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Everything posted by PushthePile

  1. Who cares about that specific example (which was poor)? The point is relevant regardless.
  2. Don't sweat it Jim, your point is clear and correct. My only advice is to start expecting less from people. Yesterday a disturbing amount of people were killed and it only merits a couple pages of comments. Hot Russian golfer and complainging about the coaching search are the flavor of the moment.
  3. A second source from the grassy knoll said that Ralphie had his fingers crossed.
  4. I have to disagree. I don't think this a relaod situation as much as it is a steady erosion. They need help in a number of places.
  5. Fraud? 1.Rookie Qb 2.First year head coach 3.Kris Jenkins played 6 games this season 4.Leon Washington played 7 games this season I'd love it if the Bills were a fraud next year.
  6. You followed up your rhetorical question with "no my argument still stands". Sorry about the confusion.
  7. Poor cities/countries, have poor construction and very little in the way of building codes. A city like Port Au Prince has very little chance of standing up to an earthquake or any other natural disaster. The majority of the buildings in Haiti are made of concrete and without rebar. ....not too mention very little emergency and recovery resources. One of the reports said that Port Au Prince has two functioning fire stations.
  8. Exactly. The Bills are in a nice position right now. They aren't competing with anyone for some of these talented coordinators and can take their time with a thorough search. The guys that are most interesting are still in the playoffs. Impatient Bills fans are the only ones freaking out.
  9. I think Perry did a decent job given the circumstances. I wouldn't want to see him retained though, fresh perspectives and personalities are a must for this team.
  10. If I had to guess I would say that political instability and extreme violence has made for a very risky investment opportunity. This is just a guess based on what I have heard about Haiti. Very sad story with the earthquake and the city of Port Au Prince. Hopefully with assistance many of these buildings can be re-built with superior products. It doesn't make up for the loss of life though.
  11. KC has put together a very familiar coaching staff this offseason. I guess Pioli knows what he wants and makes it happen. Weiss and Crennel will bring alot of experience to that staff. Todd Haley always rubbed me the wrong way but he has worked with Weiss in the past as well. It should be interesting. No link yet, it was just reported on Sportscenter.
  12. It was Delonte West of the Cavaliers that gave Rome that soundbite. With all the stupid things that get repeated ad nauseam around here, I'm not sure why you are being called out for this. Jeezus people relax.
  13. This article doesn't mention it but Pasqualoni held a press conference within minutes of his firing. He stated that at this time he had no interest in Buffalo but would rather build a franchise from the ground up in Madden.
  14. Roger Clemens is admitting to perjury, if he admits to steroids. Not happening in this lifetime.
  15. I think it's a little unrealistic to expect the bills to land all of those FAs and a top-tier coach but I like the general idea. An overhaul of this size would require more than 1 offseason, IMO. The player choices you made are solid. Malcolm Floyd is a player I'd love to see in Buffalo.
  16. I think he has some serious back issues. The kind of issues that could be with him for the duration of his career. Otherwise, I'd be on board. The kid is solid and consistent, when healthy.
  17. Accurate article from Jerry. Lynch is a talented player but he fails as a person.
  18. A couple more to consider, Office Space Bad Santa Coming to America Friday Old School Half Baked Superbad Meet the Parents
  19. I feel the same way. I believe it started with his goofy 50's flat top.
  20. Complaining about the Bills is all I have. If I quit watching the trainwreck at OBD, I'd be forced into evaluating my own life.
  21. Alright, nothing wrong with disagreeing. Just keep in mind that this little city has embraced many players over the years and has overlooked plenty of bad behavior and bad character flaws. Many FAs have commented on how great this fanbase is and how much easier the local media is to deal with than other places.
  22. You aren't the only one to have lived in a "big city". Marshawn would be having this problem anywhere. Do you really think that Marshawn Lynch being accused of theft wouldn't be reported in a "big city"? For Christ's sake it's already being picked up on a few national outlets. Believe me FAs aren't worried about Buffalo's media scrutiny or hatred from fans.
  23. I don't agree with this at all. Bills players have plenty of unreported incidents and probably rightfully so. Marshawn has no one to blame but himself. He has brought the attention to himself with his past mistakes. He would be getting it just as bad, if not worse in a larger market. People need to stop being embarrassed by their own perceptions of Buffalo. According to some on this thread, it is a racist city that has nothing better to do than attack it's star athletes. This is just not the case. The city embraces it's stars as family until someone repeatedly shows they can't respect others.
  24. It's not subjective, it's just completely false. NFC North? Yeah if you overlook Chicago and Detroit.
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