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Everything posted by KollegeStudnet

  1. Delete...and delete user
  2. I'm not a prophet, so whatever I write could be destroyed...but best case could be... All three will improve...somewhat...but I chose Buffalo the most improved over three years... Buffalo...have no idea who will be the QB....have no idea who the HC will be...what I do know is the Patriots dynasty is crashing before our eyes & if we do get Brian it would put a chink in the Jets armor...The AFC East will expierence a new team at the top...could be the Bills...Dolphins...or Jets...the best bet is we get Brian...somehow get our franchise QB and face a somewhat easy schedule in 2010...This time next year we could be talking playoffs! *cues Mora speech* Washington...I doubt seeing this team in the top of their division in the next three years...This team has the same dark cloud the Bills have had...there is no direction and alot of overpriced mediocre players...What Washingtion loves is the spotlight....With all the money thrown at Shanny...I still don't see the Skins' getting in the playoffs within the next 3 years...knowing how the Redskins act and how they hate themselves for giving up on getting Sanchez in the '09 Draft, they will give up the farm to take Tebow...The NFC East is tough and I doubt the 'Skins can beat the Eagles, Boys and Giants...Shanny will have a better record than Zorn... Seattle...it's a shame Carroll made a bad choice leaving USC, this is like the Dennis Erickson era of 95'-98'...Matt Hasselbeck will still be the starter next year...but as soon as Hasselbeck is gone, I doubt this team will have a winning season...they will try to groom a QB, but I doubt Carroll takes this team anywhere anytime soon...Just a hunch, I see Warner & Hasselbeck playing one more season...By that time the AFC West could look different...San Fran could find a QB that can win...Rams could be better than they have been in years...
  3. Dear Mr. Wilson, I was just writing to let you know I'm a sellout....I would rather choke on bandwagoners semen! Sincerely, tonyd19 the sellout
  4. I met a doctor from Jax several months ago, who gets season tickets every year...every year he gives these tickets away to friends and family...he regrets even getting them this year because the tickets he gives away-nobody uses them!
  5. Just imagine Canton, Ohio if Art Modell goes in...Riots!
  6. im tired of these lame excuses for posts
  7. Art's dead! *does Arnie from Whats eating Gilbert Grape*
  8. Stop with your gay facsination with LEACH!
  9. I went to the Panthers store several weeks ago, same size as the Bills store
  10. Or fans that love the Dick!
  11. Tell me if you were the GM, who would you pick after Dick is fired? If you say Bill Cowher and Ralph pays him 10 million per season... Would you finally be happy then?
  12. How many more years will we have to endure before we make the playoffs? When Ralphy sees his shadow
  13. Why not? I have to agree with Ralph...I see him wanting a Super Bowl ring before he croaks
  14. I was there....Charlotte was the cleanest city, but come monday morning there were broken bottles all over the street & vomit on every street corner
  15. Im kinda torn on veteran QB's...the names that could be available/cut after 2009-2010 season are: Alex Smith David Carr Mike Vick Mark Brunell Mark Bulger Jake Delhomme Jeff Garcia Brady Quinn Derek Anderson Kerry Collins Vince Young Sage Rosenfels Tavaris Jackson Chris Simms Chad Pennington John Beck Billy Volek Byron Letwich Tyler Thigpen Charlie Batch AJ Feely list can go on, but everyone gets the picture... I wouldn't mind trying out Simms & Volek if they become available, as a back-up role!
  16. BONUS: If Gruden becomes our coach we'll have 5 QB's...
  17. after he gets an INT we should "flip the bird"
  18. What quote would be nice to write on a paper bag, so I can put it over my face when I go see my Dills at a visiting stadium? So far I have: “I just paid close to 1g to watch DICK SUCK!” or Dick’s quote, “It’s hard to win in the NFL. ”
  19. I just read an article last night on CNNSi.com, Truth & Rumor section, dated Oct 17,2009, talking about the Chargers moving back to L.A....im trying to find it, but Im in class...City of Industry is rumored to be interested in an instate team and San D won't give the Chargers a new stadium.
  20. I'm flying out Thursday from Utah, wearing a paper bag with a frown saying, "I just spent close to $1,000 to watch Dick Suck!"
  21. Didn't Dickey Pooh say something like...."It's hard to win in the NFL"????
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