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Everything posted by KollegeStudnet

  1. They've won two Conference games, that's a start.
  2. Something hip and not boring. 🙏
  3. Hey, we won. Glad to see T2 have the game he did. It was a big game. I'm expecting a similar output @ ATL. Not as high as he did vs. Denver, but love how he responds after he's had a rough game. Carolina played tough. He is a true competitor and hope he's at the helm to break the 17 year playoff drought.
  4. Still think that the majority of these videos I've watched fly a conferderate flag in front of their houses. Just saying. 🤷‍♀️
  5. Read somewhere it is a standing room only tickets game now. 🤘
  6. Broncos, Cowboys, Packers and Raiders have always had a strong showing in Orchard Park.
  7. I was at the first preseason game and was shocked at how well behaved everyone was. Granted it was preseason. It was nice to see patrols going through. Growing up at the games I would see a lot of fights in the parking lot. I want to agree that things have changed.
  8. I have a similar feeling. I'm expecting it to be a close game, but could get out of hand if they let it slip with penalties. I'll be back in Utah this week. One day we should grab a beer and watch the game. 👍🏿
  9. I agree. Palmer should've retired. It's been a rough ride the past few years.
  10. I think it's disrespectful that Jim Kelly never won us a Super Bowl. Just saying.
  11. There is a guy who is orange and a D-list celebrity that is President of the US. He has nukes too. That's a big problem.
  12. The game is a contact sport. It comes with the grounds of playing the game. Will I see football changing? Yes! It will always evolve. But, it's not the NFL's fault. The only way to solve this is create a safer game, advance equipment and create an health insurance program for current NFL players and NFL veterans. It's a 4 billion industry and the care of the players should be a staple going forward.
  13. Good chance. Bills have always played well in Charlotte. Make sure to party it up at Tavern on The Tracks.
  14. Penalties at a minimum Running game excels Defensive line dominates
  15. Taylor until otherwise.
  16. Eh, he still has love for Philly. Let him.
  17. Seems logical with them always finishing between 20-32. Hope it's in the top ten.
  18. It's preseason, I'm not worried. The regular season is a different ballgame. Tyrod will show up, I got faith.
  19. Just heard on ESPN that Bortles goes down with an injury it will cost the Jags $19 million next season 😬
  20. Loved what I saw in game 1 of the preseason from the Defense in the first, love to see it happen in game 2. Better line protection from the first string OL and a few shots downfield.
  21. Greatest Solomon lines QB, Trent Edwarts TE, Robert Ro-yo LB, Sean Marriedmen
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