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Everything posted by KollegeStudnet

  1. So far... The first half of my life, the Buffalo Bills were good to great. The second half of my life, the Buffalo Bills have been...depressing to bipolar Here is to new beginnings. Go Bills!
  2. kook-aid: noun. A cheap alternative to "kool-aid", of which is given to Bills fans to numb the frontal and temporal lobe of the brain for reduced motor skills and memory.
  3. I went to school with a girl who visited this office.
  4. "Several team officials are saying they believe it may be extremely difficult for Haslam to keep the Browns, because he may be ensnared by a myriad of lawsuits and legal actions that could drain his finances and prevent him from keeping the club." http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/blog/mike-freeman/22217956/nfl-team-officials-fear-federal-probe-could-drain-haslam-undermine-browns
  5. What if tomorrows headline read: Orb winning has resulted in a new video controversy spurred by the Patriots Brady and Bruschi I can dream.
  6. Gil is right. The Bills did a great job with UDFAs
  7. Im drunk in Vegas and had to walk alway from the tables to watch this. Awesome.
  8. I was waiting for you to say this. Desean has gone down hill since Vick's first year. Good luck with your man crush
  9. Yes, because if it is by a wide margin...passing /recieving stats get inflated due to garbage time/going against second stringers I'm starting to see your love of this player. In the past 25 years of the NFL, there has not been a WR at 170lbs who has put together an above average career as a #1, #2 and #3 WR. Tavon would be the first and is a gamble.
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