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Everything posted by KollegeStudnet

  1. I'm kind of torn on this, depends on the day/mood. QB or LB or BPA in the draft
  2. First time I met Hammer, I was 7... Great job! Edit: I also met him on the bus to Canton when I was 18 for Kelly's HOF and can't wait to see him in 2013! He's a good man!
  3. What's not mentioned is before the Jacksonville game CJ averaged 10 yards per reception!? I think after the Seattle game it dropped below 9 yards per reception.
  4. Stadiums older than the Ralph that still stand have had mucho makeovers... Like, Lambeau and Soldier Sadly, The Ralph is in need of a major overhaul. I was there during the KC game this season and noticed some minor and major flaws. The cinder block walls around the south end are shifting and the upper decks are forming cracks--of which have been patched. I love The Ralph, but it's upkeep is the proposed $200 mill+...but, that's just to apply minor fixes... Sadly, again I say I love The Ralph...it's going to be cost taxpayers at least double that for upkeep in 10 years. Investing in a new stadium would change that.
  5. We lose this weekend and against the Jesties... We win 4th place in the division!
  6. This article is funny, because we are not good! Basically, if they do stay...14 seasons with no playoffs...15...16...17 and so on
  7. I remember going to an away game where I was harassed by a drunk Colts fan while I was waiting in line to go pee...I was 10 years old 10 years ago it was the same 15 years ago it was the same 20 years ago it was the same The only thing that is different about games is that there is no smoking, more security, smart phones to text/video altercations and social media to post.
  8. Imagine being an owner of a sports franchise and watching it fail... It has to get old. Taking a step back from the infamous "Ralph is Cheap" mentality...Ralphie has to go all in and go after a culture changing president/operations guy! I'm not saying it's Bill Polian, but it's time Ralphie gives up his power and $elect a Polian caliber guy Duddy/Failey experiment has been not fun at all
  9. Everyone forgets about the Tavaris Jackson deal. Sadly, he should get the nod...But, with Chan still calling the shots we ride the Futztrain til' the end of the season--unless there is a change of mind.
  10. Tis' true. Season Ticket sales are detrimental to the teams bottom line every year. If the FO wants to save face, they will have to shock the world again--but, this time not hire a Chan Failey and/or Duddy Nix
  11. "...it's hard to win in the NFL" -Dick Jauron "...it's hard to be a Bills fan sometimes" - kollegestudnet
  12. I'd love Te'o! I also love Star, he is a good egg!
  13. I'm sitting in Cafe Rio in Provo, Utah and this topic struck a major nerve. Irrationally, someone pointed out my version of 'Why the Bills have fallen apart in 2012?' This team will not succeed, if they can not assist these players into reaching their potential. It is a given, the majority of these Bills teams over years have had trouble taking talent and assisting them to succeed. ----------- I remember an article years ago, about the great Bill Walsh. In the article, the writer jotted out some tidbits about the changing ways of the NFL, which included the great 49ers drafts. Basically, I'll sum it up...THE THING THAT WON'T CHANGE! Eventhough, the game changes...the article depicted the players drafted and the coaches--who are paid to make these players succeed--cater to their strengths and and help solve their respective weaknesses. They develop game plans to put the players in the position to win football games. Example: Jim Harbaugh taking a crummy team and changing the 49ers culture and utilizing the veterans/rookies potential and coaching the players to succeed. ------------- In the past 13 seasons, the Bills have had issues on developing talent--which is a given. --------- The article went on saying every player has potential, that's why there is a draft. --------- Basically, have Buddy and Chan developed and helped CJ Spiller succeed? No. Developed and help assist in succeeding Marcel Dareus...drafted as a 3-4 DE in 2011, now is a 4-3 DT in 2012? No. Veteran wise, Buddy and Chan have had a plethora of veterans from the previous regimes to work with. Some of them excelled, but the majority were cut. All Bills fans have the same understanding, we all can smell bulls**t! Chan's coaching is just that. Buddy's as a GM is just that. Belichick is a coach/GM...who loves the idea Chan and Buddy are just that, because with them--we will always finish 4th in the division.
  14. The Browns have a better shot now at going to the playoffs then we do :0/
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