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Everything posted by PushthePile

  1. Do you think Pat White has the ability to be a starting QB in the NFL? I think he's one of these system guys who might not be able to transition smoothly. He is a great athlete and deserves a look for sure but he might be suited for another position or role.
  2. Good call on the trading up! On the otherhand it should be mandatory we trade down in every round in order to stockpile picks.
  3. So let me put this on my no-draft score card: 1. no texas players 2. no cali qbs 3. no db's especially from the state of ohio 4. no first round tightends or centers 5. no more good character/ high motor players 6. no wideouts under 6-3 7. no DE's under 280 any more?
  4. I agree that Edwards is not in the same boat as Losman was but at the same time he has alot of question marks around him as well. His ability to stay healthy is a major one and that has a dramatic effect on any season. I know it's not considered by most as a critical need but personally I think that it's crucial to next years plans. I wouldn't reach for someone with our two first day picks but if you have the opportunity to trade back in for a guy you like, I say go for it.
  5. Any guess to where he might go in the draft?
  6. The backup quarterback situation is going to be vacant soon and we need to fill it with somebody who most likely will see the field. I'm not sold on any of the free agents and don't think we should spend a roster spot on someone who is going to be Trent's big brother. I hate the thought of bringing in a veteran to do the job of a qb coach. With that being said I'm hoping the FO sees this as a need and takes a qb in the draft. I don't think it's too far off from the thinking that we had when we drafted Trent to backup JP. Personally I'd like Rhett Bomar and would love to see him in a Bills uniform. His stock is certainly going to rise and it would probably end up meaning trading back into the second to get him. It might seem like alot for a backup quarterback but I think he could compete eventually for the starting position. This wouldn't signal the end of Trent but it would mean competition. I would love to hear others thoughts on this position and other possible prospects. Again I'm not seeing any free agents I want but I'm sure others feel differently, so flame away. I know Rhett had his issues at OU but the kid got it done at Sam Houston and has a great skill set. His infractions at OU are serious but not of a disturbing nature. Any thoughts?
  7. You could be right but alot of that is speculation. Who knows for sure but the reaction to the pick was complete shock and suprise to many of the experts. I guess it doesn't matter, hindsight is 20/20.
  8. So he has the same value as he had on draft day!
  9. I think we could sign greer for a decent penny and get a nice trade for Mcgee. We aren't winning the superbowl next year and chances are he walks for big money after the season. Let him go to an out of division contender for a year and then he can have his payday. I would prefer draft picks than Winslow and I think it would be an easier trade to make. The Jared Allen deal comes to mind and I think both clubs will benefit from it. We won't miss Mcgee as much as they missed Allen but we won't get as much in return either.
  10. I see your point but Lynch and Leodis are too young and have shown the signs of possible greatness. A proposal for them would have to be huge and unlikely. I am not sold on Trent Edwards either but you don't get rid of quarterbacks with potential IMO. Joe Flacco doesn't exactly stand out as a worldbeater to me either. If I had it my way we would draft a quarterback every year somewhere middle to late.
  11. Talent? The bills have two players who shouldn't be on the trading block Leodis and Lynch. Edwards is also debatable. Other than that they should make everyone available if the price is right. I look around the league and most rosters have a handful of studs or playmakers. Maybe I'm being negative but we have alot of average to good players and sorely lack the special ones.
  12. Sign Greer and shop around all of them. You can get a good idea of value and maybe find something you like in the process. This is good business and Alphadog has the right idea. Nobody is saying get rid of Mcgee for nothing and whats the worst case scenario we got Greer and Mcgee next year. Terrence is a nice player but in order to gain something you need to give something and he is our best expendable value. If our FO had the ability to think ahead we might have gotten something for any of the players that have walked for nothing in the past.
  13. Great point! Gholston was a single dimensional collegiate player and it showed. Everette Brown is a player who showed success with whole multitude of moves and athleticism. I think he is the future star of the DE class.
  14. Running back is one of the hardest positions to measure with statistics IMO. With so many variables involved each situation is different. Clinton Portis is an example of a player who isn't as good as his stats would lead you to believe. I'm not saying he's a bad player but I would take Lynch over him and that can be said about lots of players. You have to watch closely and see how much Lynch has to do to gain his yards. Deangelo Williams and Michael Turner are both great backs but how many times do those guys hit the second level of defense with a full head of steam? I don't see it very often with Lynch or Jackson. Most of the time they are doing their work in the backfield to get back to the LOS. In addition to that I don't think he is being used in the most effective manner either. I feel the same way about Lynch as I do Maurice Jones Drew, both are above average players that aren't in position to blow up the stat sheet right now. As far as Thomas Jones goes, I think he is good back who is starting to get up in age. He has had his ups and downs in his career and when put in a good spot he has produced. In my mind only one back stands out as the best in the nfl and Peterson has it all. FWIW if i had to choose Jones or Washington, if I were the Jets it would be Leon all day.
  15. I am not opposed to any direction the team wants to go with that pick. We absolutely need to get the best player available. If it's DHB, then make the pick and enjoy the possibilities it gives you on offense. The best teams in this league usually do one or two things great and are solid everywhere else. Look at the cardinals this year! Their are many schools of thought on how to win in this league but the truthfully you can win lots of different ways.
  16. Thanks coach, I undesrstand he sarcastically is saying that Marv has been flooded with offers and he means the opposite. The link I was looking for was the one that says Marv hasn't had offers from other teams over the last 12 years.
  17. Got a link to Marv's offers over the years? or is it just word on the streets in the big apple?
  18. I don't think we are good enough to stray from the "take the best player available" approach. Aside from running back and corner we can pretty much go anywhere with our pick and hopefully get better. It's been said over and over that both lines are where we begin and I agree. Fortunately for us it seems to be a nice crop of lineman at the top and if Raji is the best to fall to us we should certainly take him. As far as DT being a strength on this team I have to disagree. I wish your memory of the middle being clogged was reality because I recall nothing but lanes and gaps. On the flipside if one of those top tier o lineman falls to us and we have them graded as the highest we should take them. This team lacks true strength anywhere, so lets get great somwhere and create an identity.
  19. I couldn't agree with you more. The players that have been put in place are the problem not the system. Unfortunately at this point we are only above average in the secondary and subpar everywhere else on D. It's not going to happen in one offseason either. Standby for more mediocre results from this side of the ball. As a bonus alot of our mediocrity is going to be around for awhile and overpaid as well.
  20. I agree with your point that we can't call him a bust after one year. We all know that WR's develop slower than other skill position players and that we have to take a more patient approach with this position. With that being said I can't get excited about much of what I saw from him this year. He's slow and lumbering in and out of breaks, his hands are unreliable, his effort seems inconsistent, his confidence is shot, and now he is banged up. The only thing he's got going for him is his size and that's not even used as an advantage. Coaching as always has something to do with it and who knows how much that hinders his progress. Looking at Hardy and Ellis this season really makes you wonder how our front office evaluates talent.
  21. Nobody here has questioned the spirit of the rooney rule like you have stated so many times in many of your posts.The rooney rule in its efforts to equalize the playing field has done some good in the push towards hiring more black coachs.I understand that you " study law " and that discrimination against white people is not possible but the point of the poster went right over your head.In your ever present agenda to call somebody a racist you overlooked the fact that he was questioning why only one race is protected by the rooney rule.In an effort to better the chances of minorities coaching in the nfl you would think that more than one race would be represented by the rule but I think the other poster was onto something by saying it was more of a PR move.Hopefully more coachs of all backgrounds continue to integrate into all of our sports and players as well.I am all for assisting these efforts and believe that most are on the same page.When somebody as ignorant as you attacks with your clan reference against somebody who differs in your opinion you only set us back further.Grow up!
  22. For my money Everette Brown is the guy. I've watched quite a few FSU games this year and from what I've seen he has a wide range of pass rush moves to go along with all that speed. I like maybin as well but significantly less polished and could take longer to develop. Orakpo is well behind these two and to me has three moves bull rush, wide angle speed rush, and stand around. Either way the difference between Brown and a second round DE is much greater than Mack and a second round center.
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