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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. The military's purpose is to break things and kill people.
  2. May these 4 rot in hell.
  3. In seem to remember (~50 year old memory) that Cassidy's was on the East Side of the Elmwood strip. One of if not the first bar on that side. Don't know what the cross street there is. Almost across from No Name
  4. If you have any CKD, D0 NOT take anything except acetaminophen (tylenol). I had worsening CKD for 10 years before needing a transplant and my nephrologist told me that from the beginning. The transplant center reinforced that before they released me.
  5. That is at 4 in the morning with no traffic. Stay at the airport. You are going to miss at least the first quarter with unloading, walking to baggage and getting your bags. There are plenty of bars in SFO and the Bills game is the only one on. There are 5 concourses there. There's no blue law in CA. When I lived there, we started drinking at kickoff.
  6. I took Thera Flu. Didn't get any better sooner but it knocks you out at night so you can sleep.
  7. Biden's threat was "Don't"
  8. I am celebrating today. No, I did mot suddenly become a liberal. I am celebrating what would be my dad's 95th birthday.
  9. Denver is up 31-0. CBS switched to the SD game.
  10. #1 evidence of the thread title: Most of the choices that Biden gave nedaks to this week
  11. I was hoping that in that video he would set the truck on fire.
  12. About 40 years ago,I TA'd a lab in general anatomy. The students were all prospective PT majors and had to take the course and lab to apply for the major. I had to teach cat dissection to them. I would go in on Saturday afternoon and do that weeks dissection myself. One day I had to look at the lab manual to be sure I got the correct muscle when a student asked me what its was. They then said why did I have to look it up. I said I have to waste my Saturdays teaching myself this. A few students got squeamish when we had to pith a frog or start the dissection of the cat. I told them "Get used to this, next year you have to dissect a real human body". After a quiz once, I was cleaning up the lab and found the answers to the quiz written down in peace on the black lab top. Had to wipe down the benches before and after every quiz. Did have a little fun. There was a skeleton in a box that we had to use when we were talking about the skeleton. Found a shirt and put it on it. Got a Burger King crown and also put it on it and rolled printer paper to make an enormous joint. Would have the box at the front of the class and wheel out the skeleton. I felt old when I did PT after my transplant this Feb. I realized that the students I TA'd were probably their bosses or had retired recently.
  13. Medal of Freedom- now included in every box of Cracker Jack.
  14. Looking out the window.😁 Seriously, if lightning hits really close, I am jumpy. Back in 1963, we had lightning hit a tree on the property next door (was a vacant lot then). Then sometime in the 70's it hit a bigger tree on our property about 50 ft away from the 60s strike,. It was adjacent to our detached garage Was old and falling apart. The charge jumped to the wires on the garage and tripped the breakers in the house. No damage but I happened to be facing the draped window and saw a huge orange and white flash and a tremendous rumble. Thought a nuke had gone off.
  15. While I was in the ICUI was so pumped up with antibiotics and painkiller that one day, I soiled myself 9 times. I still had enouf\gh humility that I was apologizing profusely to the nurses. The dialysis I had during kidney's "wake up" period (2 weeks) was a breeze. But what was a real b was recovering from the incision. 35 staples. Healed in about 2.5 months. Then the director anted to see if it healed ok. She says there was fluid under age skin (none Around the new kidney). Gets the scalpel out and drains it. 5 weels of a wound vac on it for 24/7 and several more weeks of visiting nurses changing the dressing 3x/week. Taking my vitals morning and night is a snap as well as taking the 26 pills a day. Just can never have grapefruit or pomegranate ever again. They inactivate the anti-rejection meds.
  16. If you saw me before July, I had one. I still carry one on me and in the car especially during the cold and flu season.
  17. I used to get the flu bad about every 3 years (usually when the flu the changed), as in loosing 10 lbs in a week or so. Then started getting the flu shot yearly. Not had it since. While in the ICU after my transplant, I caught parainfluenza which is a cousin of the "normal" flu bug. Normally, the ICU is a day or so, but my O2 level was in the 80% range and I had to stay there until it was in the 90s (a week). Plus I was pumped full of innunosupressants so that the new kidney wouldn't be rejected. I am on them the rest of my life but in August (6 mos) I was cleared to get vaccines. I got the shingrix(chicken pox/shingles) and pmeumonia shots in 2023 before the transplant. In November I got the Flu and COVID shots and went for the RSV shot the week before christmas. I explainedtp the pharmacist that I am immunocompromised and over 65. But they said since I don't have asthma or COPD, they weren't giving ne the RSV shot. I will ask the transplant center about that when I go for a checkup in February.
  18. I wore my Bills Mafia t-shirt to the SF area when I visited friends in 2022. They were asking me what it meant. I said being a bills fan is like joining the Mafia.Once you join you can never quit.
  19. He reportedly made 5 videos while he was driving to NO expousing his plans and supply for ISIS. But no, it's not terrorism
  20. A massive crowd? Set the massive crowd of last night on them.
  21. Jan 20 can't come soon enough.
  22. You are right. It is young drunk and stupid. Old age is a B*tch.
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