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Everything posted by PushthePile

  1. I guess "bad police work" is a little too much. Apparently the judge felt it was enough to issue a warrant and bring Corey in. I'm not sure what the cops could have done differently that night.
  2. Well said LynchMob. I'm not sure why they didn't go with a lineup. I do feel like this case will be thrown out and the ultimate victim will be Corey. Unless of course he did it. Eitherway, the price of being in the public eye can be very costly.
  3. You guess wrong again. I guess you got picked on alot as a kid.
  4. Nobody said this was a credible case, you mindless moron. Don't try to turn this around because you acted ignorant.
  5. Answer the question. What grounds or logic have you used to attack this women and call her a liar? You can't because you never use logic. You pretend to be intelligent and use words that no one uses in an attempt to hide your stupidity. Rapier-like wit? Why didn't you back it up with a few ?
  6. AHHH YES! You proudly swing the white flag. Thanks for being consistent Senator.
  7. All your icons doesn't make your dribble witty. In fact, why don't you explain why you believe this women is a sex starved liar. Surely you have proof or sound logic, right? Stick to playing grammar police and taking your azz whippings everywhere else.
  8. Your the one calling this women a sun dried hag and I'm the !@#$? Ignorance is bliss for the morons in this world. Enjoy your big typo victory today because you routinely get crushed on this board.
  9. sorry turd you are an idiot
  10. I agree that it is very hard to believe she could make a positive ID on the person. As for your verbal assault on this women you don't even know, your an idiot.
  11. I think if it happened it is a big deal. I don't know if it did or didn't but I'm inclined to say that it's more likely she didn't just make it up. As far as the arrest goes, it seems like very shaky evidence and likely never to see a day in court. How do you prove something like that? It really sucks for Corey if he didn't do it and I wish that it was possible not release names in these cicrcumstances.
  12. So you believe she made it up or that it's not that big of a deal?
  13. I agree that this sounds like a garbage case and that if so Corey is a victim of bad police work. Although, I am sick of the whole driving while black thing. It is so overused that it has made a joke of the accusation. It really is pathetic that for every public story involving the police and a black person you have one side saying racism and the other side saying race card. It has been debated for every NFL arrest this offseason. Why can't it be that the cops just prematurely arrested a man who very loosely fit the description? Should they have prematurely arrested a hispanic man? I'm willing to bet that if this case of bad police work had involved a hispanic, white, asian, or any other race we wouldn't be calling the cops racist. You don't even know if the cops involved were white. It's just such a consistently damging assumption that so many people are willing to make. I am not denying that racism has been present and still is present. It is not nearly the problem that it used to be. Racism is a career killer and is not tolerated by the public. If you have an actively racist cop or department it is very likely to be exposed and dealt with quickly. As it should be. In addition to this, police work is one of the most diversified professions out there, yet their is still a widespread assumption that every cop is a white male. IMO, the more we assume as a society, the more we regress. The media has us believing that every cop is corrupt and every black youth is a criminal. Both are very damaging accusations and both are assumed on a regular basis. Ah well, this is just my two cents on the story and I don't mean to act as though I'm directing this at you LynchMob. I hope this case falls apart and that Corey has some sort of chance to clear his name. Unfortunately the outcome is never as glamorous as the report and he could wind up being screwed over.
  14. Now, why would you say that to the mass of Bills fans who sleep better thinking that this team's biggest problem is coaching? Dick Jauron is the perfect scapegoat for all the homers. BEASTMODE! A team wins consistently in the NFL when they have a very good quarterback or a dominant defense and running game. The Bills don't have the players to make up for the fact that Trent has been subpar. Dick Jauron has always had complete garbage at the Qb position, except for mediocrity with Trent. Belichick was a career loser until Brady. It's all about the Qb in the NFL and Trent doesn't have it or he hasn't found it yet. The offense is so horrid it's not even funny. This could be the year that people forget about the JP Losman stink left on the team. Trent either steps up his game or we are looking for a new Qb and coach.
  15. Aggravatingly annoying people! Sign the freaking card and get your gatorade! Instead you would rather hold up the line and crucify some teenage girl because you think you have outsmarted everyone. Sorry Faustas, you might be a great guy but I can't stand this kind of crap when I'm in line. I can't stand it if I'm not in line yet and watching someone hassle the kid behind the counter. You aren't any safer walking around with an unsigned card and some would argue it's worse. Do yourself a favor and don't lose the card.
  16. Count me in with the crowd that doesn't believe you.
  17. Yeah it really sucks for Pats fans. You really showed them flbillsfan.
  18. The best part of the article is when Trent complains about groin pains and blisters after his batting practice. I hope Fitzpatrick is studying the playbook very carefully. Disclaimer: I really do like Trent and this was only a joke.
  19. Listen nucci 40 times aren't everything. That guy gets the tee off the field much faster than his timed speed. You people never seem to amaze me. My biggest complaint is that Jauron has him retrieving tees in the fieldhouse and not in real Buffalo conditions. I also heard that the kid doesn't spend the offseason working out at the Ralph.
  20. How about Kurt Warner? How about Randy Moss? How about Joey Porter? How about Priest Holmes? How about Ray Lewis last year in comparison to the year before? What if Jason Taylor does it this year? What about Jerome Bettis? What about Marcus Allens resurgence in KC? How about Stroud coming here after some injury filled seasons in Jacksonville? Do you need more examples of players having a turn around in play? Your a complete moron if you think Seau was anywhere near his play in San Diego. Was he better than when he played in Miami? Obviously yes. What is your point? This is not proof of anything. You are a complete homer for the Bills and can't even carry out an intelligent conversation because of it. Your logic is so incredibly dumb. Every team in the NFL has players who abuse performance enhancing drugs. You have no reason to believe the Pats abuse this more than any other team. Spygate should taint their image not HGH.
  21. Clearly you never saw Seau play in his prime or you are just being dramatic. The guy had a decent year in 07 but was no where even close to what he was in San Diego. Earlier in this thread you said that the Pats wouldn't have even sniffed a superbowl without cheating. This is just your classic one-sided fan hatred for another team. If I disagree with your unfounded assumption I automatically become a Pats fan right? So what is your reasoning behind other teams cheating at a much smaller scale than the Pats? I'm curious as to what proof you have? Do you think the Pats only target guys who would be willing to take HGH? What about other players who have failed tests? Kevin Williams, Pat Williams, Julius Peppers, Deuce Mcallister, Shawn Merriman, Charles Grant, Will Smith, and many many others couldn't be cheaters.
  22. I am not questioning the effects of HGH, steroids, or any of the other performance enhancing drugs. I'm questioning how you don't see that it's absurd to think the Pats are doing something that the rest of the league isn't. The "everyone does it excuse" is tired and substance free when used to compare the Pats to the rest of the league. Yet, you have no problem assuming that "everyone does it" on New Engalnd's defense. You back this up with saying "players get it from teammates". Well can we then hold the other 31 NFL teams to the same assumptions you hold the Patriots too? If you want judge all of the teams in the NFL by these rules, then I do feel okay saying the NFL has a drug problem. I just flat out don't believe that alot of these guys would say no to performance drugs, knowing full well how much more money they could make with them. Alot of these guys can't even say no to smoking pot. Spygate is spygate and it is cheating. I agree with you on that. I don't believe you can accurately gauage how much the tapes helped them. It is not a suprise that a few Bills fans have found a way to assume that spygate is the main reason for the success of the Pats. Sourgrapes rule the day and lately its the only way we as fans feel like we've won at all. It is not a very objective way to view things though.
  23. Not unless you want to hide your head in the sand and pretend it's not a league wide issue. I hate the Pats just as much as the next guy but you conspiracy theorists have to stop. All you have is that a few Pats got caught with HGH and suddenly it is team policy? Testing in the NFL is a joke and I promise you that performance enhancing drug use is common place. Too much money on the line to believe it isn't. The NFL has done a much better job at fooling the public, in comparison to MLB. In regards to spygate, get over it. You can't prove how much assistance the Pats got from those tapes and neither can anyone else. To say the closeness of the superbowls proves anything, is false. How does it prove a thing? The game shouldn't have been close in your OPINION and therefore they obviously needed those tapes to win? Then that turns into the team wouldn't have made the superbowl without the tapes? I can see why fans think their image should be tarnished and I can agree with that. To try and strip down all their success because of spygate is just sourgrapes on the part of bitter fans.
  24. Sure you did. You should have said something back in 2002. It would have saved you and the other goofs an entire thread of trying to convince everyone Brady and Belichick aren't HOFs.
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