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Everything posted by KollegeStudnet

  1. You might be on to something. What if this is the setup for London...and then a handful of games around the globe per year The London schedule keeps increasing with games it seems. What if they do the majority of the games in England and 3 games are played around the globe. It could happen
  2. No team wants to lose a home game. If 17 were to happen I could see. I remember reading an article in early spring about the NFLPA potentially wanting to increase bye weeks to two if they go to a 18 game schedule, might as well add a bye week in 17 week regular season. Increase regular season by one, decrease preseason by one
  3. South Korea, is a good idea. Germany, sure Brazil, I guess Mexico, No Bueno.
  4. As of yesterday, by *Pats fan standards 'every team cheats'... So, I guess we did--- even though we lost four straight :,(
  5. Bills fan 100%, but I dig the Pats and consider it a very competitive organization since Kraft took over. Now, am I a Pats fan? No! But, do I respect their organization? Hell to the yes! The Hood is one of the greatest analytical coaches of my time and *Brady is one of the greatest game managers of all time. Talking with a former Bill about playing the Pats during the Williams/Mularkey/Jauron years always produces how prepared the team was in playing. Yes they got busted videotaping, but its hard to translate calls and predict audibles in such a fast paced between downs. One thing I will say, is this former Bill would tell stories on how well prepared the Pats are. Physical. Smart. Never Giving Up.
  6. Wait... Spikes had issues with the Patsies, now is visiting them? Wow
  7. I say... No suspension, a slap on the wrist and he gets caught cheating again in 2015!
  8. Jones was quietly decent last year. The stats don't show it, but Carr looked to him quite often.
  9. "With the 32nd pick of the NFL Draft the World Champion Patriots select LSU Collins. Sadly, he is not here because he is assisting the Lousianna authorities in the murder investigation of his ex-girlfriend."- Roger Goodell
  10. Landry and Spikes will probably be brought on May 6th or after.
  11. Talking to a Phins fan about this matter produced this quote, "Not surprised."
  12. Imagine having Bradford, Sanchez, Tebow and Barkley... All jokes aside, this would've been the greatest QB stable 5 years ago
  13. Lock Ray in! He would be solid rotational guy As for Clemmings, I had a similar injury. The sucky part is I thought it was planter fascitis. Turned out to be a stress fracture in the heel. It wasn't painful at all, just annoying once in a while--until the fracture was found. Shouldn't be too much of a deal for his draft status
  14. After watching the Warren Sapp video, Winston will make a great Buccaneer
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