a head coach. I believe now, Fitz is 17-34-1 as a starter in the NFL and 12-26 as the Bills starting QB. Fitz is also on pace to be MVP for TD's passed in 2012 and might be reigning champ in 2012 again in interceptions.
  10. As a fan, I have been told this team would compete this year. No excuses. This team will compete for the 10th overall pick I know it sounds harsh, but in all honesty... We are 0-2 in the AFC East
  11. We are so bad, that we will win enough games to get us to 7-9...pick in the middle...and select another CB
  12. I'm being realistic. Yes, I am excited about this season still--but, not as much anymore. My analysis is simple...so far, this team can not win against a playoff team! *Bills are now 0-2 against the AFC East. This time in January, the Patsies will be in the playoffs again--and we will be wishing for THAT franchise QB in the draft. From deep within my soul, I am still proud to say...Go Bills!
  13. True, Fred has drank the Patsies Kool-aid over the past 10 years...it's not because he used to be a Bill, he grew up in New England and also played his final year with him in 1991--He is just being a homer just like us!
  14. As much as I would like to say there is a conspiracy...Moorman hasn't been that good in a while. He has been in decline for the past several seasons and was borderline beat out--if not beat out by Powell in training camp/preseason. As a fan, I have a tremendous respect for him and wish him the best.
  15. maybe, this is a ploy to show the patsies he is still hurt.... or maybe he is for real still not ready to go.
  16. Man, I will personally buy you Grimaldi's for the game. http://www.grimaldis.com Best pizza on THE PLANET!
  17. I want to say it has always been the same on TSW. It's a mixture of fans who are either: a) educated b) uneducated c) optimists d) pessimists e) unfunny cynical f) funny cynical g) manic bipolar posts h) people who buy their jerseys from DHGate i) people who buy real jerseys j) people who still live in their respective parents basements Growing up, I would read everyone's TSW posts. It wasn't until 2008, I decided to post my first comment around my excitement during the 4-0 start/before the infamous Arizona vs. Buffalo game--then I saw Trent get laid out. That trip cost me over one thousand and the only thing I remember is denial, beacuse I thought the Bills would win and getting laughed at by a Mexican guy in an faded Edgerrin James Colts jersey--who was by himself--Saying, "Boy, I love losing Super Bowls" in the upperdeck of University of Phoenix Stadium. Like the majority, I'm a passionate fan poster, who just wants to see this team win/succeed and stop being a joke. Over the past 13+ years...It has been an honor to read the several thousand posts. Some bad, some really bad--but, the majority are awesome. So, if I forgot a class of fan, please post for acknowledgment. Edit: additional posters include... k) Flutie Fans who are still upset l) people who love Mike Schopp m) people who hate Mike Schopp n) people who just want them to win
  18. kind of, they have Brandon Lloyd However, he is no Moss. But, could play a role. He had a decent game against the Ravens
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