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Everything posted by KollegeStudnet

  1. Be bold on D. UDFA pickups are going to be huge deal this season. The last several Super Bowls, the teams that played had strong UDFA pickups within the last 5 seasons!
  2. I remember reading a post a year ago on here about Schwartz being upset that the Bills went with Ryan over and offensive minded coach. His departure was set. I for one loved the idea of Rex being here, and still do. I just wished he would pull his head out of his *** and put together a dominating 'bully' he said he would.
  3. During the Super Bowl on Radio Row multiple Broncos defensive players credited Wade Phillips on his coaching. More than one said that the reason why their defensive game plan was top notch under their first season with Wade as DC was because he SIMPLIFIED and made plays easy to understand and UTILIZED PLAYER STRENGTHS. I wish all Bills defensive players say this about the Ryan bros and Thurman after they win SB51. #dreambig
  4. IF the Bills still had Schwartz as the DC and Rex focused on coaching, this team could've broke the wall of mediocrity and could've made a decent playoff push. But, that didn't happen... Cap strapped in '16, a star RB on the verge of getting suspended for 2-16 games for beating off duty police officers, hiring a twin brother who coached one of the worst defenses in the league in '15 and multiple question marks surrounding scheme/difficulty to process Rex's D package with the players we have, leaves this upcoming season with A LOT of work for Whaley and Co.
  5. Jim Miller brought this up on Sirius XM the past several weeks and I agree with him and you. The fun part is Brock could be linked to the Rams. Living in the shadow of a SB victor/Hall of Famer, Brock may opt out of Denver and take the money in FA. Imagine if he stays in Denver and they fail to make the playoffs under Brock. Spoiled, the Broncos fans would revolt. Money will be tight and the Von Miller deal may leave the Denver Donkeys in a bind, leaving Brock to possibly be a top QB FA to take his money in a new location.
  6. Just when you thought the bully case was over, it pulls you back in. Even after a few years collecting dust, Ross just made this even weirder. Doubt the root is racism and more veterans picking on the rookie. Is it racisim when a black person makes fun and/or picks on another black person? If so, then Pouncey and Jerry, who are black, should be included in this convo.
  7. I remember Mel laughed when the CJ pick came in. I want to say he gave us a low grade that year. Revisiting that draft class in 2010, yikes! Almost custom made an Ed Wang jersey to go next to my Wood jersey.
  8. Bills. Tough call. If the Bills defense doesn't improve in 2016, then could be Jags.
  9. It will be surprising who gets the tag, if they use it. I would like them to figure how to get both Glenn, Richie and Gilmore deals.
  10. True. He may have had lingering injuries last season. Bull rush, and speed hurt his play. If he gets cut it would be interesting to see if he could push for a starting spot at T or G. Overall, his play last season could bring his price down. But, with good coaching he could improve his technique. Not saying he could be a starter, but he has potential.
  11. Father Frank drafted by the Bills, played with Kelly on the Gamblers. Frank is a huge Bills fan, Matt was a fan growing up and would go to Bills games on the West Coast. Matt a former top five pick, had a down year. Could come in at a decent price on a team he grew up rooting for. http://www.rotoworld.com/player/nfl/7410/matt-kalil
  12. With the Raiders getting a new deal in Oakland for a year and the Chargers the same, I feel for the fans of both teams. Imagine being a season ticket holder for years, upon years for either team and find out that your team may move AGAIN next year to Vegas or LA--Not this year, but next year we may move 👎
  13. He digs his Bills, but is a Boston native and his job comments on the Pats. He still a Bill.
  14. Naw. Beason retired for a reason. The o-line is cut for a reason.
  15. Bills win! 🎉🍺🇺🇸 http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/14747408
  16. I agree. If I recall it went along the lines of billionares who would not be interested in their NFL team if they had other teams in different sports in different cities. I'll look into more details later when I get home.
  17. Just watched the TMZ video. McCoy's lawyer is a good one, bet this gets resvolved fast. However, I do see the NFL coming down hard on him. A suspension of 1-3 regular games may come down the pipeline to start the season.
  18. I like the simple "no" if Rex's D was too complicated. I expect big things of this team in 2016.
  19. Why not make the Pro Bowl top 3 players at the position that year and have no game
  20. I'll have to look it up. I forgot when it changed, I want to say it changed in the 80's, but you could own franchises from different sports in different towns. Edit: Rule changed happened in 1997, after Paul Allen purchased the Seahawks, who was already an owner of the Trailblazers.
  21. Teams that will go after his services will be high. Carolina and Atlanta may go into a bidding war. Dark horse teams: Oakland and Bengals
  22. Were the off duty police officers bouncers? Not sure, but if there are no charges filed still, then this favors McCoy and company. Were the off duty police officers intoxicated and down to party? Until this all plays out, if the officers instigated the fight and were intoxicated, they could lose their badges.
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