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Everything posted by PushthePile

  1. All good choices in the first two posts. I'll add.... Bob Marley Paul Simon Elton John/Bernie Taupin Bruce Springsteen George Harrison Billy Joel Prince Stevie Wonder
  2. Fitz has 23 NFL starts and Edwards has 30 NFL starts. Plenty of time to see what they have to offer. I think both of these players are backups at best. Can anyone here really see either one of these guys playing consistent enough to make the playoffs? IMO, it could never happen. Bills fans can find any excuse they want but all of our QBs are junk. No QB on the roster has ever shown great promise at the NFL level. Watch talented young QBs playing on other NFL teams and you will see what I'm talking about. We get all giddy when a guy shows up and stinks a little bit less than the last. Losman, TE, Fitz, Collins, Johnson, and Holcomb are all the same person.
  3. The key to ceilings is not letting any part of it dry completely while you are painting. By this I mean, cut the whole thing out first, then roll from one end to the other in sections. You don't want to go to far ahead of yourself, so roll in moderate rolls accross the most narrow area and back track as you go. This way a painted surface never sits long enough to dry. On second coats, roll the opposite direction as the first coat. It will give you better results. Spraying is only worthwhile when you don't have to mask off an entire room. It's alot of work to cover floors, windows, doors, fans, lights, and anything else. It's also expensive to buy plastic and tape. I only spray new homes with nothing in them. If you are painting the walls in the room, always paint the ceiling first. It's easier to cut a line on a wall than it is to cut a ceiling. So if you paint the ceiling first you can hit the wall without any worry. I actually use the little whizz rollers (3 inchers) to cut the ceilings. You can just roll them along the wall if you are going to paint the wall later. A light or fan would be the only thing you would need to cut with a brush in this case. Hope these help. It's a painful job for alot of home owners so ask away, if you have more. For the sunlight, I close blinds and even turn lights out sometimes. It makes it alot easier to see where you have painted. Some products have ceiling paint that goes on a different color and dries white. I've seen pink to white and grey to white. That masterhide Sherwin Williams product goes on a light grey and dries white. If it's nightime, use a work lamp but don't have it shine directly at the ceiling. Moderate/indirect light is best.
  4. Great video. That's a feeling we all deserve.
  5. One poster mentioned that flat paints shouldn't flash but the problem is that not all flats are flat. For example, Sherwin Williams Promar-200 or 400 flat has a slight sheen to it. It dries between an eggshell and flat. This is where you can get flashing. In order to prevent flashing, you need to use a true flat. Sherwin Williams sells a cheap flat paint called masterhide flat, you could paint it with a broom and not get flashing. Save yourself the effort and get the masterhide. Some of the other ceiling products are very difficult to keep from flashing, even the quality ones. I run my own painting company and will gladly answer anyone's questions. Some of the help at the stores can be a little lacking in knowledge and you can find yourself making mistakes.
  6. IMO, you can get great wings at quite a few places around WNY. If you want something unique and outstanding, go to Country Sweet in Rochester.
  7. Even with gigantic money at stake?
  8. Right, third stringer from another team. Just like the guy you want.
  9. It could be. I haven't judged Hardy in an overly aggressive manner though. I haven't called him names or said anything more deragatory than he has character issues. We all have issues of some sort, his just might get in the way of doing his job.
  10. It's not like I just made it up. I suppose you have inside information that contradicts the reports of scouts and police reports. If so I'll gladly admit to having no idea.
  11. Aaron Maybin has been a 3-4 OLB prospect since he was in college. You're right that all DEs aren't suited to be OLB but it's Maybin's best chance to have an impact. Nice idiots crack too, seemed appropriate.
  12. His limited football abilities are what caused his rookie regression. Past behavior problems and rumored work ethic issues are what have been reported in the past. It's not hard to imagine that these issues could derail a promising career, let alone a guy who needs to already make up alot of ground. You and I don't have a clue if the issues remain or if he has resolved them. The bottom line is, they were there not all that long ago and he hasn't produced a thing yet. If you think we as fans are going to hear anything but glowing remarks from the Bills organization, then you don't follow pro sports close enough. Watching him on the field would suggest he doesn't fully get it. As many others have pointed out, he doesn't always seem to give top effort when fighting for balls and at times has looked like he doesn't know what route he's running. The reasoning is based on past insight from people in the know and present performance. The sources aren't limited either. You can't find many pre-draft evaluations that don't mention his character concerns. Some are more severe than others but it's all there if you look.
  13. Right, because NFL teams often bag on their own players. Look, neither you or I know the guy but he has a history of making questionable decisions. If you want to pretend they don't exist, that's cool. I'm not reporting anything new here. Maybe you need to narrow your search. Try James Hardy and gun, battery, infant, and Lynch's car. What's with May 2008? Is all information prior to that void in your world?
  14. Nah you can do your own research. Here's a hint, google Hardy and character concerns.
  15. Same here. Actually I've had ankle sprains so bad that the black and blue went all around the foot and up the calve. I sprained my ankle in the military first and it has never been the same. They had to cut the boot off, to look at it. I don't play basketball anymore and i don't feel comfortable dropping down from a certain height. The ankle is full of scar tissue and has zero mobility. In short severe ankle sprains are the worst.
  16. Link? He lost serious playing time his rookie season and was bypassed by Johnson on the depth chart. His work ethic and behavior issues have been reported all the way back to when he was drafted.
  17. Agreed. A team full of projects and potential, is a team that always drafts high. Let someone else nurture and develop the James Hardys of the league. In the end, if we are lucky, he took up a roster spot for three years and develops into a mediocre WR. That's if we're lucky. Otherwise he contributes nothing to special teams and is declared a complete bust.
  18. Shawn Nelson- I think the kid has alot of talent. He made a few rookie mistakes but that is to be expected. Nelson is big, strong, fluid, fast, and aggressive. Next year Nelson and Schouman could be a solid TE combination. James Hardy- He is slower than his timed speed and has not looked athletic on the field. While Nelson seemed to improve as his season went on, Hardy regressed during his rookie season. Work ethic problems, behavior problems, and a missed season due to injury, lead me to believe he is not going to have a long NFL career.
  19. It's not just the stats either. Thigpen is far more aware of what's going on around him, then Trentative. Edwards has no ability to feel pressure and get rid of the ball. Thigpen is not the next coming of Peyton Manning but he has showed the potential to be pretty good.
  20. A team's long term identity is based on the city's identity, not the players. Obviously, a team's success has alot to do with what kind of perception they have. The fact is that each team is different because it's composed of different individuals. The Bills don't year in and year out fit any kind of mold that fans envision. Just like the Miami Hurricanes and Dallas Cowboys aren't always filled with criminals. Notre Dame isn't always made up of choir boys and the Steelers don't always run the ball. The 90s Bills were anything but "blue collar". They showed off, talked trash, fought with eachother, got into lots of trouble, played undisciplined at times, and lets face it had some real jerks on the team. Guess what? It didn't matter, Buffalo loved them. I don't mean to burst your bubble but Bills fans like to think of their teams as blue collar. The truth is, fans identify with BUFFALO not the Bills. As fans we hope they represent us in a positive light.
  21. What constitutes behaving in a blue-collar manner anyway? Whatever definition you believe to be the case, it is surely not on the minds of the players. This blue-collar stuff has everything to do with how fans percieve themselves and nothing to do with the actual players. The Bills and Steelers are made up of the same types of people you find on every NFL team. Good or bad, these players follow their own path.
  22. I don't want Vick either but this notion that Bills players are more blue collar than other teams, is false.
  23. Hopefully he takes you up Hammered. However limited we know eachother, I think it's safe to say you would do a good job or reference somebody else that would. The big orange dumpster is just awful though. Being in Rochester, I can only speak of what i know about the stores out here.
  24. +100000000000 Take it from a contractor and a former Home Depot employee! It's literally rolling the dice with your home and money. They are the worst option, IMO.
  25. "When you are talking smack you should always be ready to get smacked"? By your profound wisdom, who made a mistake? Seriously, if this is the way you feel, you've got alot of growing up to do. LaGarrette Blount is not a victim of anything more than his own stupidity. As far as I know he hasn't been involved in any other situations. If the Bills like him as a player, I'd be all for them drafting him. This incident is forgivable but shouldn't be condoned by you or anyone. In regards to Bill Romanowski, you're full of crap. Romanowski has a horrible reputation as a player and his spitting incident is likely to be the first memory for alot of people when his name comes up. I forgot Sean Taylor even spit on another player. His lasting memory is more in the hero light, to many fans. The analogy of the two couldn't be farther off.
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