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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. Why don't you watch something else like the Food Channel.
  2. It was an absolutely sh*tty call by the ref.
  3. He's Greg Papa. He went to Syracuse and his brother Gary was on TV in Buffalo at one time.
  4. My friend got married during the Sabr-Toronto series in 1999. Some of his cousins were from Toronto. The band kept giving updates on the score all evening.
  5. All it takes is watching a little TV. After the Roman Circus in Denver they shouted Obama, but after the convention in Minneapolis, they shouting was USA.
  6. Happy B-day Mark! Will congratulate you in person in a few weeks.
  7. And I bet none of them are big fundraisers for McCain either. Jodie Evans (who was arrested in the RNC convention and is the co-founder of Code Pink) has bundled contributions for the Messiah and was at the $30 K a plate and Babs concert for him the other night in Hollywood. I've noticed how when the Messiah's fans chant, they chant his name, but when McCain/ Palin is cheered for, they shout USA.
  8. And the emoticon, as we have them on this site (the smiley face) date to the early 70s. That guy didn't trademark it either.
  9. They found out who did it. It was a student at the U of Tennessee. He is the 20 year old son of a Democrat state legislator. As someone said on a politics board I frequent, "He sure does have a purdy mouth"
  10. Yes, there is. The reporter or Obama flunkies doing it is a FELONY. The govt doing it is anti-terrorism.
  11. That was the season where we started using the no-huddle. A Raiders linebacker looks over to the bench on the first series and say "What do I do?" He called a timeout on the first series of the game! When Kelly fumbled the snap, got it back and hit Lofton in the end zone I knew we were seeing something special.
  12. He got injured in college because Stanford sucked.
  13. The Buffalo News said a woman from Lacawana was killed. I couldn't tell if she was a US citizen, but it did say she lived in Lacawana.
  14. WTF is your avatar? It looks as gay as the Raiders.
  15. Ah, Richmond. The murder capital of the Bay area. A city so bad that they moved all the city offices out of downtown. I did a job in the "good" part of the city a few weeks ago and the apartment complex I was at had security guards patrolling in the afternoon. I made sure I was done by 5 PM.
  16. Bills win 51-3, Davis fires Kiffin at the stadium, and makes him buy a Southwest ticket home.
  17. He wears those "sweet jump suits" because he can get them on over his Depends.
  18. Poor attempt at trolling. The Raiders had a good coach in Gruden. Someone I worked lived in the same neighborhood as him and their kids were on the same Little League team. He told them he left because of Al Davis' meddling. He gets ART Shell(???) after one of the numerous firings since. Our stadium is a dump? I have been to three Faiders games and numerous A's games in Oakland. It is a late 60s stadium with Mt. Davis hideously grafted on when he moved them back. They should move to suburban Fremont with the A's. They can't sell out the stadium (about 55K) unless it is a Monday night or they play KC. We have about as many season tickets as the Faiders have seats. A Raiders fan was bragging when he said they line up on Saturday afternoon to get in the lots. I shut him up when I told him the RV lot at the Ralph opens on Thursday. Commitment to Excellence? More like Commitment to Excrement! I thought of that again when I passed the stadium on the BART yesterday. I actually listen to the games on the radio on the way home from the bar after the Bills game. When the Faiders actually do something good, the announcer (a Buffalo native by the way) has a tone in his voice that on the next play, they will find a way to F up. All those scary Black Hole nuts- all poseurs. A local station had a bit about them. Mostly lawyers, MBAs and architects, etc. Bunch of pansies in real life. At the last Bills-Raiders game in Oakland, we had no problems with Raiders fans- none in our whole section. The upper deck was about 1/3 full.
  19. Kucinich, he's a Keebler elf.
  20. Palin looks better. Palin did see the visual part of the bit (she had the sound down) and said Fey looked like her. She said she went to a Halloween party as Tina Fey.
  21. Well, Flashy now is racist term.
  22. Travis Henry against Miami. The game before we beat Jacksonville by 3 points I think.
  23. People forgot what happened last time we were 2-0 and tried a halfback option play in the third game.
  24. Yipppie -er - ah- ah- um Ki -um Ya
  25. Except for the high temp, it's the forecast for Oakland for Friday. It's supposed to be about 65 for the high there. It will not be a factor.
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