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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. I used to watch Letterman until he injected his politics on the show. I haven't watched him in several years. him. He's a bitter old man now.
  2. you. Ask any sailor. They have seen the film during training and you are an idiot.
  3. It has been discussed above. There is no there there. I have seen the news. It is about Obama, Dodd, and Frank and their ties to Freddie/ Fannie over the years.
  4. pBills picture must be a self portrait. It's so obvious that the left here is totally ignoring Dodd's and Obama's massive amounts of contributions from Freddie/ Fannie. Obama is #2 on the list in only 2 years! It took Dodd 10 years to get to #1. Barney Frank is in the top five and his one time "spouse" (Herb Moses), whom he is still on friendly terms with, was an exec at Fannie May. Dodd and he have blocked reforms that would have increased oversight. Why aren't the libs talking about them????
  5. In the SF Bay area, BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) ridership is at an all time high and since the economic slowdown, traffic has gotten lighter. This is helping to drive the prices lower. I went past the MacAfee Colesium in Oakland two hours before the MNF game vs Denver (the highway is immediately next to the lots). and it was no different than any rush hour I have gone through that stretch. There's one stretch nearer to my home that is the second worst in the area. Three lanes of traffic packed at <30 mph, for about 10-12 miles. In the morning it is packed from Tracy, CA to Livermore, CA. Thank god I always go the opposite way. There is basically no other way for 15 miles to the north and about 40 miles to the south except for twisty two lane roads.
  6. Why don't you dems talk about Obama being #2 on the contributions list from Fannie and Freddie. He got that high in three years while most of the others had 10 years to take contributions. Thing is this is a dem caused problem. If there was a Republican they could pin this on, they would have the guy sitting in the electric chair already. Dodd and Frank are in up to their eyeballs and should immediately be stripped of their chairmanships, if not booted out of Congress. Obama's statement fits right in with his total political career-Don't stand for anything.
  7. What about Barney Frank,who was instrumental in blocking reforms, was the "spouse" of one of the officers of Fannie Mae.
  8. The Messiah's reply to going to DC- "Call me if you need me".
  9. WE"RE DOOOOOMED!!!!!!!! /sarc
  10. September 30, 1990 and October 8 (Monday Night), 1990.
  11. Gas went down four more cents tday.
  12. Here in the SF Bay area, they are figuring he is waiting until the bye week. Then the new coach has 2 weeks to get ready. I think they play SD next week, then the bye.
  13. Just by you/ I guess. I'm in Cali- gas went down 2 more cents this weekend to $3.67.
  14. My thing with Clinton was that he did it in the Oval Office. Take her upstairs to the private quarters or someplace else- that's his business. What he did was at work. If you or i got caught doing tha-we'd be fired. On top of that Clinton was the most corrupt president we ever had, even worse that Warren G Harding.
  15. I think the ref may have thrown the flag for taunting for something Higgins said, as he was close enough to hear.
  16. I was listening to the Raiders post-game. The announcers where asking how the F could Oakland have lost the game. The callers were all asking why Kiffin didn't stop the clock aqnd calling for his firing.
  17. Does Kifin get fired at the Ralph and pay his way home, or at the Oakland Airport?
  18. Remember, Norwood and Christie won games for us during the SB years.
  19. Why? he alost knocked it down. It was the secondary's fault.
  20. How the F was he thinking he could argue that with the refs?
  21. Dockey's hand slip out but he had them held out and not wrapped around the Raider. Compare that to the numerous times against Seattle when the SeaHags were hugging the Bills around the waist.
  22. The interference happened before the tip and it was on another player not against Evans (?)
  23. We were moving the ball but were losing by 6 with 4 minutes left?
  24. We got more than a quarter left. We scoresd 10 last week.
  25. How the F was that interference on Evans. F'n refs.
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