Sorry to hear that Frogger. It's part of the rollercoaster of life I guess. Some things that have helped me snap out of life's lows in the past are:
1. Activity. Workout, play sports, play music, or whatever you are into. If you don't have a physical hobby, find one. Exercise will heal the mind faster than any pill or drug. If you are already into a physical activity, dial it up a notch. Go on a diet, if you need to. These new goals will keep you focused, feeling better, and confident. It always works, if you push yourself.
2. Hang with friends and be social. Don't worry about having to go out and meet women, it will happen on its own. Do things with others and have a good time.
3.Move out of your place. The search will give you something to do and it could lift your spirits. Take the move serious too. Your home is important, be picky.
4. Understand that your job is not everything and you can't worry about the unknown. Don't sell yourself short either. If you give a full effort and can think on your feet, you are ahead of most. People like that are always a commodity there or somewhere else.