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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. What happens in Vegas STAYS in Vegas, for life!
  2. OJ being cuffed and led off to the cells.
  3. It's still 10/3 here in Cali- 13 years to the day of the other verdict.
  4. Guilty, Guilty, Guilty Armed robbery and kidnapping! 15-life!
  5. By the way, where is AC right now?
  6. Just waiting for OJ to show up at the courtroom. White Bronco time again???
  7. I saw him twice in the early 80s- once at UB and once in Toronto. Excellent guitarist.
  8. Truckin'...Up to Buffalo.....
  9. Thank you for all the love! You wouldn't write about me unless you cared. Come out of the closet Tom, admit you are a Conservative!
  10. Could have gotten drunker if you drank every time Biden outright lied. I've seen lists (with specific examples)where it said he lied 14 times.
  11. You were smart enough to have the wedding during the bye week.
  12. Why am I a moron when i just stated facts?
  13. They had him singing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame " a while back.
  14. Thanks for giving away our game plan you transvestite!
  15. How old is the Croc Hunter's son now?
  16. Good to keep an eye out. Locally an off duty cop was waiting in his car for his wife at the mall in his car and saw a few people eying cars. Called it in and they busted a couple of people with a trunk full of stolen car radios and a couple of guns under the seats.
  17. If you would do ,more than regurgitate dem talking points and read a bit it is: Pres VP Speaker of the House (Pelosi) President Pro-tempore of the Senate (Robert KKK Byrd) and then the members of the Cabinet in the order the seats were added. If a Cabinet member was born outside of the US (as the Secretaries of Commerce and Labor were), they are ineligible. That is why at the State of the Union Speech, one cabinet member is absent and outside of the DC area. If someone wiped out the Capitol, that person would be President.
  18. How much do you want to bet that most of these were added by the majority party?
  19. If a Republican does anything wrong or anything that a dem PERCEIVES as wrong, even made up stories, kill them! If it is a dem, oh, that's not bad, and anyways, everbody else does it too. Why is the dinosaur media dying? Its because of them being in the tank for one side over another. In the local media, two years ago, we had the only republican in the house in the bay area. All the paper had was front page articles putting him down, If there was any news about his opponent, who won, it was on page 14. I had to find on the internet that the opponent, who claimed to run 4 businesses had bankrupted two and a third was just a phone line at his house.
  20. Politico, a site that had an article on a psychic today is not a reliable source.
  21. It was the major teaching lab at UB and back in the 70s there was a switch to turn on all the hood ventilation systems in the lab. They didn't trust the undergrads to turn them on by themselves. And thinking back, it may have been the Chem 101 course. This was over 30 years ago.
  22. It does give you a headache. In organic chem, we had an experiment using benzene. The TA forgot to turn on the fume hood exhausts for most of the class. Most of us had a splitting headache the rest of the day. The next week they said it was a carcinogen and the experiment was dropped from the class the next semester.
  23. I love the line in an article about the helicopter. Kerry joked, "We were going to send Biden out to fight the Taliban with snowballs, but we didn't have to do it…Other than getting a little cold, it was fine." Maybe Biden thought Osama was hiding on Hoth.
  24. Well, it's already known that PCs cause brain damage!
  25. Searchers found Steve Fossett's plane about 1/4 mile from where they found his pilots license and money the other day. They said the crash wasn't survivable. They haven't found his body yet. There are numerous bears in the area. We are to get rain today in the SF Bay area and they expect a foot of snpw in the Sierras.
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