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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. When a team scores have the Aussie refs in their suits and hats point to the end zone like they do in Aussie Rules Football.
  2. Where do you live ? That price was at the Delta Sonic at Waden and Union in Cheektowaga. Like I said, the same price as Christmas week. Just filled up on Sunday.
  3. It's still $2.98/gal at Delta Sonic. Same as it was on 1/1/25
  4. Sing this to Quack: Carry on my wayward son There'll be peace when you are done Lay your weary head to rest Don't you cry no more
  5. Took a guy in a scooter to stand up to them. Bunch of Swedish pu**es
  6. Same as here, mass influx of illegals. In their case it was Arabs.
  7. Loblaws in the US was supplied by thePeter J. Schmitt warehouse. They switched to Bells. That eventually got bought by Ahold, a European Co. I know because my dad worked in their warehouse for close to 30 years and my uncle, his B -I-L, worked for Loblaws.
  8. The last black dwarf I saw was the one in "Bad Santa". The FAA has been short of controllers for years. They have turned down many qualified white candidates because they couldn't reach their quota of minority applicants. That MIGHT have some bearing on the understaffed DCA tower.
  9. Hey Quack, how much free stuff did you get from Big Pharma?
  10. You do have to include it in the things to consider. The NTSB looks at EVERYTHING. They will pour over every square inch od the help ad the plane. They will look into the history of all pilots and examine all the recordings and paperwork from the tower.
  11. She DID screw it up. Trump authorized them the day before but they had to be mobilized by Nan. Her stupid kid even has it on video.
  12. He should put plaques in various rooms saying "Paid for by__________" with the names of the companies that had to pay in the lawsuits.
  13. Seems to me Gator/Tibby/TiMF is the one who is drunk. Probably hasn't been sober since 11/5.
  14. Mostly humor, but I loved The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series.
  15. Was up at 3:30 to use the bathroom and checked the news. 12+ bodies recovered. Next press conf at 7:30 AM.
  16. Crash at about 8:30 between an American flight landing and a helicopter at Regan Ntl. Plane said to have ~60 on board and copter was either a Blackhawk or a DC police copter. Video from a webcam at the Kennedy Center caught it.Live feeds can be found on the webs.Believe it is the first commercial crash since the one in Clarence Update:Copter was a military copter.
  17. Christmas 2023 as almost 70. It was 70 one day this past December. This whole month was 30 or below except for yesterday and today. Got some icicles about 2v feet long.
  18. Young, smart and good looking! 👍👍👍
  19. Which AI did you use? The new CCP one? Remember, that one logs your keystrokes.
  20. They had us finishing behind the Jets and the Dolphins The only game we lost by more than a TD was the Ravens game and we beat them in the playoffs. Not what we wanted, but a pretty good year. Better than everyone except KC and Philly. Philly has the best defense in the league They are going to cream KC.
  21. My new sister-in-aw was swearing up a storm last night, but I remained calm.Took my vitals at about 11 PM and this AM as I always do. Both times they were normal. There are more important things to worry about like your and loved ones health, although my pulse was probably close to 90 during the game,
  22. Cheektowaga. Watching at my brother's. For food we are having the leftovers from his wedding on Friday. Pizza, wings, stuffed peppers, and subs. Also some spumonti for the celebration. His wife is a bigger fan than he is.
  23. I was anxious when I got put on the transplant list, but a calm came over me when they called me to tell me that one was available. Had to calm my sister down as she drove me to the hospital.
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