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Everything posted by PushthePile

  1. As I said before nobody outside of Buffalo cares who Corey Mcintrye is and most of Buffalo doesn't even care. His name has been cleared and most of us can laugh about it. You and that tool murra can mourn for months and months if you want. As for Corey, I'd like to think he has moved on and can share in the humor of the situation. Hopefully he has a chance to make some of that money back and make a roster this year. It's the offseason, relax and enjoy these little nuggets.
  2. Okay Senator! Maybe you should have a Corey fundraiser to cover his bills and clear his name. Of course you will have to tell 100 percent of the world outside of Buffalo, who he is and what happened.
  3. That's exactly what I was talking about Tcali. The song is never the same and nobody owned the stage like Jim. Thanks
  4. Oh the freaking horror! How could he ever show his face again? You people make everything out to be the biggest deal in the world. Lighten up a little and you might find life a little more tolerable. If I was Corey, I'd be annoyed but able to find the humor in it. I can honestly say it wouldn't upset me, nearly as much as it upsets some of you clowns. What would you do Senator? Drag it out and claim it ruined your life? Try and embarass the police or this old women in court? I wish we had more people who could just laugh things off and move on.
  5. Lou Reed and The Velvet Underground always gave me the chills with the song Heroin. I'm not sure if it fits the haunting category but it certainly does something. I think The Doors also give the chills with The End. The Jefferson Airplane also get it done with White Rabbit. I'm 29 years old and haven't done drugs in 8 years but I can't get enough of these trippy classics.
  6. I am one of the few fans that doesn't hate Jauron. I wouldn't have been dissapointed if he got fired but I'm also okay with one more chance. This article is right on the money, IMO. The Bills are certainly in a make or break season. Call it a PR move or desperation but I'm fully interested in seeing how TO works out. Unfortunately, I have serious doubts that Jauron will ever be able to fix his reputation in Buffalo. If he miraculously takes the Bills to the playoffs, he has only bought himself the rest of his contract. Short of winning a superbowl or continuos playoff runs his legacy has already been written.
  7. Anybody who has heard the name Corey Mcintrye will forget it, in about 3 days. His family and friends will believe him and are already over it. The only people that still care about this are us junkies on a Bills message board in May. If anything Corey has already made it a big joke. That's what I would do and he is only slightly more famous than me.
  8. I'm basing my opinions on the same amount of footage you have. I just see things differently. No need to get your panties all up in a bunch over it. Every team in the league has busts from every draft. Why is it that people get so worked up if others have a negative opinion about a young Bill? I don't think Hardy will ever get passed some of his major flaws. What an **** I am for not waiting the mandatory three years to have an opinion. To me guys like you Flingon just repeat the same garbage about every young player. It's like a broken record, "I think if said player gets alot better at everything, he will be a stud".
  9. We would have to make another key to the city.
  10. The rest of us say who cares
  11. I don't think it's ridiculous that some fans still have high hopes for him. I just have a different opinion. For every Eric Moulds and Bruce Smith story you can find hundreds of careers like Charles Rogers and Erik Flowers. I don't have game film to study so I can only go on plays where the ball has been thrown his way. From what I saw, the guy is more than a project. I understand that he may have never run pro style routes before but this is a pretty big deal IMO. The NFL is not usually the best place to start learning the basics. The average NFL wideout has been working on his route running since highschool. Why do you think someone like Usain Bolt couldn't make a practice squad? It's not just the route running that scares me. I found it more dissapointing that he never really showed he has the feel of how to use his size. All to often last year I saw Hardy get out muscled by a smaller corner. I'm not the only one to notice his lack of effort either. It's been mentioned by other posters as well. JP losman has thrown a few game winning TD passes but this doesn't mean he can play consistently. The coaching staff made an effort to get him involved early in the season last year. He had a golden opportunity to make an impact on the team. Alot of the balls thrown his way were similar to his TD catch. To me, it seemed like they were trying to put him in a position to make plays in a jump ball situation. Unfortunately alot of the time he struggled to get a hand on the ball. That isn't just route running. Just my two cents. I have been wrong before and I have no problem admitting to it. I am also not afraid to go against the grain and call it like I see it. James Hardy is missing too many major tools to ever be a solid starter. He could develop into a situational threat but offers nothing in terms of special teams and will struggle to find a permanent home. I'll see you all in three years.
  12. I have read alot about Hardy and it contradicts everything I WATCHED. His 4.45 forty looks to be about 4.65 on the field. He's 6-6 going on 5-10 and gets pushed around by corners who are half his size. I don't have a problem waiting for a guy to develop but at least play the freakin game hard. IMO, the guy only has size. His character was a question coming out of school and he wasted no time proving why. At least Marshawn and Dante break their azz on the field. This guy looked disinterested.
  13. I agree. The guy was a complete disaster out there last year. I don't need to wait the mandatory three years. BUST! Sorry Hardy fans it's just how I feel and yes I know the legend of Eric Moulds.
  14. TO knows this season is make or break for him. I'm sure he is well aware of the lack of interest he generated as a FA and has used that as motivation. The guy is a freak when it comes to preparing his body for football. He will not let us down. I have a much bigger fear that the Bills won't hold up their end of the deal for him.
  15. I absolutely do think that these things factor in. For most players I believe other things factor in more though. It's all about the money and career path. Buffalo's money spends just like Miami and Dallas money. It is not often that it comes down to us and a big market team landing on an offer that is so close it doesn't matter. Somebody always ends up offering more money to get their guy.
  16. A player factors in alot of different things when choosing a new team. However, money is far and away the most important factor. A guy like Pisa might see Buffalo as a better opportunity to be on the field more. Buffalo also has scheme better suits his talents. We do alright in free agency, at least on paper.
  17. I always find it interesting to see what type of outfits that are assembled at the gym. I have changed my preferred time of working out because of the different crowds. I used to work out in the evenings but I recently started to get annoyed with the night crowd. I can't stand people that work out in groups of more than three. My gym is the meeting place of every crazy haired wannabe gangster in the area. They workout in groups of 8 and up. The attire of choice is usually something they would go downtown wearing. It is beyond annoying waiting for these kids, taking turns stroking eachother between sets. If you are wearing a button down dress shirt with jeans and a gallon of cologne at the gym, you are an azzwipe. Now I workout in the early morning before work. I much prefer to share the gym with the older crowd. I go at 5:30 and it is nothing but older people doing cardio or middle aged bodybuilders from the eighties. Even though I don't approve of tights and ripped up shirts, those guys are lifers and love to interact with young gym rats.
  18. Way off-base, IMO. This type of circus crap happens in every major city. This happens to be the first mega-star the city has had in an era of media frenzy. He is way more than a football player and every public figure wants a piece. It was actually way worse in Dallas. Buffalo is not doing anything different than any other market would do. Miami made Shaq a honorary sheriff and called a press conference to give him his badge. It is all a big joke but don't feel embarassed, this is a cultural problem that is not regionalized.
  19. Love him or hate him, that is one smooth dude in front of the cameras.
  20. Perfectly said. Get over it fellow Bills fans, the only thing worse than losing is crying about it publicly.
  21. Really another football guy in the booth? Why not continue the laughs with a Skip Bayless or Carrot Top addition?
  22. George Carlin was my favorite. He had such a great style and he never changed. RIP George
  23. Dammit Jay, can't you see this thread is about having a pity party. Who cares about the Pats and their championships. Bellicheat can go down in history as the biggest fraud for all I care. Constantly complaining about it, when it had very little bearing on the Bills, is just sourgrapes. If you think the Bills would have had a better record against the Pats, you're crazy.
  24. Sometimes the actual event is not translated well through text. In this instance I definately pictured something that wasn't the case. I'm sure everybody here knows the d-bag type that makes something like this a big deal and belittles someone. As for the situation with the card, I'm still siding with the sign it approach. If someone steals my card and replicates my signature then good for them. Most credit card companies are fair when it comes to this type of situation. Besides you can't go to far without being on camera these days.
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