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Everything posted by KollegeStudnet

  1. My mom took me to my first game in Nov. 1981...I was born in Septemeber that year When I became a fan: became a season ticket holder 1985 and continued the trend until I was 22 years old Sadly, I'm no longer a season ticket, but I do follow the team 24/7 in Utah
  2. We are all just a bunch monkeys on an organic spaceship floating around the universe....who just happen to drink beer and watch Bills games.
  3. It will be interesting. But, if you have/will play the game of football...you understand it is a pyshical sport and things happen. It is how it's been and always will be.
  4. Hear that?! 31 other teams just sighed in relief.
  5. Sadly, there is no information anywhere on this matter. I've scoured websites, news threads and contacted a few peoples that I know who work for ESPN... nothing
  6. It's crazy to think that this was the Browns franchise over 18 years ago...they move to Baltimore and win two SBs.
  7. great entertaining person/player... and always will be!
  8. Basically, Haslam has been denying his involvement. But, an employees surprise recording tells a different story. http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ssf/2013/05/charges_filed_in_pilot_flying.html http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/05/29/two-pilot-flying-j-execs-plead-guilty-to-federal-charges/
  9. The dilemma if Wade was the DC during the Super Bowl years was a good way of looking at the change in D
  10. Never knew this...may the NFL pay taxes like all of us!
  11. What about Greek numerals? http://mathsisgoodforyou.com/numerals/greeknums.htm
  12. The Pro Bowl was never a must watch game anyways. Bring on a competition course and maybe I'll watch.
  13. Teams have scouts, video and personnel meetings about/with these players before they are drafted. Change to get more time to evaluate rookies seems like an excuse. However, this change to May is all about monies. ...and ratings
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