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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. Biden has been a liar and plagerizer since the days he stole Neil Kinnoch's (sp?) speech.
  2. Biden repeatedly over the years, including this one, has stated that a drunk driver killed his wife and several kids in a car accident in 1972. The police said that the driver that struck the car was NOT drunk and had not had any alcohol. It appears his wife who had a stop sign, had stopped and then pulled into the intersection without looking. The other driver did not have a stop sign. He died in 1999 and his family still are pained when Biden smears him to this day. 1972 crash still haunts driver's family
  3. His 67% goes to his wife when he dies.
  4. Because he'll fire them too.
  5. She probably got one of those mortgages that Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae took over.
  6. I think a lot of his ignoring reforms was that his "spouse" (his words) in the 90s was an officer in Freddie or Fannie. They are still on good terms today. This is not the guy that ran the prostitution ring out of Frank's brownstone.
  7. The main person involved in this ishe of frickin NBC. This is no "grass roots" nine year old's idea.
  8. Al's blathering on the air right now.
  9. There is a big anti-science movement in Europe with all the Frankenfood scare. Meanwhile they all smoke like chimneys.
  10. Same old horse sh--. His first wife is not dead, and in an interview, she said it was her idea to bring the papers to the hospital room so she could sign them. They were getting divorced before she got sickand she said that as long as he was bringing the kids to the hospital for a visit, that he should bring the papers for her to sign. This is from her mouth.
  11. It because the banks in Nevada, California and else where were giving loans for new houses to people who could only afford 10K houses on Sycamore in Buffalo.The highest% of foreclosures is around Stockton, CA. They were giving loans to the illegals working in the fields for cripes sake!
  12. I'm surprised they beat out the SF Bay area, where there always is an accident any time of day or night.
  13. Well, Barak and I both smoked crack back in 2000 when I ran into him in Chicago. About as much proof as the statement of the teacher with the liberal blog has.
  14. We have them surrounded and can't do anything unless the Ukraine asks us to.
  15. She hasn't said that. Show me a clip. Biden is so stupid, he keeps making gaffes like that. He was at a fundraiser and asked someone to stand up, then realized the guy is in a wheelchair. It may be that he is that stupid or that he has been affected by the two anuryisms (sp?) he has been operated on for.
  16. I'm rewording my question from last week that didn't get answered then. If it was so good a plan , why didn't it pass with just the dem votes???? The dems can pass any legislation (excepty treaty ratifications in the Senate and veto overrides) without any republicans voting at all.
  17. More liberal BS, just like all the other stuff they tried to smear her with. The US media is about 95% for Obama. Ask them if they have heard Biden's latest gaffe. He said that when the stock market crashed in 1929 and people were losing houses, FDR went on television and talked to the US. FDR became President in 1932 and TV wasn't invented in 1929 . Biden has been in congress since Palin was in 2nd grade.
  18. It was about 80% of the front page of the sports section this AM. The rest of the page was about the bad A's and Giants seasons. If they went with it that much, I lay good odds it is a done deal. Of course in Buffalo, It would be on the front page of the whole paper. Remember, it is still ~8:30 AM here. Davis probably isn't up yet.
  19. I posted as soon as I saw the morning paper. Here is the link: http://www.contracostatimes.com/sports
  20. It's mostly Al can do no wrong, but there is a growing group saying that he should step down as GM and /or sell the team.
  21. The local paper (Contra Costa Times) says that Davis is firing Kiffin this AM and is already interviewing the assistants coaches for his replacement. One of the candidates is James Lofton.
  22. They put the current logo on the Steeler throwback helmets. Previous years, there was no logo.
  23. People should go to jail, including some congressmen for gross incompetence. Reforms were suggested in the past and people like Dodd and Frank said nothing was wrong. Both of them and others should be frog marched to prison.
  24. Hell here the comcast menu shows TBA for stuff > 24 hours from now.
  25. Facts is Facts. We are only one of two teams at 4-0 and we have a two game lead in our division. There are only 4 undefeated teams in the league.
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