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Everything posted by KollegeStudnet

  1. I thought it was only a few, didn't know that.
  2. What the Bills Front Office does best, pretend to do their jobs, watch television and smell each others fingers.
  3. One of the only bright spots on this dismal preseason. Whaley hopes he makes the PS, but I bet he gets swooped up
  4. It's funny how the Texans trade in for one Captain Pick-6 for another Captain Pick-6 Ryan Fitzgerald
  5. Trade Mario Williams for Skelton Trade up for.... Russ Wilson instead of TJ Graham lol
  6. Cohen?! I thought he had a great preseason He was like one of the only bright spots lol
  7. The Wheel in the Sky keeps on turnin'
  8. What if these backups are legit.... and the play calling is not
  9. This made me chuckle and then...sigh when reality sunk in Hopefully, they prove the last few weeks wrong
  10. Offensive coordinators utilize the weapons they have into their game plans. Sadly, his game plans so far have been somewhat lackluster.
  11. If Bulldog got fired, he might commit suicide If Schopp got fired, he would probably pretend to be gay and get a new radio show just to ANNOY US!
  12. After listening to Kelso, I agree with him. The Bills strictly used vanilla plays and were in I-formation packages vs. the Bucs. Detroit may offer another round of vanilla plays.
  13. Marrone: it's not Moron, it's Mar-rone! Brandon: My bad
  14. Article is written by a guy who is from Wisconsin and was the beat writer in Denver...now writes for Yahoo! Let's guess who is 1 & 2?! Lol https://touch.www.linkedin.com/?sessionid=7763479763091456&as=false&can=http%253A%252F%252Fwww.linkedin.com%252Fpub%252Ffrank-schwab%252F5%252F20a%252F860&rs=false#public-profile/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fpub%2Ffrank-schwab%2F5%2F20a%2F860
  15. 10-6 is reasonable. Unlike past rosters, this team has viable players at every position with depth. The Bills face one of the softest pass schedules in 2014 and the Bills face one of the easiest run schedules. No excuses, only an end to an era of mediocrity.
  16. I want to say it was The Huddle. I went there a few times after Port O' Call was shut down. That game was awesome. I sat next to a bunch of Raiders fans that game--and didn't get stabbed Now, I just kick it in Utah County at several places. I usually work Sundays, so I venture to Wingnutz in Orem before I drive up to Sundance. Sadly, it is the only bar with ticket worth visiting in Orem lol
  17. The Bills have one of the easier passing schedules. Also, they have top 10 easiest run schedules. I have him slotted playing in all 16 games 3,400 passing yards, 400 rushing yards, 2 rushing TD's, 26 passing TD's and 9 int.
  18. I've seen a few people post on the Bills Thunder Facebook page. Sadly, I couldn't see the areas where they are supposed to showcase Wall of Famers
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