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Everything posted by PushthePile

  1. No team is going to come out and say the coach made a pick over the GM. The media can speculate about the responsibility all they want but only dullards believe it as fact.
  2. Still bitter about Trent Edwards?
  3. I'm pretty sure it is joke but Fingon often gets himself worked up over idle speculation.
  4. Nice link it proves nothing. So it speculates Billick preferred Boller over Ozzie's choice of Leftwich, BFD. This is all speculation as well and hardly proves your point that Billick had "significant control" over the offensive personnel.
  5. Dude, you are the king of presenting specualtion as fact. You have no idea what the drafting responsibilities of the Baltimore Ravens are and you have no idea what Billick meant to the Ravens success. It's strange that such a worthless coach was kept for 9 seasons. The Ravens owner said at the time he was fired, that it was the toughest football decision he ever had to make. 9 seasons 4 playoffs 1 superbowl ..... what a loser. Two more points to consider. 1. Brian Billick changed his offense significantly given the defense he was blessed with and the lack of talent he had on offense. 2. The Ravens had three losing seasons prior to Billick being hired.
  6. Right, because you know he didn't. Learned that from watching Ravens games , huh?
  7. Don't forget that "really big defensive players" won't come to Buffalo because we will be on our 5th head coach in 10 years.
  8. The Vikes aren't small on defense.
  9. I know that this wouldn't be the most exiting pick but lets hold off on judgement for a second. 1. No one has been hired yet. 2. In terms of football opinons, alot of information can be shared during an interview. Nix and Frazier might have similar views on how to build a team. Nix has been around football long enough to recognize football IQ and leadership. I believe he will make a sound football choice. 3. We as fans know very little about Frazier. In fact most of us only know his name isn't Cowher, Shannahan, or Billick. We should be hoping for the right guy, not the right name. 4. IMO, the coordinators who the Bills bring in are as important has the HC. Frazier might have some bright minds in his circle of friends. Who knows?
  10. Since when is the term "thug" a racial slur? I don't think it applies to only people of a certain color and pretending it does is a slippery assumption. Thuggish behavior has been around alot longer than "gang violence" and hip hop lyrics.
  11. Hootie and The Blowfish, Kid Rock, and Dave Mathews Band You can put these acts on the fire pile, please.
  12. The NFL better be careful how they handle this sort of thing. MLB is still suffering poor decision making . I can't help but wonder how much of this stuff gets swept under the rug. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/...about-steroids/
  13. Plane 1 is carrying our offense Plane 2 is carrying our defense Plane 3 (returning to Buffalo) is carrying Jon Beason and a box of trainer's tape.
  14. Good to see you back Byrd.
  15. To a certain extent the Toronto deal proved that Buffalo might not be a legit NFL market anymore. Eitherway, Toronto talks have been around a lot longer than Brandon. He may be good at his job but genius is a little strong. Bills fans have more than proven they will show support, regardless of what a marketing guy does. Russ just gives us something to talk about.
  16. Rusty Jones can't be everywhere.
  17. Okay thought about it, I'll post my answer in the other Cowher threads.
  18. A monkey could do Russ Brandon's job. Nobody needs to sell the Bills to us, we've been eating crap for years and still beg for more. Why? Who the hell knows, but I'm starving.
  19. That is some solid logic. It couldn't possibly be that his replacement is a decent coach too or that they have completely reloaded on talent.
  20. or Shanny with Griese and Plummer. It's not easy finding a QB and even the so called top coaches can't make one out of nothing. Coaches and GMs live and die with the QBs they pick. It's not easy to give up on a big expectation QB and if you do, the backup is usually your last chance.
  21. I'm shocked you remember who Jauron is.
  22. Thanks. I have to say that is a pretty impressive resume for somebody his age.
  23. What kind of role does a 24 year old play on a NFL coaching staff?
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