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Everything posted by PushthePile

  1. Confucius was full of himself and would have made a great Pats* fan.
  2. Link? You don't have one so stop just making up schiit.
  3. No confusion here, keep up the good work. Who are you quoting?
  4. There are only two types of posters on this board. 1. The poster who has moderate to advanced football knowledge, and uses what they know to participate in football discussion. This type of poster has pros and cons to the way they view this team. It's called being a constructive member of a discussion. 2. The second type of poster is more troll than anything. This poster is usually armed with a very minimal amount of football knowledge and is always blindly positive or blindly negative on every issue concerning the Bills. This poster offers very little to any discussion and kills threads upon arrival. Take a second to review your last 100 posts and figure out which group you belong in. Thanks for the parity and thought!
  5. but but but you don't know what the blocking assignments were....... I can't wait see his "probowl play" under the microscope this year.
  6. I have been very critical of Lynch and his offseason problems. After watching interviews like this one, I'm reminded of why I still really like the kid. He has a very likeable way about him and owns the interview. He is at a point where he needs to make a choice on what he wants out of his career. If he wanted to he could be this team's leader and the face of the franchise. I also think that he has one of those rare personalities that could get through to kids and take him in another direction personally.
  7. I'm not sure anyone here is expecting Bowen or Bell to step in and become huge playmakers this year, but to have a little positive feed back about some young players isn't a bad thing. If you want to spin it and continue on with your little boo hoo campaign, go ahead. Just know that the line is drawn already and you aren't gaining any new members. If we get some moderate production out of these kids it's a good thing. Please don't downplay their gains because you got your panties in a bunch over the Bills not signing a mediocre Lb.
  8. Owens = Moulds - We have an aged Owens. I think he has alot left in the tank but Moulds in the time of comparison was top-tier in the NFL. He would be looked at differently if his Qb situation had been better. Evans>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Price - Price was a one trick pony who benefited from lining up across the field from a legit stud. Evans has had his ups and downs but has done it alone for most of his career. Price couldn't produce under the same circumstances, IMO. Lynch=Henry - Travis Henry will be remembered for his mistakes in life. He was all heart for Buffalo and played just as hard as Lynch. He should have remained a Bill and had more productive seasons. This is no discredit to Lynch because I think he will end up being better than Henry. The current group is better because of the major difference between Evans and Price, IMO.
  9. I think Jimmy Smith of the Jacksonville Jaguars is one of the most underrated receivers of my time. I'm sure the NFL has had plenty but he's the first name I thought of.
  10. If they are desperate, what are we?
  11. 5 catches for 77 yards and a TD is terrible? He also made the probowl that season for a record 13th time. It should have been sarcasm.
  12. On the otherhand, it's possible that the school slickster (Pats*) scoops your girl (Pisa) up and bangs her every which way. Then you find yourself missing the prom again for the 10th season in a row.
  13. I'm not supporting Big Daddy's claims that Owens isn't a winner but you aren't going to find many NFL fans who support your retort. Rice's career stats and rings speak for themselves and even an alltime great like Owens can't be in the same sentence as Rice. I hope it was sarcasm.
  14. TO has been cut by his last two teams. This latest time around he was welcomed with a very mild amount of interest. Why do you think? Like you said, the NFL is full of guys that run their mouth. Very few have done it with less class than TO. I am a big fan of the move to get him and I do like him but I'm not going to pretend the past didn't happen. Despite what you think, calling another player gay to the media is a good way to make yourself enemy number 1 amongst your teammates. To his credit words and tantrums pale in comparison to the violent crimes of others IMO. By the way Peyton Manning has zero chance of ever being cut. Let's say hypothetically he did get cut though. It would be an all out bidding war by the majority of the NFL to obtain him. See the difference? Your suggestion that it's race related is also garbage, IMO. The NFL has plenty of black players who run their mouth and aren't villified like TO.
  15. If you can't hurdle life's challenges, down the shiit tubes you go!
  16. Are we going to ask this question every offseason? The answer is always going to be no. Matt Jones is a walking train wreck.
  17. Now that people can't think for themselves, they just repeat what they feel makes them sound intelligent or compassionate. These people have been programmed to standup for the bad guys and tear down the good guys. Then everybody is in disbelief when their kids idolize Tony Montoya, the Sopranos, and 50 Cent. These police officers deserved to lose their job, IMO. They made a series of errors and lost control of their emotions. I feel bad for police who have to deal with this garbage, day in and day out. I wouldn't be able to control myself either. I promise you that most of the bleeding heart, cop bashers wouldn't last a week on the job. It doesn't stop them from judging and scrutinizing every chance they get. Bottom line: These cops broke the law themselves and lost control. Being held to a different standard comes with the job and that is made clear before you start. The guy who was getting arrested is a waste of life and will be propped up as a victim by many people. The guy was getting punched, not stabbed, shot, or run over with a vehicle. Those of you who want to treat the beatdown, like something more than it is, have probably never been in a fight. Tough to take these posters serious in regards to this subject. I've seen people horrified by the site of a cop wrestling with a guy running from the scene of a crime. People just don't have a clue.
  18. Thanks dog. What was the meeting with Phillips like?
  19. I like your optimism. I believe that the Jauron hatred has gotten out of control. When talks of an extension first started to be reported, most here liked the idea. Obviously, he didn't perform up to expectations after that, but I don't think he had alot of help. Bills fans are a fickle group and rightfully so. This team has underachieved for a decade now. The keys to success this season are 1. Trents ability to improve. The quickest and most efficient way for a team to win is through the Qb position. It is the entire season. 2. Moderate injuries. This team is not deep at most positions and can't afford to lose guys, especially on the lines. Unless we get lucky,this team will have serious holes at some point of the season. To me this has been the biggest failure of the last decade, besides the Qb position. The Bills always seem to look alright on paper but not when guys go down.
  20. Brad Horton was a friend of mine and I have no doubt that the cop made a horrible error that night. At the same time, I understand the stress that he was under at the time. You put yourself in bad situations when you break the law. This doesn't justify the cop shooting him in the back but it's just another piece to a terrible accident. The cop should have been fired and Brad should still be alive.
  21. Actually, I'm tired of trying to assume the best out of all these POS (Bills included).
  22. Good find endzone. That video made my freakin day!
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