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Everything posted by PushthePile

  1. In a rare moment of irritation, my father said the officer had a dozen other options that would have been better. He said that the officer was probably within his right to use the taser but he couldn't think of anyone he had worked with who would have. He obviously didn't know the departments specific SOPS but felt this guy likely had nice chat with his captain behind closed doors. Now, his word isn't law just because he is retired law enforcement but it does provide an example of a cop who viewed it on the other side.
  2. You make some good points and some bad ones as well. Believe me, I'm not the passive aggressive type you think I am. That clown, VAbills tried to throw around the old "have you ever held a weapon in a hostile environment" crap. The answer is yes. In fact, I have had to zip tie many detainees who didn't want to be detained. It can be difficult and physically taxing. I don't buy for a second the underlined statement. I have never handcuffed a 72 year old women but as I said before, I have snagged up plenty of young angry men. If I can manage to safely subdue these young men, why is it so difficult to safely subdue this women? For starters, common sense would tell you not to pick her up and body slam her. You wouldn't want to land on her with your entire body weight. This is all assuming she is still not a real threat. I'd say a simple arm lock and the old come with me walk to the car would be fine. It has worked for years. If this 72 year old women still finds a way to out muscle this cop, I'd say a little pepper spray to the face is a better option. This would allow the 200 plus pound cop the advantage he needs to cuff the 72 year old women. The taser has already killed people and is also not exactly pacemaker friendly. Besides as I said before, do you really want a 72 year old women dropping like a bag of rocks on the side of the highway? I just think the use of the taser should be more limited than it is.
  3. Marine Corps. 8 years in Reserves and Active Duty Deployed to Iraq in 05
  4. LMAO, how about we compare Tiger Woods to David Wells, Langston Walker, and Shawn Bradley. Golf is a sport. You don't have to be a great athlete to play or even in great condition, but it certainly helps. Much like baseball, the game revolves around having great eye hand coordination and concentration. I understand your argument but I think it's just a different kind of sport.
  5. Thanks Poojer. I figured that's what it meant but I wasn't sure.
  6. This is not accurate. Owen Daniels was a beast last year and was a go to guy in many of the games. In each of his first three seasons he has improved. Andre Johnson is arguably the best wideout in football, of course he's the first option. He'd be the first option on almost every team. Owen Daniels is going to be the best TE in the league someday.
  7. This kids mother is a life coach. What is that? I've heard the term before but I don't exactly know what it means. If somebody could clue me in I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
  8. This is why I brown bag it when I go out drinking now.
  9. Buffalo Bills " This team is one quarterback and a decent offensive line away from competing for best offense in the NFL. "
  10. I'd like to see this thread run out of town.
  11. You haven't said anything. Big deal a few posters have disagreed with me. Review the thread again and you will find some that agree. Eitherway, what is your point? This issue has different sides to it. Set up a poll if your so concerned with the percentages. You got locked into some stupid putdown and aren't making sense.
  12. and you don't believe in your opinion? I don't begrudge you your own thoughts, so deal with mine and others accordingly.
  13. I don't know what to tell you Faustas. If your not crazy about hearing different opinions, maybe message boards aren't for you.
  14. Thanks dog. I'll be sure to tell him about your appreciation and I'll get back to you after I talk to him about it. Even if he completely disagrees with me.
  15. No I haven't but I am curious what his opinion would be. He usually sides with the police officer but you can tell when he doesn't like something. I tend to side with the police more often than not myself.
  16. Breaking the law shouldn't be the criteria for tasing. A real threat to the officer or public, should be the criteria for zapping someone. If you want to go into every what if scenario and use it as the standard, then cops should taser every person they pull over. I'm all for cops going home safe. My father was a cop for 35 years. I believe that most cops would have handeled this situation differently. What are we talking about? An ignorant loud mouth 72 year old woman who got pulled over for speeding. If you can't diffuse the situation, arrest her and move on. It's just my opinion, that the cop went overboard.
  17. I clarified for you that it was an opinion. Your just being a tool and grasping at straws.
  18. How about cops don't taser anyone, unless they are protecting themselves or another persons well being? It's very simple, no threat /no taser. Instead of looking for reasons to use the taser, it might better serve the community to look for reasons not to use it. I would like to have seen the cop try to diffuse the situation verbally first. He did the opposite. I'd like to see him physically walk her to the safe side of the vehicle and handcuff her. The same procedure we all have seen hundreds of times. Nobody wants to see the elderly get away with anything. The punishment is getting arrested. The taser is a tool, not a form of punishment. The situation should dictate. Would you be in favor of tasing a pregnant women? Equal rights! A pregnant women could be dangerous. What about a 110 pound 16 year old who gets mouthy because he's nervous? What about a disabled person who shoves a cop?
  19. Uh, huh? ITS MY OPINION.
  20. Just my opinion. I'm not trying to present it as fact. A handful of posters on TSW is hardly enough to prove anything.
  21. I expect cops to make a decision based on the situation. This one was an easy call that the officer missed.
  22. Yes I have. What does that have to do with this situation? Was this a hostile environment to you?
  23. It really doesn't make any sense to me dog. It's okay for a cop to tase a 72 year old woman, so he can avoid the possibility of injury? When is it not okay? How much of a threat is this woman to his safety? The real answer is zero. She had ample opportunity not to get tasered but he had ample opportunity not to do it as well. Since he's the cop and he held the taser, I blame him more. How did cops ever survive senior citizens before the invention of the taser?
  24. Houston Texans are the suprise playoff team this year. Indianapolis Colts don't make the playoffs. Marshawn Lynch will be amongst the AFC yardage leaders despite his suspension.
  25. I'm not sure why you would qualify Jackson as a playmaker but not Evans. To me, this team has a handful of guys that can get it done. Evans, Lynch, Jackson, and TO are all playmakers. Josh Reed compliments all of them. He's not outstanding in any area but solid in most. The guy plays is ass off. This offense has the potential to be great.
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