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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. We'll be seeing about as much of this press secretary as we saw of Biden considering the questioning Trump took in the last 4 days.
  2. The back of the plane.the way they got on.
  3. I was at that game. Sat up above the Dog Pound in the opposite end zone.
  4. Go to Denny's to sober up. Oh wait, they aren't open 24 hrs anymore like yhry were 45-50 years ago when I worked there.
  5. Probably anything recorded after 1990.
  6. I was in the 2 worst stadiums ever. Candlestick Park and Cleveland Municipal. The "concourses " at Candlestick were maybe 3 people wide. Cleveland Municipal (was the playoff game in 1990) hadbporta potties in the concourse outside the bathrooms and the PA sounded like the announcer spoke through closed hands.
  7. Thanks. I'm healthier than I have been in about a decade. Kidney fxn was slowly going down since I had a stroke 10 years ago. Got the tranplant the day after Valentine's Day last year. 3 more weeks it will be 1 year.Take my vitals 2x/day-all in the normal range Get blood and urine tests monthly. Next checkup is in 3 weeks and then they will be semi-annually. Still have to lose some weight but slowly trending that way. ECMC is a great place. They do about 12 kidney transplants/month.
  8. Quack, lets see you get shot in the ear and see how religious you become. I'm not really religious (lapsed Catholic) but an a lot more now after only waiting a month on the transplant list before getting one I really believe in the afterlife as I got it on my late nephew's birthday. He, and my late parents put in a good word for me.
  9. In the other clips in that link, Lamar looks like a sperm. Think Woody Allen in "Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex".
  10. I was so excited after the game that I stayed uo watching TV. I normally go to bed at midnight-1AM but by time I felt sleepy, it as 3 AM! Just woke up at 10. I take my vitals every morning when I wake up. Today the pulse was right at 60 and the BP was right about 120/70 -totally calm.
  11. Better than Tuesday and Wednesday Highs about 15 and lows -2. Wind chill may be -15 or so.
  12. I was 10 yeats ahead of you. Amherst campus opened my sophomore year. Deifendorf Hall was about 500 seats. Had an anthropology and psychology class there. Bio 101 in Caoen hall was just as big, The classrooms in Achesom Hall (Gen and Organic Chem) were also just as big.
  13. William Fichtner graduated from Maryvale in '74 and lived in the Nagel Drive Area of Cheektowaga. Christine Baranski went to Villa Maria HS. She may have lived in the Pine Ridge area of Cheektowaga. A classmate of mine said her older sister was her friend and classmate and Christine Baranski was at their house all the time.
  14. The Buffalo subway is safe.
  15. After today's 45 minutes of total BS from him, this thread has reached 4 years!!!!!1!
  16. Looked to me like Dion wads protecting the ball. He was the only one in front of Josh.
  17. In 30 years I will bet very,very likely dead . I'm almost 68 now.
  18. Was that Stingly for the Texans jay got the int related to Daryl Stingley?
  19. Just heard the LA mayor canned the fire chief about 5 today.
  20. Gruesome Newsom showing his true colors. All doublespeak BS. Look up Newsom from years ago on Adam Carrola podcast.
  21. The air consdtioner was invented by William Carrier while he worked at Buffalo Forge. He's buried in Forest lawn.
  22. Remember that Mr. Snob has been putting us peons down for a while.
  23. Even the Beverly Hillbillies' log cabin would be >1 mil nowadays anywhere in CA. There was a 800 soft dilapidated house in San Jose with the roof collapsing 25 yeats ago that was going for 750K. The land was worth ore than that.
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